Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Access Fixtures to Debut LED Landscape Lighting at NECA 2014

Access Fixtures is headed to NECA 2014 Chicago and will debut its newest vandal-resistant LED Landscape lighting luminaires. These luminaires were designed with property owners in mind to reduce maintenance on landscape fixtures. Access Fixtures vandal-resistant LED panel lighting fixture do not have a glass lens, leaving almost nothing that can break from rocks, lawnmowers, or vandalism. Available in traditional styles as well as more modern styles, these fixtures are great for lighting signs, buildings and large landscaped areas.

"We are pleased to be able to provide a new energy-efficient product that can withstand hits from various objects," said Access Fixtures CEO, Steven Rothschild. He continued, "Having to repeatedly replace glass lenses and broken lamps can become costly, and even a temporarily broken lens can cause damage to the components of a fixture. These vandal-resistant landscape lights provide a solution to this problem. "

The LED landscape lighting line by Access Fixtures features LG LED modules that are mounted to the outside of the housing and are built to last. With a CRI of 80+ and four available Kelvin temperatures, these modules are the ideal way to incorporate energy-efficient LED lighting into landscapes with the appropriate warm or cool white light. LG led street light supplier modules are rated to last 50,000 hours and have an ingress protection rating of 67, making them perfect for use outdoors while not being installed behind a lens. The housing of the fixtures is constructed of heavy-duty cast aluminum to withstand the elements and collisions with mowers or pedestrians.

Lighting controls included in ASHRAE/IES proposal to add verification to energy standard

"Uncontrolled air leakage has long been an unquantified variable in load calculations for buildings large and small," said Chris Mathis, a member of the 90.1 Committee who helped to develop the proposal. "It has also been identified as the 'weak link' in many otherwise well insulated building enclosures. These newly proposed envelope testing, inspection and verification procedures are intended to not only help deliver better performing building envelopes, but also should help reduce errors associated with envelope air leakage in equipment sizing calculations. "

Addendum l is one of 14 proposed addenda to 90.1-2013, currently open for public comment. To learn more or to comment, visit

"The addendum addresses several items of timely and critical importance to users," Mathis said. "First, it seeks to clarify several inspection and performance verification items that have long been requirements of the standard, with the goal of improving delivered performance and code compliance . Secondly, the proposed addendum includes new language addressing important building envelope inspection and verification requirements, especially as they relate to controlling air leakage. The led street lighting Manufacturer provides for multiple compliance methods including whole building air leakage testing and continuous air barrier inspection and performance verification procedures. "

"Data provided to the Committee showed that the savings of these various approaches to envelope performance verification more than justify the potential increases in first cost," he said. "Additionally, the costs of the verification procedures will go down over time as builders become more familiar with envelope performance testing, inspection and other verification techniques and their construction practices improve due to the important feedback they will provide. "

Other addenda open for public review from Sept. 5 until Oct. 5, 2014 are:
• e relaxes the existing threshold for lighting control alterations while capturing a lot of energy efficiency by requiring more of the control requirements
• f clarifies an exception to the automatic daylight responsive controls requirements for daylight areas under skylights
• j removes an exception to the variable air volume system ventilation optimization when energy recovery ventilation is installed
• k requires envelope assemblies to comply with Appendix A when complying with the Energy Cost Budget Method in Appendix G
• m updates the text in Section 10.4.1 on electric motors to provide information about the required efficiency of small electric motors shown in Tables 10.8-4 and 10.8-5. In addition, small electric motors were not included in the scope of the Energy Independence ad Security Act of 2007, but now have performance requirements and are being added to the standard
• n updates the IEER values ​​for air-cooled variable refrigerant flow air conditioners and heat pumps above 65,000 Btu / h. Depending on the cooling capacity and product classes, the new IEERs are between 15 and 20% better than the values ​​they are replacing. The new IEERs become effective on Jan. 1, 2017
• o clarifies wording regarding duct seal class to avoid misinterpretation that compliance with the text that is struck out could substitute for the seal class requirement
• p updates Cooling Technology Institute Standard 201 in Table 6.8.1-7
• q limits systems that can take advantage of the fan power pressure allowance for fully ducted return and / or exhaust air systems
• r revises Section G3.1.1 Baseline HVAC System Type and Description to confirm the hierarchy for selecting baseline HVAC systems, led street light wholesale what floors to count and specify what building type to use when no one use is predominant
• s adds Exception 2 to to address single duct variable air volume reheat systems with direct digital control
• u adds new requirements for transfer air in exhaust systems.

Also open for public comment from Sept. 5 to Oct. 20, 2014 is addendum bm, which makes the requirements from 90.1-2004 the baseline for modeling when using Appendix G. In addition, it allows Appendix G to be used as a compliance path .

Leading Edge Design Group brings intelligent lighting system to Dartmouth's Leverone Fieldhouse

The previous lighting system at Leverone matched what is typically found in field house facilities -. 1000W metal halide hi bay light fixtures that ran at 100 percent output whenever the space was occupied Keypad stations at each entrance allowed occupants to turn lights on, but the limitations of the metal halide system forced users to wait for the lights to come up to full power. With a connected lighting load of 151.364 kW, the lighting system at Leverone cost Dartmouth $ 68,566.00 to operate last year.

To decrease the facility's energy consumption and improve the functionality of its lighting system, Leading Edge Design Group designed an intelligent, fully automated led high bay light supplier and control system for the field house. Each fixture has integral occupancy sensor and daylight harvesters that communicate wirelessly throughout the lighting system network. The system will reduce the annual energy consumption in Leverone by 482,300 kWh and save Dartmouth more than $ 50,000 per year.

The system will be configured with lighting profiles to accommodate the daily activities in the field house and will be programmed for specified event profiles to optimize light levels based on the requirements of the event. For example, when Leverone hosts track and field events, a single button will instruct the lighting system to increase light levels on the track surface based on NCAA guidelines.

"The new lighting system is completely automated, which allows lights to come on automatically upon motion to prescribed light levels or to be set to a specific lighting profile to accommodate specific functions, activities etc. And the light system has power monitoring capabilities that verify actual energy usage, "said Jay Boucher, Principal at led high bay light for sale." We are pleased to be able to provide Dartmouth with a sustainable solution that is customized to the specific needs of their field house. I applaud their commitment to investing in such cutting edge technology and appreciate their faith in Leading Edge Design Group to provide them with a turnkey solution that best meets their needs. "

Penn State research on color rendering reinforces Soraa's LED claims

Soraa has announced the results of a joint research project with Pennsylvania State University (Penn St) that evaluated human color-rendering preference for solid-state lighting (SSL) sources. Test subjects widely preferred the performance of Soraa LEDs illuminating color and white objects relative to the performance of an 85-CRI source that also delivers a relatively broad spectrum.
Penn State research on color rendering reinforces Soraa's LED claims
The results of the research have been published on the Lighting Research & Technology academic website. The study gathered the preference of test subjects that viewed color and white objects under a Soraa led street light wholesale compared to a more typical LED based on a blue pump. The Soraa LED uses a violet pump and three phosphors, whereas more broadly deployed LEDs use a blue source and a two-phosphor mix. Soraa has consistently claimed an advantage in color- and white-point performance for its technology.
The study compared the perception of colored objects, a white shirt, human skin, and teeth under the two sources. The 48 participants largely preferred the Soraa light sources across the series of experiments.
Soraa is touting the results to make the point that light quality should be considered as important as efficacy in the choice of light sources "There are those who've asked:.? Does color and whiteness rendering really matter Well, it does, and we now have the data to prove it, "said Mike Krames, CTO of Soraa." Because all of our lamps render the entire visible spectrum, white fabrics and paper goods pop, plastics are brilliant, and people's smiles are whiter, and colors are more natural and beautiful. That's good news for consumers and retailers, who want and deserve the enormous economic and environmental benefits of LED lighting, but are unwilling to sacrifice the sales benefits of excellent light quality in return. "
The Penn St research, however, leaves more questions unanswered than it actually answers. There is the question of what premium people will pay for higher quality. Moreover, most anyone would expect a 97-CRI Soraa light source to outperform an 85-CRI source in terms of color or white preference.
What is without question is that there are developments that go beyond characterization by the CRI metric that can influence consumer preference. Soraa was the first LED maker to promote the benefits of a violet emitter and the three-phosphor mix, especially in terms of white performance including those that use optical brightening agents. Now other vendors such as Philips Lumileds and Luminus Devices are experimenting with new LED formulations for better white rendering. And LED module manufacturer Xicato has developed products that eschew high CRI for color rendering of saturated colors that CRI penalizes .
Indeed, the most important takeaway from the Penn St research is neatly summarized in a blog post by Krames, who worked with the Penn St researchers on the study. Krames addressed a recent IES (Illumination Engineering Society) position paper on how color requirements should be used in energy-regulatory programs. Soraa has long been opposed to efficacy requirements that are not set in consideration of the color performance of an led street lighting fixture product.
In the blog post, Krames reopens the argument that CRI is simply an insufficient metric for defining color or white performance, and that the industry needs a new metric. Moreover, he makes the case that the industry needs a dedicated metric to measure the accurate illumination of white objects. We agree on both counts.
Meanwhile, we also look forward to research that compares the Soraa technology and other approaches to optimum color and white-point rendering. Indeed, a study that compared Soraa lamps with the Lumileds CrispWhite technology and Xicato Vibrant, among others, could prove very interesting.

US DOE announced $4 billion in loan funds for energy-efficiency projects

The US Department of Energy (DOE) has announced plans to offer as much as $ 4B (billion) in loan guarantees in support of renewable-energy and energy-efficient projects. The program is not specific to led high bay light for sale, but energy-efficient solid-state lighting (SSL) projects will qualify as one of five categories defined in the program -. specifically in the area of ​​efficiency improvements The initial deliverables in the application process are due October 1.
The DOE Renewable Energy and Efficiency Energy Projects Solicitation is available on the agency's website. The agency has $ 2.5B in loan guarantee authority at the ready with the potential to expand the guarantee authority upwards based on credit subsidy rates.
Much of the program is focused on renewable energy projects. Such projects are increasingly symbiotic with SSL as the efficiency of LED sources makes technologies such as solar more viable. We covered the solar trend in an article that featured presentations made at The Strategies in Light conference this past February.
The program will also fund projects tied to more-efficient generation, transmission, and distribution of electricity. There is a tie to the LED-lighting technology sector in the transmission area as well with DC-based grids offering a potential efficiency advantage over AC grids especially when driving what are predominantly DC loads such as led street light with solar panel.
Still, the primary opportunity for projects in the SSL space will come down to technology implementations that fit in the areas of "Efficient End-Use Projects" and "Efficient Energy Projects." The qualifying projects must directly reduce greenhouse gas emissions and employ new or significantly-improved technology.
The DOE said that it will use a combination of three factors in evaluating applicants for a loan guarantee. Creditworthiness will be predominant accounting for 45% in terms of a weighting factor. Technical factors will weigh in at 35% and programmatic factors such as regulatory and environmental issues will come in at 20%.

Republic Bank fights high Caribbean energy costs with comprehensive lighting control

Lighting control pays off in almost any environment, but implementing aggressive control strategies is especially important in areas such as the Caribbean where $ 0.40 to $ 0.50 / kWh electrical rates are as much as four times higher than US rates. Republic Bank, an institution located in Trinidad and Tobago, faced such high energy costs for eleven bank branches in Grenada, Guyana, and Barbados and turned to Lutron's Quantum Total led high bay light price Management system to reduce electricity expenses.
The Republic project is notable in that it was not based on a retrofit to more efficient lighting but on simple optimization in the usage of the existing lighting. The project demonstrates the value of networks and controls regardless of the light sources involved. At the same time, the bank was able to improve the workplace environment for employees and customers through uniform and comfortable light levels.
The Quantum system provides what Lutron calls "total light management" by controlling both electrical lighting and daylight to improve indoor environments and deliver energy savings. Elements of the system include products ranging from shade controls to sensors to control panels to network hubs and servers. Moreover , Quantum software both allows a building manager to set control strategies based on autonomous sensor-based input and to schedule light settings based on the time of day or day of week. Among the newest features of the system is the Quantum Vue web-based software that enables control via mobile wireless devices.
Republic Bank worked with contractor Custom AV Designs Ltd (CAVD) on the project. The bank wanted to implement strategies including daylighting, occupancy sensing, programmatic controls, and individual light level control in personal work areas. But while the Quantum system could provide the desired control features, the system presented a potential budget-busting hurdle.
Typically a Quantum system relies on a local Quantum server installed in each facility. But the servers add to the cost of an installation. CAVD, however, was able to work with the bank's IT staff to install a virtual local area network (VLAN), utilizing the bank's IT networks, in each of the three countries where the target branches were located. The virtual technology left the requisite security in place for banking operations while allowing Quantum communications to pass between branches. Therefore, the system required only three Quantum servers for 11 branches.
The result is a system with consolidated web-based control that allows managers a view into the lighting control and energy savings at each branch or collectively for the entire network. The results in terms of control strategies were immediately evident. "Thanks to the installation of the Lutron Quantum system, we can see the lights come on when needed and go off when there is no movement in a room, "said Rudolph McClean, business security officer for Republic Bank, Barbados." We can literally walk into a dark space and see the lights come on. "
The led high bay light supplier are especially impressive given that a lighting retrofit was not part of the project. Documented savings range from 60% in Grenada to 91% in one Guyana branch that has the greatest access to daylight.
The bank is happy with both the lighting results and the economy, noting that customers and employees believe the lighting is more comfortable. "Our customers and the staff are very happy with the new levels of lighting, and this simple improvement has helped us reduce our lighting energy consumption up to 83%, "said McClean.
For more information on daylighting and control strategies, see our recent feature article on daylight autonomy authored by Lutron.
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Wednesday, September 10, 2014

New LED architectures and phosphor technologies lower costs and boost quality

Over the last year, we have definitely seen the levels of solid-state lighting (SSL) adoption increasing with widespread installations, as industry analysts have been predicting for several years now. We are seeing installations ranging from street lighting to parking garages, from expanded uses in retail and hospitality applications to commercial and industrial applications. The technologies being incorporated, the applications, and the range of installations are growing dramatically. Still, light quality and component cost remain issues for the LED industry, and new chip architectures and phosphor- application techniques can deliver benefits in both regards.
Indeed, the increased demand for SSL is pressuring the industry to simultaneously improve quality, lower costs, and reduce manufacturing complexity throughout the supply chain. In response to these pressures, new led high bay light price technologies are being developed across the full range of chip fabrication techniques, starting with a new generation of semiconductor capital equipment, improved process engineering, and the development of advanced materials. In this vein, Intematix is ​​focused on engineering more rugged and efficient phosphor materials, as well as phosphor-application schemes, to reduce manufacturing cost and complexity while improving light quality.
Phosphor pre-formed films
In one innovative example of new technologies, phosphors are being manufactured into pre-formed polymer film sheets or glass tiles. We will even study the use of optical-ceramic materials that may be applied directly onto the light-emitting surface of LED chips. The promise of these novel manufacturing technologies is to eventually enable wafer-level packaging (WLP) of LED chips. WLP promises to lower chip manufacturing costs by eliminating redundant packaging steps while simultaneously improving  cree xsp series led street light efficacy, reliability, and quality. Ultimately, these technologies, combined with improved manufacturing systems and processes, could lead to the elimination of binning - producing white LED chips with a performance variance within 2 SDCM (standard deviation of color matching or a two-step MacAdam ellipse).
Still in development, these manufacturing techniques are currently being tested on flip-chip LED architectures, where both positive and negative contacts are on the bottom of the chip. Fig. 1 depicts a Samsung flip-chip LED with a uniform light-emitting surface. Samsung announced the architecture in a keynote address at the Strategies in Light 2014 conference.

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2nd Ave Lighting introduces Jayne LED pendant for decorative and hospitality lighting

Feel the dynamic magnetism and allure of Jayne as its luxurious multi-dimensional tiers reveal a stunning architectural look that will astonish and impress. 2nd AVE Lighting has introduced JAYNE, family of led street light wholesale pendants. 2nd AVE Lighting is an upscale brand and an American manufacturer of decorative lighting that values ​​personalized and custom designs, each created as a unique work of art.
2nd Ave Lighting introduces Jayne LED pendant for decorative and hospitality lighting

Pictured is the 74 "W JAYNE 6-Tier LED Pendant (model 05.1156.72.96H.6T). Six Caramel Onyx acrylic drums with New Mica acrylic bottom diffusers blend together a distinctive aesthetic that is hard to resist. Charismatic sophistication astounds with round surfaces and straight lines to enhance a room while providing an effect source of light. The fixture is enhanced by warm Dark Roast finished hardware and perfect illumination for lobbies, foyers, ballrooms and other large spaces.

2nd Ave Lighting is dedicated to providing exceptional lighting products and customers service by responding to individual needs. With a wide selection of style, size, finish, shade and crystal choice, each 2nd Ave lighting fixture is unique.
2nd Ave Lighting projects include standard and custom lighting for high-end residential, senior living, hotels, casinos, country clubs and restaurants throughout the United States and abroad. In addition, the company has developed streetscape lighting projects for master-planned communities, resorts and cityscapes.

The led street lighting fixture offers traditional and elaborate sconces, pendants and chandeliers, while the Art of Lighting Series features truly unique one-of-a-kind lighting pieces. The Weekend Retreat Collection delivers a superb selection of designs inspired by nature and the rustic wilderness. Each of these series shares a passion for art, durable craftsmanship and affordability. 2nd Ave Lighting uses only the finest materials including handcrafted iron and exquisite crystal. For lighting infused with passion, creativity and quality, 2nd Ave is a smart choice with high quality American -made handcrafted products since 1979.

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Harvard offers LED linear engines for manufacturers of fluorescent fixtures

Harvard Engineering has announced the LER7 Low Voltage Linear Strips - LED-based light engines intended to help manufacturers of linear fluorescent fixtures develop a solid-state lighting (SSL) portfolio The company says that lighting manufacturers can use the housings of existing fluorescent fixtures and. substitute the led street light fixture Manufacturer strips and Harvard drivers for ballasts and tubes, thereby enabling quick entry into the LED business.

The LED strips are 17-mm wide and are offered in 284- and 568-mm-long versions. The strips use Samsung mid-power LEDs. Harvard said the products can generate 1615 lm / ft. Moreover, the efficacy, without the driver , tops out at more than 150 lm / W when the light engines are operated at 65 ° C.
"Our LED linear upgrade solution makes it easy for our customers to switch from fluorescent to LED lighting using our latest LED technology," said Antony Corrie, vice president of Harvard Engineering Americas. "The system has also helped some customers migrate from constant-voltage LED systems to constant current, enabling built-in drivers to be used instead of remote power supplies. "
Harvard has received UL listing for both the light engines and the drivers. That fact should allow lighting manufacturers a simple path to market. Harvard rates the light engines for 50,000 hours of life to 70% of initial lumen output (L70).
Lighting manufacturers will have significant flexibility in how to apply the linear light engines. The strips can be daisy chained together using push-wire connections between light engines. A single LED panel lighting wholesale driver can power as many as six of the strips.
The company will offer the light engines in 3000K, 3500K, and 4000K CCT versions and with the option of 80- or 90-CRI performance. Based on the selected drives, a design based on the light engines can support 0-10V dimming with light levels down to 5% of maximum.

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Everlight adds high-voltage packaged LEDs to mid- and high-power portfolio

Everlight Electronics has announced the XI3030HV family of packaged LEDs as a high-voltage addition to its standard XI3030 line that, as the model number implies, is packaged in a 3 × 3-mm plastic package. The product family spans the mid- and high -power segments with some models operating in excess of 1W. Meanwhile, the new high-voltage option can greatly simplify the design of the LED driver electronics and reduce solid-state lighting (SSL) system-level cost.
Everlight adds high-voltage packaged cree xsp series led street light to mid- and high-power portfolio
High-voltage packaged LEDs have been increasingly popular in the high-power segment going back several years. For instance, Everlight announced high-power, high-voltage LEDs in the HiVo series back in 2011.
More recently, the high-voltage trend has come to the plastic-package sector and mid-power LEDs. For example, Philips Lumileds added high-voltage options in its mid-power line back in March. Moreover, Seoul Semiconductor has been very active in the mid-power, high-voltage space with what the company calls multi-junction technology (MJT).
Indeed, high-voltage LEDs are created by combining multiple emitters / junctions in series in the simplest of architectures and in some cases several parallel strings of a number of LEDs in series. Some such packaged LEDs simply use bond wires to connect separate chips that are packaged together while others actually make the electrical connection to multiple emitters on one monolithic chip that's segregated into separate emitters in the back end of the LED manufacturing process.
The higher-voltage input delivers several potential advantages. The lower difference in line-to-LED voltage reduces the number of components required in the driver and can increase energy efficiency.
Everlight asserts that its XI high-voltage led street light wholesale deliver the system-level benefits without compromise in other areas The company said efficacy is 120 lm / W at 3000K CCT -. Good but not top-level performance at the warm end of the color spectrum. The LEDs are offered with 80 CRI at a minimum and with 115-lm maximum flux output.
Clearly the LEDs are brand new as Everlight said that it only has 3000 hours of test data on the products. But the company said LM-80 testing is underway.
The new LEDs are also indicative of yet another industry trend:. Targeting particular models of packaged LEDs at specific applications That targeting can come in the form of package features, optical performance, or even voltage-input level Everlight calls its initiative "The Right. LED for the Right Application. "And the company said it will offer custom versions of the high-voltage products at any voltage required by customers. The company believes that it can enable applications ranging from retrofit lamps to downlights to floodlights with the new family.

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LG Innotek announces AC-LED light engines for downlights

LG Innotek has announced plans to enter the market for direct-AC-driven LED technology. The company said it will deliver five new packaged LED products that are optimized for use in AC-driven systems. Moreover, the company is planning three families of modular light engines that combine the led high bay light supplier with AC-driver technology on a circuit board.

The area of ​​AC-driver technology is a popular one at the moment because the technology can eliminate the bulky and expensive AC-DC driver module used in most LED luminaires. The downside to AC-LED technology has been lower efficacy, flicker, and less -effective dimming control. The latest products are attacking those areas of weakness such as the third-generation Acrich3 driver IC announced recently by Seoul Semiconductor. Moreover, even driver IC specialists such as Texas Instruments (TI) are offering ICs for AC-driver topologies .
Apparently, LG Innotek has developed its own AC-drive technology, although the company did not provide details of the implementation in its recent announcement. The company simply said it had developed a way to control LED drive current directly from the AC line and that the implementation would deliver a 30% cost reduction relative to similar DC-driven light engines.
The primary building blocks for AC-LED light engines are often high-voltage LEDs that include multiple emitters integrated into one package in series. The higher forward voltage simplifies the product design because fewer LEDs are needed to implement a string that collectively has a forward voltage just below the 60V level of a rectified AC input.
Indeed, LG said it is offering the 5250HV (High Voltage), 3030HV, and 5630HV products for use in AC applications. The company also noted it would deliver additional LED product lines for AC applications this year. The company targets the larger packages at luminaires and the 3030HV at retrofit lamps. LG claims that the 5603HV offers an industry-leading 136-lm / W efficacy in terms of led high bay light for sale designed for AC applications.
All of the new module offerings, both modules for retrofit lamps and luminaires, are designed to predominantly deliver light in one direction for applications such as downlighting. The pictured light engine would most likely be deployed in a directional retrofit lamp. You can see the minimal number of components required to implement the AC-driver with only a few electronic devices in evidence. LG said the 23W module delivers efficacy of 125 lm / W and CRI of 80 or better.

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Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Samsung Electronics has introduced a new high-power LED lighting devices

Samsung Electronics, the world's leading semiconductor device manufacturers, has introduced a new high-power LED flashlight lighting devices -LH351Y LED products on September 3th 2014. Samsung LH351Y LED is designed for flashlight lighting applications with high brightness, high reliability, long lifespan to provide the best solutions for a variety of portable lighting applications including bicycle lights, climbing lamp.

Samsung Electronics LH351 YLED adopt the fluorescent film directly bonded to the surface of the flip-chip with high light color consistency, etc to facilitate secondary optical design. Single chip can achieve better light type, so that it is easier to use reflector cup to control beam projection area.

LH351Y LED commercial lighting wholesale uses the Flip-chip architecture. Samsung LED flip chip structure adopts its unique PSS (Patterned Sapphire Substrate) patterned substrate technology to improve the light extraction efficiency, and by virtue of optimizing the electrode structure design makes the current balanced diffusion, even can also be realized high brightness at a lower operating voltage, which can effectively extend battery life for n the flashlight lighting applications ,.

Wu Bang Yuan, senior vice president of Samsung Electronics LED Strategic Marketing Division, said: "High-power LH351YLED is tailor-made for flashlight lighting products, which will apply to a variety of portable lighting applications with expanding product family, Samsung Electronics in the future will continue to introduce the lighting-class LED products with higher efficiency, higher reliability to provide customers with more lighting solutions. "
There is no doubt that Samsung make outstanding contributions to offer more durable flashlight with excellent lighting effects, definitely, flashlights and other portable lighting does provide us with considerably convenience, beside flashlights, it is worth mentioning that the portable rechargeable LED flood light as a member of the led outdoor lighting wholesale family ensure the unique features of LED flood light with full range of light-emitting illumination and strong lighting, moreover, portable rechargeable LED flood light with user-friendly portable handle and rechargeable battery is particularly suitable for emergency lighting, portable rechargeable LED flood light known as excellent waterproof and dustproof shockproof feature makes it especially qualified for outdoor rainy dusty environment, so it has already been the pretty ideal outdoor lighting for camping, exploration, fishing, hiking, sporting, outdoor party, cycling, driving and large construction in South America wherever with a temperate climate of Europe and Asia!

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Seoul Semiconductor expand and strengthen its distribution network especially LED lighting market

Seoul Semiconductor, South Korea's largest environmentally friendly light-emitting diode (LED) lighting technology manufacturer, following the appointment of Avnet's products playing the distribution partners in North American market on the January 2007, recently signed distribution agreements including LED lighting market especially household LED ceiling light and other commercial LED lighting products with Avnet Electronics Marketing in Europe and Asia to expand and strengthen its distribution network.

North America's agreement ensures that Seoul Semiconductor's customers get better service levels, such as: support for the solution-centered and fast service for delivery and inventory The Europe, Asia agreement can get similar, even more benefits Avnet's professional services is not limited to.. the supply of household LED ceiling light and other commercial led indoor lighting wholesale products, which will provide the critical technical support services required for Seoul Semiconductor customers, so that finally save customers a lot of money and time and help to improve the competitiveness of Seoul Semiconductor.

Seoul Semiconductor is the pioneer in development of super bright and energy-efficient household LED ceiling light and other commercial LED lighting product, which recently launched a series of highly innovative LED technologies, including the "Acriche" is the world's first semiconductor lighting technology which can be directly applied to the AC plug without the converter. In addition, the brightness of Seoul Semiconductor single LED chip emitting warm white light will achieve 100 lumens / watt, household led outdoor lighting wholesale and other commercial LED lighting products replacing traditional fluorescent and traditional light bulb is just around the corner. These innovative technologies attribute to that the environmentally friendly household LED ceiling light and other commercial LED lighting LED lighting technology of Seoul Semiconductor has achieved an important place in the lighting industry market.

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LED lighting solutions and sales increase significantly in the UAE

Because the UAE new regulations launched the restrictions on the use of residential incandescent lamps imported and sold in the UAE, LED panel lighting wholesale and sales particularly indoor LED light including LED tube T8 is expected to increase significantly. The implement of the new regulations will save annual energy bill of nearly $ 200 million, which is equivalent to an annual reduction in carbon emissions of 165,000 cars on the road.

The new regulations have started phasing out inefficient lighting, and regulated the implementation of the recovery and disposal method since July 1, 2014. UAE lead the implementation of the lighting standards and statutory provisions throughout the Middle East. According to the instructions of the United Arab Emirates Standardization and Metrology Authority (ESMA), standard incandescent bulbs will be officially banned being sold in the UAE on December 31, 2014.

George Bou Mitri, director of GE Lighting who is responsible for the Middle East, Africa and Turkey, said that the UAE's move to phase out incandescent light reflects the government's long-term vision to promote sustainable development. Lighting electricity account for nearly 20 percent of global electricity consumption ratio, and account for about 6 percent of emissions of global greenhouse gas (GHG). Efficient lighting solutions including LED lighting especially LED tube T8 and other household LED panel lighting Manufacturer will help reduce emissions by half. Phasing out inefficient lighting is the most effective and economical way to reduce carbon emissions, which is one of the measures to strengthen energy efficiency and environmental protection. Therefore, the UAE's move will be a regional benchmark, that is a initiative paying attention to sustainable development.

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Sydney’s landmark building is more charming because of LED lighting design

Lighting plays a vital role in the design of a building. Sydney's Chifley Tower, a landmark building had not been so charming any more because of the building's relatively backward lamps, the interior lighting has been re-designed and transformed by the LED ceiling light and other commercial lighting provided by Lighting design consulting firm in Australia named Point OfView, the LED ceiling light and commercial indoor LED lighting system upgraded makes the building elegant and creates a unique architectural aesthetics of space.

"For lighting design, we primarily need to understand the proportion of architectural design, the size, and many other details, which is the 'language' for the architectural design, only by the led street light wholesale and other commercial LED lamp, we can highlight the 'prosody' or 'rhythm' "said by AmaraClarke, senior designer of PointOfView. For example, the foyer of the building design includes stone, granite, marble and stainless steel material stitching and other design elements, the design team used wall washer light up the entire back wall, the integration and intertwine of light reflected from the wall and irradiated from the LED ceiling light makes that the volume of the entire space becomes more abundant.

In addition, the proportion of square lamps suspended previously employed in the lounge is imbalance, the sense of space experience is poor. Design team designed a series of round stainless steel fixtures to replace the original lamps, these lamps will spot the light to the ceiling to make the lounge brighter during the day, and will light up the whole space at night. The hanging lamps also added some hanging decorations in where the reception located, which can provide a stronger sense of direction for the traveling people.

The LED ceiling light and other commercial new green LED lighting design also has excellent performance on energy-efficient, part of the design will be more conducive to collect sunlight during the day, the use of LED ceiling light and other indoor commercial led street lighting fixture is also more energy efficient than previous lamps.

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UK colleges and universities use the LED light to improve the energy efficiency of the campus buildings

UK higher education sector, including the universities across the UK, have included the upgrade of the lighting specifications in the budget, because of the introduction of a large number of overseas students at their own expense, the state education budget is no longer tight. London School of Economics (LSE) as one of many institutions of higher education said there are a lot of foreign students coming from overseas. Not just the LSE, many organizations are carrying out renovations, upgrading the campus version, as well as getting rid of the old infrastructure, all of which intended to replace the traditional lamps with LED light particularly LED tube T8 and other led high bay light price improve the energy efficiency of the campus buildings to in line with some form of BREEAM assessment.

It has also become some of the Fund's investment opportunities, the colleges seeking financing campus lighting project has shifted to recycling green fund, which has provided institutions of higher education (universities) with £ 61 million in grants since 2008. The fund is used to help colleges and universities to reduce carbon emissions and save money. The British Government has pledged to provide an additional 3.4 billion pounds for fourth round of financing. In the third round, in colleges and universities throughout the country, the upgrade LED tube T8 and other indoor LED lighting is the most popular items, including London Metropolitan University and various universities of the West of England. The first and second rounds of financing also predicted some LED upgrades especially household LED lamp including cree xsp series led street light across campus. The deadline of the application of the fourth round of allocated funds for Higher Education Funding Council for England is Oct. 15.

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Soraa will deliver GaN-on-GaN LED technology in modular light engines

At Lightfair International, Soraa will demonstrate modular light engines based on the same cree xsp series led street light technology that the company uses in its own retrofit lamps. The engines light will be available in 1-4-in. Diameters. Solid-state lighting (SSL) manufacturers will be able to integrate those modules into end lighting products, although the target applications will still be directional in nature, much like Soraa's retrofit lamps. One other advantage of Soraa's technology is smaller source size that leads to higher center beam candle power (CBCP) as documented in a recent feature article on directional lighting.
"Our light engines instantly turn ordinary light fixtures into extraordinarily brilliant and efficient fixtures," said George Stringer, senior vice president of North American Sales at Soraa. "For the first time, customers have no-compromise light engines to easily convert their existing integral or retrofit fixtures into high performance integral LED fixtures with excellent light quality. "
Of course, the Soraa LED technology does not come without compromise, just as no other approach to high CRI comes free. The Soraa lamps that are on the market are lower in efficacy than other MR16, AR111, and PAR lamps on the market, and the lamps also sell at a premium. But customers in applications such as hospitality will absorb those hits to upfront cost and energy efficiency while still saving significantly in energy and maintenance costs relative to incandescent and halogen lamps.
The Soraa LEDs differ in terms of the GaN substrate from more conventional LEDs and in the chip architecture and phosphor implementation. The homogenous GaN substrate enables higher current density and more lumens from small sources due to fewer defects between the substrate and epitaxial layers. The Soraa LEDs are based on a violet, as opposed to a blue, emitter and use a mix of three phosphors rather than two. The result is the capability of 95 CRI and a 95 R9 value for vividly rendering red colors. The company also has led street light fixture Manufacturer optimized for rendering bright white accurately.
Luminaires designed around the new light engines should be able to deliver commensurate benefits relative to Soraa's retrofit lamps, although the round light engines will limit the types of fixtures in which the products can be used. Soraa has designed the light engines so that its Snap family of optics that attach magnetically to its retrofit lamps can also be used in fixtures from third parties.
Lighting manufacturers will be able to surround the Soraa light engines with other value-added technologies that have been developed previously for use with other LEDs. For example, intelligent drivers with dimming support and even network controls will be applicable with the new light engines.

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Phoenix begins comprehensive LED street-light retrofit with GE Lighting

GE Lighting has announced an LED street light project with the city of Phoenix, AZ that will include conversion of 700 high-pressure sodium (HPS) lights to LEDs this year. The city is projecting 60% energy savings from the retrofit and plans to convert all 95,000 legacy fixtures in the city by 2020.
Conference (SALC) was held at a Phoenix resort in September 2013. At the conference opening, speakers from the city of Phoenix admitted that the city had yet to begin installing led high bay light wholesale, although the city had lit the short roadway to the resort entrance that hosted the event with LEDs just prior to the conference.
Indeed, Phoenix went through an unusually long test and evaluation period before choosing a street-light retrofit course of action. "We reviewed more than two dozen fixtures and conducted controlled testing for nearly four years to examine characteristics such as lighting patterns, overspill, and uplighting, "said Jason Fernandez, principal engineer technician with the Phoenix Street Transportation Department.
The city worked with the Arizona Public Services (APS) utility on the project. APS led the field test portion of the project including installation and evaluation of five GE Evolve luminaires including ERS1 and ERS2 models. The city was especially concerned about the harsh operating environment and the fact that temperature extremes range to 105 ° F.
The evaluation led to GE being selected to supply fixtures for the broader project. "GE's Evolve led high bay light for sale is our new standard and will be installed anywhere a fixture needs to be replaced or where new construction and capital improvements occur," Fernandez said. "Additionally, with the energy and cost savings we experience from each new fixture, we're putting that money toward our investment for more LED street lights. "
Specifically, the city is installing the GE Evolve LED Roadway Scalable Cobrahead fixtures. The scalable design is achieved via the number of LED light engines used to populate a fixture and results in the same basic design being applicable to a wide variety of roadway types. Oakland , CA recently announced plans to use the scalable family as well.
Phoenix is ​​planning to convert 700 fixtures this year wth the upgrade already underway. That initial phase will deliver $ 57,000 annually in energy savings and $ 41,000 annually in maintenance savings. The city projects 11 years of maintenance-free usage based on 12-hour days and the 50,000-hour expected lifetime.
Ultimately, Phoenix plans to install LED lighting along 4800 miles of roadway by 2020. The project will encompass 95,000 LED fixtures.

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Lattice Power gets cash infusion to support GaN-on-Si LED development

Lattice Power has regularly claimed that it has commercially launched gallium-nitride-on-silicon (GaN-on-Si) LEDs although solid-state lighting (SSL) products using such LEDs have been hard to find on the market. But the China- based company has received a significant cash infusion to pursue the Si substrate technology that could deliver much lower cost in the backend of the led high bay light supplier process. Venture investors Asia Pacific Resources Development Investment, GSR Ventures, Mayfield Fund, and Crescent HydePark have led an investment round totaling $ 80 million.
The company said the new funding would be utilized to expand R & D and manufacturing operations and finance the expected growth in sales. The company cited the development of Si-based LEDs for mobile flash-photo applications in smartphones and tablets as one of the factors that lead to the new funding.
"LatticePower's commercial GaN-on-Silicon LED technology has provided us the opportunity to be on the leading edge of the green revolution and an overnight leader in the LED market: mobile, auto and general lighting," said Dr. Min Wang, CEO of LatticePower. "This new round of funding will allow us build the necessary scale to be competitive in this fast-evolving and growing market and enable the company to meet the growing demand for our industry-leading products from an expanding customer base across the globe. "
Lattice Power said back in 2012 that it was the first company in volume production of GaN-on-Si LEDs. But to date, there is no evidence in the general-lighting market that any of the Si-centric players have dented the commercial market .
Plessey recently added a metal-organic chemical-vapor deposition (MOCVD) reactor to presumably boost its manufacturing capacity. That company has sold Si-based LEDs in low volumes even through distribution. The company's most recent LED announcement was for a led high bay light price that could be used in remote phosphor applications.
Toshiba is also pursuing Si-based LEDs using technology that was originally acquired from Bridgelux. The company announced its second-generation GaN-on-Si LEDs last October. The company also showed a flip-chip version of an Si-based LED at the Light + Building trade fair.
Clearly, however, the investors believe that Lattice Power, and what the company says is a portfolio of more than 200 global patents, will make an impact in LED lighting. In addition the company plans a global expansion. "The company will leverage its proprietary technology to build a global network of R & D teams, starting by integrating a Korean and Taiwanese team in 2014 and expanding to build a US R & D and manufacturing center by 2015, "said Sonny Wu, LatticePower executive chairman." LatticePower will revolutionize the lighting industry. "

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Princeton University pursues LED-centric campus-wide lighting upgrade

Princeton University has announced the start of a project that will see more than 100,000 fixtures across the New Jersey campus upgraded to led street light wholesale by the end of December 2016. A member of the elite Ivy League of schools that date to colonial American times, Princeton believes that adopting LEDs can contribute 16% to the Princeton Sustainability Plan goal of reducing the campus carbon footprint to 1990 levels prior to 2020.

"The Lighting Efficiency Upgrade Program can transform Princeton's lighting systems to one of the most modern, reliable, efficient, and environmentally responsible of their kind," said campus energy manager Bill Broadhurst. "The recent progress made in LED technologies also has allowed these projects to be good investments financially. "
The university had tested LED lighting in a number of locations over the past few years including parking areas, a gymnasium, and select academic buildings. The project that kicked off in July will cover the entire campus. Already the project has resulted in retrofits in Icahn Laboratory, Fine Hall, parts of the Engineering Quadrangle and 701 Carnegie Center.
A number of universities around the globe are finding that LED technology can both improve campus lighting and reduce costs in terms of energy usage and maintenance. The University of North Carolina has begun to renovate 13 campuses within its system. Dartmouth University reports that a retrofit in its Baker Berry Library delivered 66% energy savings. Moreover, MIT's iconic Great Dome is now lit with LEDs.
In the Princeton case, many of the early upgrades will come in the form of LED replacement lamps as the nearby photo illustrates. But ultimately the project will involve luminaires as well. Indeed, one project completed during trials was a complete retrofit of fluorescent fixtures in the university's Dillon Gymnasium with LED luminaires.
The university is shooting for a baseline 50% reduction in energy use with much of the legacy lighting comprising fluorescent products installed in a prior campus-wide retrofit two decades back. Moreover, the upgrade with longer-life LEDs will allow the university to eliminate the need to properly dispose of 60,000 lamps each year that contain mercury, and five tons of other waste including ballasts.
"In addition to the significant cost savings, revenues, and credits associated with using led street light fixture Manufacturer, the lighting upgrades also will lower the university's maintenance costs due to LEDs' long expected life," Broadhurst said. "The safety of the Princeton Facilities staff also will be enhanced by reducing the amount of time workers spend climbing ladders to replace thousands of burnt-out lamps each year. "

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LG Innotek announces AC-LED light engines for downlights

LG Innotek has announced plans to enter the market for direct-AC-driven LED technology. The company said it will deliver five new packaged LED products that are optimized for use in AC-driven systems. Moreover, the company is planning three families of modular light engines that combine the LED with AC-driver technology on a circuit board.
The area of ​​AC-driver technology is a popular one at the moment because the technology can eliminate the bulky and expensive AC-DC driver module used in most LED luminaires. The downside to led high bay light for sale technology has been lower efficacy, flicker, and less -effective dimming control. The latest products are attacking those areas of weakness such as the third-generation Acrich3 driver IC announced recently by Seoul Semiconductor. Moreover, even driver IC specialists such as Texas Instruments (TI) are offering ICs for AC-driver topologies .
Apparently, LG Innotek has developed its own AC-drive technology, although the company did not provide details of the implementation in its recent announcement. The company simply said it had developed a way to control LED drive current directly from the AC line and that the implementation would deliver a 30% cost reduction relative to similar DC-driven light engines.
The primary building blocks for AC-LED light engines are often high-voltage LEDs that include multiple emitters integrated into one package in series. The higher forward voltage simplifies the product design because fewer LEDs are needed to implement a string that collectively has a forward voltage just below the 60V level of a rectified AC input.
Indeed, LG said it is offering the 5250HV, 3030HV, and 5630HV products for use in AC applications. led street light with solar panel also noted it would deliver additional LED product lines for AC applications this year. The company targets the larger packages at luminaires and the 3030HV at retrofit lamps. LG claims that the 5603HV offers an industry-leading 136-lm / W efficacy in terms of LEDs designed for AC applications.
All of the new module offerings, both modules for retrofit lamps and luminaires, are designed to predominantly deliver light in one direction for applications such as downlighting. The pictured light engine would most likely be deployed in a directional retrofit lamp. You can see the minimal number of components required to implement the AC-driver with only a few electronic devices in evidence. LG said the 23W module delivers efficacy of 125 lm / W and CRI of 80 or better.

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