Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Principle basic knowledge classification of the LED lighting chip

A history of 50 years ago, LED the people have to understand semiconductor materials can produce light of the basic knowledge, in 1962, general electric (ge), g He Lun ark (NickHolonyakJr.) developed the first practical application of visible light emitting diode. Leds are English light emitting diode (LED), its basic structure is an electroluminescent semiconductor materials, placed in a wire rack, then sealed with epoxy resin around, namely solid encapsulation, so can protect the internal core line, so the LED’s seismic performance is good. Initially LED street light is used as the indicator light instrument and then all kinds of light color of LED in the traffic signal lights and display screen has been widely applied in large area, produced good economic and social benefits. 12-inch red traffic lights, for example, in the United States could have been used long life and low light efficiency of 140 – watt incandescent lamp as light source, it produces 2000 lumens of white light. After the red filter, light loss 90%, only 200 lumens of red light. And in the light of the new design, Lumileds companies adopted 18 red LED light source, including circuit loss, total power consumption of 14 watts, can produce the same light. Car light is also an important field of LED light source.
Second, the principle of the LED chip, LED (LightEmittingDiode), light emitting diode, is a solid-state semiconductor devices, it can be directly put DianZhuan into light. The heart of the LED is a semiconductor chip, chip attached on a bracket, at the end of the end is negative, the other end connected to the power of the anode, the whole chip is encapsulated by epoxy resin. Semiconductor chip consists of two parts, one part is a p-type semiconductor, dominated by holes in it, the other end is n-type semiconductor, mainly electricity here. But this two kinds of semiconductor connected, between them to form a p-n junction. When a current flows through a wire to the chip, the electron will be pushed P area, electron and holes in the P zone compound, then will be issued in the form of photon energy, this is the principle of LED. And the wavelength of light was the color of the light, is determined by the formation of p-n junction material.
Three, the classification of the LED chip:
Definition: 1 MB chip definition and characteristics of MetalBonding (metal adhesive) chip; The chip of UEC patent products. Features: (1) using high coefficient of heat transfer materials – Si as substrate, the heat easily. ThermalConductivity GaAs: 46 w/m – K GaP: Si – 77 w/m K: 125 ~ 150 w/m – K Cupper: SiC: 300 ~ 400 w/m – K – 490 w/m K (2) joint by metal layer (waferbonding) of epitaxial layer and the substrate, reflect photons at the same time, avoid the absorption of substrate. (3) conducting the Si substrate instead of GaAs substrate, good heat conduction ability (3 ~ 4 times of thermal conductivity), more should be in the field of high drive current. (4) at the bottom of the metal reflector, benefits to the raise of luminosity and heat dissipation. (5) size can be increased, applied in the field of Highpower, eg: 42 milmb.
Definition and characteristics of definition: 2 GB chip GlueBonding (stick) chips; The chip of UEC patent products. Features: (1) transparent sapphire substrate instead of absorbance of GaAs substrate, the optical power is traditional AS (Absorbable structure) chip for more than 2 times of the sapphire substrate similar TS GaP substrate of the chip. (2) chip light all around, have excellent Pattern. (3) the brightness, its brightness over TS of the chip level (8.6 mil). (4) double electrode structure, its resistance to high current slightly worse than the TS single electrode chip.
3. The definition and characteristics of definition: TS chip transparentstructure (transparent substrate) chip, the chip belong to HP’s patent product. Features: (1) chip production process is complex, far higher than ASLED. (2) the reliability of excellence. (3) transparent substrate of the GaP, and do not absorb light, high brightness. (4) is used widely.
4. Definition and the characteristics AS chip definition: Absorbablestructure (substrate) chips; After nearly 40 years of development efforts, Taiwan LED light electricity industry for this type of chip research and development, production, sales in the mature stage, companies in the aspects of basic research and development level in the same level, the gap is not big. Chinese chip manufacturing industry started relatively late, its brightness and reliability with Taiwan, there is still a gap between the industry, we are talking about here AS chips, especially the UEC AS chips, eg: 712 sol – VR, 709 sol – VR, 712 sym – VR, 709 sym – VR, etc. Features: (1) four yuan chip, using the MOVPE process preparation, brightness relative to the conventional chips light. (2) good reliability. (3) is used widely.
Four, light emitting diode chip type of epitaxial material 1. The LPE: LiquidPhaseEpitaxy (liquid phase epitaxial method) GaP/GaP 2. VPE: VaporPhaseEpitaxy (gas phase epitaxial method) GaAsP/GaAs 3. MOVPE: MetalOrganicVaporPhaseEpitaxy organic metal vapor phase epitaxy (method) AlGaInP, GaN 4. SH: GaAlAs/GaAsSingleHeterostructure GaAs/GaAlAs (single heterotypic structure)
Five, LED chips emitting LED chips and is composed of: main arsenic (AS) aluminum (AL) gallium (Ga) Indium (IN) of phosphorus (P) nitrogen (N), strontium (Si) in which several of several elements components.
LED chip Category:
1, according to brightness points: A, normal brightness: R, H, G, Y, E, etc. B, high brightness: VG, VY, SR, etc. C, high brightness: UG, UY, UR, UYS, URF, UE such as D, invisible (infrared): R, SIR, VIR, HIR E, infrared receiver tube: PT F, photocell: PD
2, according to elemental composition: A, two yuan wafer (phosphorus, gallium): H, G, etc. B, three yuan wafer (phosphorus, gallium, arsenic): SR, HR, UR, etc. C, four yuan wafer (phosphorus, aluminum , gallium, indium): SRF, HRF, URF, VY, HY, UY, UYS, UE, HE, UG
3.LED Chip Characteristics Table: LED street light Chip Model luminous colors of Element Wavelength (nm) SBI Blue lnGaN/sic430HY bright yellow AlGalnP595 SBK bright blue lnGaN/sic468SE bright orange GaAsP/GaP610 DBK lighter blue GaunN / Gan470HE bright orange AlGalnP620 SGL green lnGaN/sic502UE brightest orange AlGalnP620 DGL bright green LnGaN/GaN505URF brightest red AlGalnP630 DGM bright green lnGaN523E orange GaAsP/GaP635 PG pure Green GaP555R red GAaAsP655 SG standard green GaP560SR bright red GaA/AS660 G green GaP565HR GaAlAs660 VG bright red lighter green GaP565UR brightest red GaAlAs660 UG brightest green AIGalnP574H high red GaP697 Y yellow GaAsP/GaP585HIR infrared GaAlAs850 VY bright yellow GaAsP/GaP585SIR infrared GaAlAs880 UYS brightest yellow AlGalnP587VIR infrared GaAlAs940 UY brightest yellow AlGalnP595IR infrared GaAs940.

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