Thursday, March 13, 2014

Let led lighting fixture products approach to ordinary people

Although the phase-out of incandescent roadmap already very clear , and many countries have also released to encourage local production and related support policies to promote LED products , but due to the price factor , LED lighting from ordinary people really can accept , there is still a certain distance.
Some people say , Home LED indoor lighting is based on the growth of sapphire . That is because the first choice for the production of LED chip crystal material - sapphire , accounting for all the LED manufacture with 85% of the substrate material. In general , the cost of LED products accounted for up to two percent of the sapphire substrate can be said that the maximum LED supply chain cost materials . It can be seen , if you can find a cheap thing more beautiful materials to replace the sapphire LED to reduce the cost of production , it can eventually really into homes of ordinary people , and its role is obvious. Li Guoqiang and his State Key Laboratory of Luminescence Materials and Devices , South China University of Technology LED epitaxial materials and device research team is doing it . "If a lot of people because of our research and lead healthier lives convenient , it would be great as researchers ( blog , Twitter ) honor ." Make life-changing technology , is the largest wish him and his team .
This year 35 -year-old Li Guoqiang , a professor of South China University of Technology, doctoral tutor , 2013 Annual Guangdong Natural Science Fund for Distinguished Young winner . Mainly engaged in III-V compound semiconductor materials and devices , and presided over a number of national , provincial and ministerial level scientific research projects. In recent years, the internationally renowned journal published 68 SCI papers ( ESI highly cited papers in which an impact factor IF> 9 Article 2 ; IF> 4 cover article 4 ; and IF> 3 Article 20 ) . Papers cited 551 times , including three times by the Science references cited more than 20 times the U.S. and the Chinese Academy of Sciences / Engineering Academy . 45 patents , authorized 20 ; 10 times for special reports at international conferences , 30 oral reports ; Director of International General Meeting / Chapter President twice. In April last year , Li Guoqiang was awarded the fifteenth session of the " Guangdong Youth May 4th Medal ."
Over the years, Roger Lee and his team have made great achievements in research on alternative use of new materials in sapphire . They will be different epitaxial growth of new substrate materials for III -nitride film , based on the new substrate to promote the blue-white LED technology ; microscopic structure of defects and defect III-V compound semiconductor formation mechanism , improve the quality LED epitaxial silicon material ; proposed a patterned substrate design ideas , and so the development of related software to design a variety of new graphics substrate solution greatly improves the efficiency of LED light . Related research cooperation with domestic LED industry leaders , produced good economic returns.
Their findings have been published in internationally renowned academic institutions of the Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC) is highly recognized . RSC journals such as the Journal of materials and chemical industry has a significant influence of Materials Chemistry C (SCI a district magazine , IF = 6.1), in the form of February 7, 2014 issue of the first five on the back cover of the article, published in the team when the results of a study , with some eye-catching text, the results of such research and evaluation team : " Professor Li Guoqiang team led by State Key Laboratory of Optoelectronic semiconductor light-emitting materials and devices belonging to the South China University of Technology , is driving the new compound semiconductor materials and development " of the device.
The team another report prepared by the blue LED on the new research patterned substrate , crystal growth were authoritative journal , the American Chemical Society (ACS) of Crystal Growth & Design (IF = 4.7) 6 June 2012 as article 6 issue of the cover article published . Then, in the semiconductor industry and academia has a strong influence and status of the internationally renowned magazine "Semiconductor Today", and in its representation of the results in September 2013 in order to "Optimizing spherical cap patterned sapphire for nitride semiconductor LEDs" for the questions, with two special reports devoted a team to work in the new graphical design and Home LED indoor lighting production aspects of the device that LED on the patterned substrate of spherical thesis " proposed for improving nitride LED light extraction efficiency has great significance . " And commented that , due to the " new pattern patterned substrate height is low, so the short pattern processing time , helping reduce processing time and costs, which has great significance for LED large-scale industrial production ."
Prior to 2010, returned to work in South China University of Technology , Department of Materials Guoqiang is a Royal Society Research Fellow at Oxford University , Institute of Industrial Science , University of Tokyo foreigners JSPS Fellow , General Electric Global Research Center senior research scientist. At that time , the famous British manufacturer of LED and optoelectronic components Oclaro provided him with an indefinite contract and permanent competitive salary ; Meanwhile, the University of Cambridge also dished out an olive branch , hoping that he can join the school's LED research team . However , Li Guoqiang has abandoned the British favorable research conditions and jobs, and many outstanding students studying the same country , with the dream of returning to China to serve the country and return to Guangdong . He said : "Science is the service of human progress should be independent of fame , I want to do something for my country before choosing returning ."

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