Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Interpretation of research funding "rebates" unspoken rules LED industries

Recently, the Science and Technology Minister Wan Gang rebuked research funding "vicious problem." Carding national ministries for nearly three years, the provinces annual audit report found that research funding was "greedy", "swallow", "move", "cheat" uncommon, "black hole" amazing. Total ranks third in the world, over one trillion yuan of annual R & D investment, but did not return with the corresponding effects of technological innovation. The crux of research in which corruption? "Black Hole" And how to block?

According to the China Association survey estimates, buy led high bay lamps funding amounts may reach several hundred billion loss. Vulnerability management research funding led the technology sector to become rent-seeking, corruption, high incidence. Where research funding large payment of wages, benefits, build affordable housing, buying a car, small filling meal card, Jiaodianhuafei even repeat ticket reimbursement, in some exposed and dealt with corruption cases scientific research funding almost "no can not. "

Shandong, a new building materials company official Zhang Yuan (a pseudonym) to apply research funding, "keep on fighting" lessons learned in terms of saying, do not give managers "rebate", the thing is do not do. Which, as a result of our research universities and research institutions, mainly from government departments and social cooperation, national projects for services, catering, conferences and other expenses will be dominated by a certain amount limit, but essentially social cooperation projects one by Project Leader decided, in addition to the provision of about 30% of labor costs may be reimbursed for a few documents also unlimited, resulting in research funding has become a disguised income subsidy is "open secret."

According to a university in Guangzhou, a subordinate returning from abroad Professor Ren Jiaodi situation is concerned, the annual salary of nearly one million yuan in foreign countries, and returned to Guangzhou after wage income, but more than 10 million. "The reason to return, one title to improve, and the second is wage income, although reduced, but there is research funding for the subsidy, the actual income is not low."

Vice president of 21st Century Education Research XiongBingJi that issue has not opened, some of the money into the pockets of some of the officers had. "To some extent, some of the research funds have been alienated red researchers." XiongBingJi said.

Zhang Yuan and show examples of a professor, research funding to apply some localities and departments has become a "black hole", outsiders do not know how deep the water. These are calling the arrival of a field of research funding reform.

For research in the field of chaos, the relevant departments in recent years, spent a lot of energy management, but current research is still shocking corruption, why not? Science and Technology Minister Wan Gang in the phrase: "Technology and management personnel are in the same boat."

Researchers and administrative staff form a "community of interests", or even "both judge and when the athlete" Guaixiang, making research funding lost due to purity, some researchers will be used in the research effort beyond . Two even said "anger" This is why last week's Science and Technology Minister Wan Gang mentioned research funding "vicious problem" in the State Council Information Office press conference, and said that "distressed" and "stunned."

History of Henan University of Finance and Economics Professor Pu told reporters: "To the project, there should be relations, and even some master research funding agencies to find people to the project, Li finished items to be divided again, this is not uncommon."

Zhejiang Provincial Audit Department in 2012 in the annual audit report also pointed out that some leading universities and research managers both management supervisor, but also research takers, which is one of university research funds mainly due to poor management and illegal relatively project funding is usually much greater academic leaders.

Research funding for management and oversight, is not out of nowhere, but research closed operation, it is difficult to form an effective regulatory system constraints. Social at above 985 colleges say, since it has been dialed down research funds, the financial staff is generally believed that the money belongs to the study director, financial reimbursement procedures but take one off games.

National Bureau of Statistics latest figures show that in 2012, funding for research and experimental development of the whole society reached a total of 1.02984 trillion yuan of investment, the total ranks third in the world.

Many researchers reflect, under the current system, Chinese universities and research institutions to the number of issues as the promotion of scientific research personnel, an important indicator of assessment, the results of some of the issues, "water", "re-approval, light research," "heavy investment in light of performance" has become outstanding issues, which indicates that China's scientific research system there have been various distortions during operation, research and development investments and screamed loud and technological achievements are not proportional.

History of Pu said that many researchers devote himself to the project, there is little effort to do research, to use the results of research funding to the packaging, and then to apply the results of the package of new issues, research funding in this "complex issue task" the cycle is wasted.

According to statistics in recent years, research and experimental development of China (R & D) expenditures annual growth rate of more than one hundred billion yuan, in 2012 it is more than 1 trillion yuan. However, according to the China Association survey estimates, China's scientific research funds for only about 40% of the project itself, the loss of a large number of research funding from the project. Based on the total amount of about 1 trillion yuan to estimate the amount of scientific research funding of non-use may reach several hundred billion dollars annually.

This data and the vice mayor of Guangzhou, Wang disclosed roughly. He end of July at a news conference that the information they have seen a show, the country's research funding for approximately 40% of the real R & D, sixty five percent for a meeting on a business trip. That time, the led high bay light for sale for Discipline Inspection announced the Guangdong Provincial Science and Technology Department Director Li Xinghua suspicion of serious discipline, organization undergoing investigation. This exposes the chaos from government subsidies LED industry to some extent.

These stories and more exposure cases audit report shows that some researchers and managers improper use of research funding has become a "custom" in some places and universities have formed a chain of interest: Experts and scholars fighting for issues "must fund" project group members assuming a "flower funds" managers abuse of power "appropriations."

Bing said the industry spread a message of a Secretary for the Pearl River Delta region, in a project funded enterprises to apply before the commission charged $ 200,000 in funding for two million yuan after the application is successful, again a big opening to obtain half of the costs to businesses . The results angered the companies, things finally exposed, the Secretary was "double."

The main reason is due to the prevailing research funds reporting model is: the government on the recommendation of the Expert Committee to develop a research project fixed reporting guidelines, the fund researchers then declare for reporting guidelines. The declaration should reflect the spirit of science, scientific research fund laws, government departments became "thesis writing." In this process, from project approval, the funds allocated to the results of identification, they are inseparable from the "rule of man" in the shadow, eventually leading research fund allocation could be power, human derivatives.

Curry favor with the government even to improve R & D

According to a company official that, LED barriers to entry are so low that he now do not know what is LED. "I just know, I just do the lights just like doing other lights as well." He said, and PV, as do the socks from other industries, including the production of bicycles are entering the industry. "Money too fast," as they are a medium-sized firms in Zhongshan, a year's turnover is 10 billion.

The official said that as the process of applying for government funds to support more complex, the company has no application. "Application of the condition, first look at the production capacity, our production capacity is not big enough." He says, "but in spite of the large production again, if there is no perfect government relations is difficult to do, you know, especially for ours private enterprises concerned. "

Some industry insiders told reporters that if the government carried out blindly for LED support and subsidies, will lead the industry to step PV footsteps. "PV just some people in the use of new energy concepts to defraud the government subsidies." Chinese PV companies a house employee said the reporter.

Insiders even predicted that 2013 may be a fifth of China LED lighting business failures. Many industry insiders said to the reporter, and PV, the government of the LED overly generous financial support, the consequences are often, causing a lot of excess capacity in the case of serious excess capacity, is bound to have a vicious competition between industries , which ultimately hindered technological innovation.

"China's LED core technology is mainly abroad." The main person responsible for the above Zhongshan LED business, said, "For us, the key is not technological innovation, but how to do big production, the bigger the better."

          Local payment modes have been aware of research funding reforms. Wang on the conference, Guangzhou has started studying how to deliver the financial funding problems. He said he was also thinking about is the money scattered to every business to go, or put more into technology and services platform Shang Hao.

"Science and technology funds usage patterns, we can not simply project on the line." October 12, at the First China Technology and Finance to promote the Forum, the Guangdong Provincial Science and Technology Department Deputy Director Ye Jing chart so that the Guangdong Province in recent reflection in technology management in the past practice, the future will be both science and technology funding to adjust usage patterns.

Guangdong CPPCC members suggested that China's research funding model reform can learn from some developed countries, such as Germany, by an association to co-ordinate all research institutes, and management of all research grant funding. No artificial administrative role, a former president of the Association of scientific research, to know where the money should be spent. Rather than, as now, research funding layers of review issued by the Ministry of Science, Technology Department, Technology Bureau so many levels, error-prone. And Science and Technology Department is the executive branch, not the research department, and they are to master the issuance of project funding and unreasonable.

Thursday, December 4, 2014

How to treat LED light pollution rational

At present, the international community in general LED display light pollution is divided into three categories, namely white light pollution, artificial daylight and light pollution. Recently, the industry has frequently broke the LED light pollution problem, it was suggested that the high brightness and glare of flashing LED modular design advertising affect traffic safety risk.
And a research project on led high bay light price also showed higher melatonin levels inhibit melatonin may affect human health. Three months to mature vegetables, the use of LED light, even a 65% reduction in growth time, after eating or have an impact on the human body and may even harm.
It is understood that, in Europe, America and Japan, the problem of light pollution has long been a cause for concern. The United States also established the International Association for the dark night sky, specifically to fight light pollution. So in China, the government spent heavily situation still exists with the emergence of a variety of lighting whitewash Night, users expressed dissatisfaction on "one side is a high-profile advocate of energy-saving and environmental protection cause, the implementation of power cuts to reach the people and SMEs save energy and reduce row index, one side is bustling neon lights luxury whitewash, who spent the money did not say, except for Why, none other than the case also allowed to do anything. "
"Walk away, trying to use lights to illuminate the sky is the violent type of urban lighting." Some netizens said that the lamp is used as a man, not used to illuminate the sky. Only led street light wholesale, but also generate nuisance. While developing light industry, light pollution should also be concerned about the community and lighting workers, especially in the current investment frenzy in the LED industry, because there are many cases blind production, the light pollution problem caused by poorly designed product should get attention.
Thus, at the same time develop the lighting industry, light pollution should also be concerned about the community and lighting workers, especially in the current investment frenzy in the LED industry, because there are many cases blind production, design products that bring unreasonable light pollution problems should be taken seriously.

On the LED lighting business cash flow three reasons

At the beginning of 2012, with respect to this year's LED market conditions, various prediction everyone situation. On comparisons with stubborn resistance in the major institutions and wishful thinking "in 2012, LED market will be in chaos after 2011 ushered in a new starting point," when little known in the industry Shida photoelectric boss actually "a race amazing, "have not had time," sober, "the staff in Chinese Lunar New Year is approaching lost scattered on the plant's playground pay talks home for the holiday, but the industry is in an uproar.
Data show that the number of led street lighting Manufacturer in China is growing at a geometric rate increase exaggeration, perhaps this just in stark contrast with the LED market. "The waves pushed forward waves before the waves beat on the beach," What a heroic scene.
According to the analysis, the most important reason leading to the collapse of Shenzhen Shida is cash flow. But in China over 4000 LED business, how many homes are in such a situation the LED industry had friends joked:? LED industry enterprises have closed down the risk of more and more, even if some companies the upcoming slow the pace is likely to stop in 2012! Cash flow, the company's orders is still there, indicating that the market is still relatively merciful, but so many manufacturers, who had to save this situation?
Cause cash flow problems are the following three points:
A domestic project funds difficult to recover
Finished applications in the field, mostly based on project-based domestic sales. Given LED Products Division fully mature, there will always be more or less about the issue, a direct result of the project money endlessly delayed.
In addition, also another strange. According to insiders, a market price of 4000 yuan of lights, in some projects in the price as high as 10,000 yuan or more, provided that it takes on a series of public relations hospitality, but 10,000 yuan temporarily difficult to fulfill, also take into account a lot of public relations in vain hospitality. Over time, many companies is really no way to play it, and Shida photoelectric is a typical representative.
Second, the market forecast is too optimistic lead inventories
To package and wafer manufacturers, for example. Chinese government's macro-control are often able to play a key role in the market, precisely because of this layer reason, the market is expected to be too optimistic. End-use markets expansion rate compared to the industrial development is clearly much slower pace, sales performance and extension indirect role in the field of packaging factory. Inventory increases come to go get a sale "price war", not sell out called "collapse."
Third, suppliers tight money
LED from international companies in the field of mergers and acquisitions to the mainland manufacturers have to seek listing, we can draw two conclusions: 1, to reduce investment risk; 2, raise sufficient funds.
Risks associated with the shortage of funds in the coexistence of the LED industry, the rate of return on the funds could not impressive, but the time value of money is also very important. Under the lure of high rates of return, industry links seemingly perfect, in fact, a very serious problem of interdependence. In the upstream manufacturers of long-term funds can not be withdrawn from circulation, the downstream manufacturers began to worry about the interests of becoming empty promises, and began tight money. This occurs in any part of the led street light wholesale industry, will lead the industry mentality nervous, so "the boss on foot" became popular in 2011 LED industry keywords.
In view of the above phenomenon, the industry believes, LED industry, SMEs will usher in a new high point of collapse in 2012! But the collapse of the risk is relatively small export-oriented enterprises. It is worth noting: In the LED industry, over the years, 5-7 May is the export season, infer, 8-10 month is the Chinese mainland LED enterprises are facing a high risk of collapse.

analysis of LED lighting industry chaos and channel construction progress

Stir from concept to practical application, LED lighting industry has not only become the highest attention to the plate, but also become the capital market, the most popular products. However, for consumers, LED and the distance between them is still very far away. One of the key reasons for this problem is to channel construction LED business also needs improvement. led high bay light supplier time is not long, has been favored by the majority of manufacturers, but the channel construction is far not keep product development and production. What channel construction Nanzaihechu how to crack LED channel construction business problems? -
LED lighting industry a "blowout"
2008 was a watershed in the development of China's LED industry. This year, LED been widely applied to the Beijing Olympic venues construction, dreamlike visual feast is still very vivid in my mind. In recent years, the domestic LED industry ushered in the spring. Under the impact of the global financial crisis, businesses are more or less affected. However, LED lighting industry is not only not affected, but in the strong pull of the National 4 trillion yuan of investment showing skyrocketed. According to the relevant departments to preliminary estimates, in 2010, China's LED lighting industry output value has exceeded 150 billion yuan, more than doubled compared to 2008. LED lighting industry is growing so quickly, mainly due to the following three factors: First, the market demand-driven rapid technological progress, a substantial decline in production costs, LED lighting applications market is very huge business opportunities. In 2009 the world are in the promotion of LED lighting, LED lighting has received the full application and promotion areas with lighting and street lighting, corridor lighting in the car. In attracting and motivating the market, LED pace of technological progress continues to accelerate, the product price increased year by year, the production cost is 30% of the annual rate of decline, which greatly reduces the LED lighting to replace traditional lighting cycle.
Secondly, the global industry to accelerate the shift to emerging countries and regions. With the continuous development of the LED market, LED rapid increase in the number of enterprises, increasing competitive pressure. In order to enhance their competitiveness, the global LED industry, the emergence of new trends in the transfer. In the high-end chain in Japan, China Taiwan region the United States, Europe, and the downstream industry chain, and South Korea, the relevant industry chain will gradually shift to the mainland China and Malaysia, which is the development of LED industry in China offers new opportunities. Most noteworthy is that the country's continuing support for the LED industry has become the largest power LED lighting industry. Back in 2003, the "National Semiconductor Lighting Project" Coordination Leading Group was established, marking the official launch of National Semiconductor Lighting Project. March 22, 2004, established the National Semiconductor Lighting Coordination Leading Group. In 2009, China has expanded the "Ten thousand ten cities" program to promote LED street lighting demonstration. At the same time in 2009 introduced the "electronic information industry restructuring and revitalization plan", the semiconductor lighting in a relatively high position. To further promote green lighting project to promote China's LED lighting energy industry healthy and orderly development, in November 2010, the National Development and Reform Commission, the Ministry of Housing and Urban Construction, Ministry of Transport jointly organized semiconductor (LED) lighting demonstration project tender Zhejiang sunshine, the history of Ford lighting and NVC and other 28 companies short-listed. Promote these three factors are important, but the LED lighting industry to achieve sustained and rapid development, companies must make a big issue in the channel.
Channel construction progress is slow
LED industry in the slow speed of the sound development of China's LED business opportunities and channel construction in stark contrast. Currently, the professional management of LED lighting manufacturing companies have thousands, but in the end of the market, specializing in LED products operating businesses are few, most dealers also just put LED products as a "supporting role" to deal with.
Asked him what so clear, as there is water flowing. How to improve the degree of channel development, and manufacturing companies to control the level of product quality is closely related.

It is particularly worth mentioning is that the instability and lack of product quality after-sales service, so that the individual channels have relatively complete construction business playing with toys. As early as 2003 years ago, the channel construction of some LED lighting business has achieved initial success, but because of the quality of products is not stable enough, coupled with inadequate service, manufacturers and traders often thus creating friction until broke up. Just as energy-saving lamps into the rural markets, the first to enter the rural market because of energy-saving lighting products of poor quality, change frequently, therefore, in a very long period of time left to consumers' energy saving lamp does not save money, "psychological shadow, which makes energy-saving lamp enterprises later when to enter the rural market suffered terribly.
Channel status LED for construction companies, senior marketing planner Mr. He Si believes the root of the problem is that company's product positioning is not clear. On the one hand, large enterprises pursuit of large, whether it is outdoor lighting or indoor lighting, whether it is power or low power, as long as the LED is on; on the other hand, small business is "hungry", who can make money do. Product positioning is not clear, channel construction will not start. After all, different products, applications in different fields, dealers target companies choose different nature. It is understood that, at present, the vast majority of domestic LED enterprise product is only applicable in the outdoor lighting engineering and shops and, therefore, for them, the channel construction is not so urgent matter.
High-tech products are LED business channel construction of an indirect factor in the slow progress. Lighting product technology content is relatively low, generally clerk can speak clearly, and LED products, there is no certain technical skills, it is difficult to convince customers. Last year, I came across such a fresh case: A salesman Shenzhen, a cross bar LED business to a business according to business marketing piece LED light source, the exchange process, a series of technical problems that business owners and engineers proposed order the man's face sweat and sweat. Of course, there are many dealers in the industry knowledge of LED technology, this is certainly not as good as business owners and engineers, it will not make much of professional technical problem, but as a salesman, not in-depth understanding of their own products, to be successful it was extremely difficult to sell, even if they can put the dealer to Mongolia, and it was only a hammer for sale only.
According to industry vendors generally reflect the price is a key factor directly affects the rate of adoption of LED lighting products, and a lamp, even though the total cost of LED lamps (including acquisition costs + energy costs + maintenance costs + disposal costs) than incandescent and fluorescent low, but consumers still purchase cost of the selection criteria, and do not care about high quality or versatility.
In this channel is king of the times, no matter how difficult the channel construction, the cost is very high, companies have to take that step, otherwise, do bigger and stronger brands can only sit at home and slogan shouting numerous.
Traditional channels is difficult to carry LED
Although many companies still rely on LED shopkeeper survival mode, but for channel construction LED business, many business owners have their own ideas. Profits Fall lighting, general manager Guohua Guo believes that the automotive industry 4S shop mode [including sales (Sale), parts (Sparepart), Service (Service), feedback (Sur-vey)] is the future of led high bay light for sale companies can give it a try mode. It is particularly worth mentioning is that many companies in the current products and technologies is not particularly mature, there is no perfect after-sales service as a support, even though it will soon fall apart channel construction.
Traditional channel model to run LED products sure the game. Professor Qiu, future LED channel model should be combined air-ground form, that "branding model projects + + + effectiveness of program service experience," where branding combine online and offline to do, a lot of boilerplate Projects mainly through the on-line display, and service experience and effectiveness of programs must be realized through the line.
Different LED business, its channel Weapen not the same. LED light source such as a business, can be considered a good match with the traditional lighting of a strategic alliance, a borrowed boat, quick access through traditional channels to market terminals. For LED lamps for civilian enterprises, the traditional channel model is also not a bad idea.

How to identify the merits of full-color LED display

In simple terms, a full-color led street lighting Manufacturer is good or bad can mainly be identified from the following aspects:
1. surface flatness flatness LED display to within ± 1mm, in order to ensure the displayed image is not distorted, partial raised or recessed will lead to the display viewing angle appears dead. Flatness is mainly determined by the quality of the production process.
2. brightness and viewing angle brightness indoor full color to the 800cd / m2 or more, outdoor full color brightness to the 1500cd / m2 or more, in order to ensure the normal operation of the display, otherwise it will be too low and can not see because of the brightness of the image display. Size of the brightness by the LED die is good or bad decisions.
How much screen size of the audience directly depends on the viewing angle, and therefore the bigger the better. Mainly by the size of the viewing angle of the die packages to decide.
3. The balance effect balance effect is one of the most important indicators of the display. Red, green and blue color science fooled ratio of 1: 4.6: 0.16 out of pure white will show, if the actual proportion of the white balance a little deviation deviation occurs, usually pay attention to whether there are bluish white, yellow green phenomenon. White balance is good or bad is determined by the display control system, the die for the reduction of color is also affected.
4. The reduction of color refers to the color of reducing color display for color reduction, both display a high degree of consistency with the source of the color, so as to ensure that the image realism.
5. whether the mosaic, Mosaic is dead phenomenon refers to appear on the display lit or normally four small black box, both modules necrosis, mainly due to the quality of its display connectors used, but off.
Always refer dead appear on the led street light wholesale or normally black single point, how good or bad from the die to determine the dead point.
6. color color refers to the presence or absence obvious color difference between adjacent modules, the transition to color module as a unit, the color phenomenon is mainly caused by poor control systems, the gray level is not high, scanning lower frequency caused.

comparison of different lighting technology product life cycle energy consumption

Compared with a variety of traditional lighting technologies, LED lighting has better potential for energy savings and improve lighting quality. However, to accurately assess the effect of a lighting technology in energy conservation and environmental protection, the need for the product from manufacturing to disposal of the entire life cycle of resource consumption and energy efficiency to evaluate the whole process. Recently, the US Department of Energy study based on existing information on lighting product life cycle, it is incandescent, energy saving lamps (CFL), LED lamps from the production, transportation to the final part of the total energy use of a comparative study, and released a program called "incandescent, CFL and led high bay light fixture wholesale in the whole life cycle of energy consumption comparative study," the study report.
Comparison of the three stages of the assessment process

1. Based on the existing life cycle assessment (LCA) LED lamps on the basis of documents and other types of lighting energy consumption in comparison;

2.LED Life Cycle including production, transportation, use and disposal process, directly or indirectly, into the processing material inputs and processes;

3. A variety of lighting research all aspects buy, disassembly and chemical testing to detect whether there is a potential accumulation of dangerous substances and dangerous substances exceeded emission standards.

Upstream and downstream energy consumption of energy-saving potential imbalance has led some institutions began to adopt life-cycle analysis to quantify the impact of energy consumption LED lighting products in its life cycle. The objective of the report is based on previous studies to assess LED lamps and other types of lighting energy consumption differences. The report analyzes several existing life cycle assessment studies, including academic publications, including the production of reports and independent research report. The report analyzes answer the following three questions:

1.LED lighting at every stage of its life cycle (production, transportation, etc.) Energy consumption is the number?

2.LED lighting energy consumption within the life cycle and how to distinguish it from incandescent CFL?

3.LED lighting products in the life cycle energy consumption trends which will emerge in the future?

The report is the first start of a US Department of larger research project to study the different lighting technology production, distribution and use of the whole process of resource and environmental depletion. Most studies report used data from the energy consumption of the whole process both studies. In order for the whole process a variety of lighting energy consumption of the product life cycle comprehensive comparative study, public research materials cited in the report as many as 10 kinds.

Incandescent, energy saving lamps, LED lights representing the different lighting techniques, based on these technologies to produce the products have their performance characteristics. As mentioned earlier, have been cited in the report issued 10 kinds of life cycle analysis is to study a number of different sizes, different types of lamps. Therefore, when evaluating the energy consumption of each lamp, incandescent and based on the current performance characteristics of the CFL is to analyze the existing literature on the product. For LED lamps, in order to make the analysis feasible, taking into account the current analysis of the product of the future, the performance characteristics of LED products is based on US Department of Energy released the "2011 years of DOE semiconductor lighting plan."

Because each lamp lumen output and life are not the same, in order to ensure the consistency of the product life cycle energy analysis, the study chose something called 20 million lumens - hour functional units. This functional unit represents a 60W LED lighting service lamps service life has to offer. Because when life than incandescent and CFL LED lamp life is much shorter, single incandescent or CFL lighting services than the functional units provide long-much less. Therefore, the need to use more than just lighting lighting effects to achieve the same amount, so the whole process life cycle energy consumption estimates will alone lighting energy consumption by multiplying the number of lights.

Estimates at different stages of lighting energy consumption

Production stage of energy consumption, including access to the main raw materials, processing of raw materials, production, processing and assembly areas. About incandescent, CFL, LED lamp production phase energy consumption, based entirely on the existing LCA studies. These data include the direct production phase estimate energy consumption, as well as energy consumption data due to the carbon dioxide emissions resulting from energy consumption, further comprising a lighting device produced by splitting (including inventory consumed).

Transport stage is the packaging of the product refers to the transport process from the manufacturing floor to the retail end. Transportation of raw materials and other production processes before it can be considered and included in the production phase. Relatively few studies on the impact of energy consumption of the product during transport to and existing research on energy consumption estimates of little help. Thus, the report stage of transport energy consumption is an independent analytical study. To calculate the transport links in the energy consumption for each lighting technology products are required to take into account the source of origin. Therefore, the study, such as the length of the transport distance, type of transport and load factors into account, for each functional unit during transport energy consumption study was calculated.

Use phase energy consumption estimates are based on different lighting products rated power, lumen output value and other data to carry out. But when assessing medium screw lamp product use phase energy consumption, consider the need to focus on the "2007 Energy Independence and Security Act." The Act provides for a common incandescent medium screw the highest power, the expiration date of the provision is 2012-2014. Incandescent halogen-free products, such as incandescent mentioned in the report 60W, and is unlikely to meet the requirements of the energy conservation. So "2009 Energy Independence and Security Act" is expected to lead the market to a more energy-efficient products make the transformation photograph, such as standard halogen, CFL and LED lamps. Although halogen likely plays an increasingly important role in the future of the market, but due to the lack of production and processing of energy data, so this type of product life-cycle energy consumption of the whole process is not included in this research report to them. However, the report uses a halogen lamp in the use phase energy consumption data to be compared with other lighting products.

Figure 1 shows the led high bay light price production, transportation to the process of using the average of the total energy consumption has been flat and energy-saving lamps, about 20 million lumens per hour consumption is 3900 megajoules (MJ). The energy consumption is only 1/4 of incandescent, incandescent energy consumption for each functional unit 15100MJ. However, if the 2015 energy consumption levels, LED lamps can achieve the desired goal, then its life cycle total energy consumption will be only 1/2 of the current level. In addition, all three types of lighting products which, using the link is part of the largest energy consumption, accounting for 90% of the average energy consumption of the entire life cycle. Next are the production processes and transport links. Transport links throughout the life cycle energy consumption in the proportion of energy consumption is less than 1%. The proportion of energy consumption of production processes is the most uncertain, the proportion of different products in the energy sectors of 0.1% to 27%, the average is 7 percent....

The Calculation of LED driver circuit engineering

Power LED calculated from the known number of
Example: The rated output power of 10W power supply, rated forward current 20mA, 70mW power dissipation under the condition number of led high bay light for sale
 can be configured according to the above formula (ie integer data obtained to take)?

1: For a constant drive mode:

LED number and the number of parallel branch known output from the power supply voltage is calculated each road series

(1) Calculate the number of each branch LED

(2) Calculate the number of parallel branch

Note: VLED value varies depending on light color, with a power supply when the drive LED, in order to control the current, usually requires a series resistor.

Example: a rated output voltage of DC 24V, 10W power supply, with a rated forward current 20mA, power dissipation is 70mW rated forward voltage of 1.8V LED can be configured to do the number (integer data obtained).?

You can slip with 10 groups, each way 14 LED series circuit consisting of a total of 140 LED.

2: For constant current drive mode

Known by the power supply output current and the current value of the LED count and calculate the number of each parallel branch road

The number of branches (1) parallel computing

(2) Calculate the number of branches in series LED:

Example: a rated output current of DC 0.35A, 10W rated power supply, drive power dissipation 70mW, forward current of 0.02A of the LED, can be how to configure?

Parallel count road:

(Integer fetch data obtained)

Each road series with number: Number

That can take 17 groups of 8 LED in series, a total of 136 LED.

Calculation of line losses and line pressure drop

Wire P = I R V = IR Wire

R wire = σ (Note: L length of wire; S for wire cross-sectional area; σ is the conductivity of the wire) can also check the electrical manual.

Example: led street lights price with a length of 10 meters (positive and negative wires 5 meters), 24AWG of copper wire, through current of 2A, the loss of power and line drop as much?

Electrician check the manual shows: R = 0.737W Wire

V wire = 2 × 0.737 = 1.474V

Wire P = 2 × 0.737 = 2.948W

As can be seen from the above calculations, the line current is large, pay attention to select the appropriate wire section, otherwise the line losses and line drop is quite large.

We only have to fully understand the basic characteristics of LED and LED power supply, in order to properly design and use of LED light sources.

how to design LED display of subway train

LED display in the subway as a public-facing information display terminal, has a very wide range of residential and commercial value.

Currently running subway cars in the country in general are equipped with a LED display, but additional features small, single-screen display. To cope with the new subway passenger information systems, we have designed a new type of multi-bus LED display dynamic screen.

The display not only in communicating with a variety of external bus interface, the internal control circuit design also uses a single bus and I2C bus devices.

LED screen on the subway in two ways: one is placed on the outside of the car, the train operating range for displaying, running direction of the current station and the station name, in English and is compatible with the display; other services may also need to display information according to the operation; the text display can be choose static, scroll, pan, waterfalls, animation and other effects, the maximum number of characters is 16 × 16 dot matrix display 12 characters. Another is the end of the led street lighting Manufacturer, placed in the car, the train operator terminal LED display can request pre-terminus, and real-time display of the current terminus, while displaying the current temperature inside the car, the maximum number of characters displayed 16 × 16 dot matrix characters for eight.

2 System Components

LED display system screen consists of two single-chip control unit and a display unit, the display unit can display a single 16 × 16 characters 4, if making the production of a certain size LED graphic display system, as long as the number of intelligent display unit, a "building block "approach can be realized using serial communication links between system each display unit. In addition to the control unit is responsible for controlling the display unit and the transmission of instructions and PC signals, but also built a single-bus digital temperature sensor 18B20. Thanks to modular design of the control circuit, if the humidity measurements under the requirements of the situation there, 18b20 can be upgraded to the module's circuit Dallas DS2438 and Honeywell's HIH23610 composition. In order to meet the communication needs of the vehicle, between the control unit using the PC and the car's CAN bus to communicate.
       The display unit by the LED display panel and a display circuit of two parts, LED display panel is composed of four modules of the lattice 16 × 64 dot matrix display unit generic smart single full screen display unit may display four 16 × 16 dot matrix characters or symbol, the system uses a serial communication link between the display unit, allowing work to harmonize the entire system. Display circuit consists of two 16-pin ribbon cable port, two 74H245 tristate bus driver, a 74HC04D six inverters, two 74H138 eight decoder and 8 74HC595 shift latch components. The control circuit of the high-speed microcontroller core for WINBOND 77E58, crystal frequency is 24MHz.AT29C020A for 256K of ROM, for storing 16 × 16 dot matrix character base and 16 × 8 dot matrix ASCII code table. AT24C020 is based on the I2C serial bus EP2ROM, storing pre-set statements, such as the subway station names, greetings and so on. 18b20 temperature inside the vehicle is measured by a single bus digital temperature sensor. SJA1000 CAN bus and TJA1040 respectively controller and transceiver.

3.1 Design of the control circuit unit

The whole system winbond dynamic core microcontroller 77E58, 77E58 with a redesigned microprocessor core, the instruction compatible Series 51, but because of the clock cycle is only four cycles, at the same clock frequency, its speed generally higher than traditional 8051 increased by 2 to 3 times, so a good solution to large-capacity dynamic characters displayed on the microcontroller frequency requirements, in addition to its own watchdog. 77E58 74LS373 latch controlled by the flash memory AT29C020, size is 256K. Since the memory capacity of more than 64K, so using a paging addressing methods in the design, which uses flash memory P1.1 and P1.2 to conduct the election page, is divided into four pages addressing size 64K, P1.5 except for external AT29C020 chip select, but also to ensure that the right cause P1.1 and P1.2 AT29C020 on a 16-pin ribbon cable connector multiplexed misuse. CAN controller is a key part of the communication, in order to improve the anti-jamming capability between SJA1000 CAN controller and CAN transceiver TJA1040 plus access high-speed optocoupler 6N137, microcontroller through P3.0 SJA1000 CAN controller chip select. 18B20 single bus device, the device and the microcontroller interface only occupies one I / O ports, the temperature can be directly converted into a digital signal, and 9 digit code serial output mode, the choice in the control circuit P1.4 complete 18B20 chip select and data transmission capabilities. AT24C020 clock line SCL and SDA bidirectional data lines were connected to the microcontroller pins P1.6 and P1.7.16 cable interface control circuit and display interface part of the circuit.
3.2 The display unit connected to the control

Display circuit section through a 16-pin cable (1) 16-pin ribbon cable port and the port connected to the control circuit, the 16-pin cable outlet (1) single-chip instruction and data will be transmitted to the led street light wholesale circuit, the 16-pin cable (2 ) is used to cascade multiple display screens, its wiring and 16-pin cable outlet (1) is basically the same, but pay attention to the R side of the connection from left to right are two of the first eight 74H595 end of DS chart , when it is in cascade (1) connected in series with the port under a 16-pin cable screen (Figure 1). CLK is a clock signal terminal, STR latch side row, R is the data side, G (GND), LOE lit for row enable terminal, A, B, C, D for the row select terminal. The specific role of each port are as follows: A, B, C, D for row selection terminal for controlling specific data from the PC to the specified line on the display panel, R is the data side, the microcontroller accepts data transmission. LED display unit working sequence is as follows: CLK clock signal terminal R side, after receiving a data, by the control circuit to a pulse rise artificially, STR data in a row (16 × 4) 64 transmits data after all, to the rising edge of a pulse to latch data; LOE lit the row set by the microcontroller. Display circuit diagram shown in Figure 3.

Intelligent Drive System Design of LED lamps

LED lighting is the mainstream of the global energy conservation, and high-power LED lighting is the main trend of the future world of lighting lighting system. High-power LED with high brightness, energy saving and environmental protection, safety and high stability, energy-saving than traditional light sources 60% to 70%.
The traditional sound and light control delay controller can achieve good control of the lights in the dark, or come in the evening when the light comes, can effectively achieve "people to light, people go lights out", but because of its switch is used relay like mechanical controllers, so many places in the flow of people due to frequent switching, relatively easily damaged.

According to the existing high-power led high bay light manufacturers products on the market, designed to be applied in corridors, staircases, classrooms and other places of intelligent lighting systems.

The system uses 24 V / 3 A switching power supply, the lower level can be distributed multiple LED intelligent lighting module (see Figure 1). Controller using AT89C2051, constant current drive using PT4115 chip. Bright lights off and brightness by dimming realization and change.

DIM end PT4115 chip available to achieve the output current PWM dimming from 0-100% adjustment, according to the characteristics, design a set of voice control, light control, time control in one of the intelligent dimming module. Its functions are:

(1) When the light (natural light) time, with or without sound, light does not shine.

(2) When no light (natural light) when, if a man produces sound through the controller to determine the time period, if the sky is completely dark down time (defined as the first period), then the LED emitted 100% brightness. The rest of the time period that the sky still bright, the controller can output a 50% duty cycle square wave, so that the brightness of LED 50% will be issued, which can further save energy, improve energy efficiency.

A constant current driver based PT4115

1. 1 PT4115 chip introduced

PT4115 is a step-down constant current source inductor current continuous conduction mode for driving single or multiple series LED.PT4115 input voltage range of 6 V ~ 30 V, adjustable output current of up to 1. 2A Depending on the input voltage and external components, PT4115 can drive up to tens of watts LED.PT4115 built-in power switch, the use of high-current sample set average LED current, and by D IM pin can accept analog dimming and a wide range of PWM dimming. D IM when the voltage is lower than 0. 3 V, the power switch is turned off, PT4115 enters a low current standby mode.

1. 2 LED spotlights drive circuit

When V IN power-inductance (L) and the current sense resistor (RS) of the initial current is zero, LED output current is zero (see Figure 2). At this time, the output switch is turned on, the potential SW is low. Current through the inductor (L), current sense resistor (RS), LED and internal power switch from V IN to ground, the slope of the current rise from V IN, inductance (L) and LED drop decided to produce a pressure in RS poor VCSN, when (V IN-VCSN) "115 mV, the internal power switch is turned off, the current flowing through the inductor to another slope (L), current sense resistor (RS), LED and Schottky diode (D); as (V IN-VCSN) "when 85mV, power switch back on, which makes the average current in the LED is IOUT = (0. 085+ 0. 015) / 2? RS = 0. 1 / R S. If you do not use the dimming function enables DIM pin floating, then set the maximum output current.

2 Based Top249Y of 72W switching power adapter design

2.1 Transformer Design

High-frequency transformer design should pay attention to: 1) the high-frequency transformer design, at maximum output power, the core of the magnetic flux density should reach saturation, in order to avoid distortion at large signal. 2) In the transient process, the high-frequency leakage inductance and stray capacitance chain will cause inrush current and peak voltage and pulse oscillation top, so the loss increases, the switch will cause serious damage. Meanwhile, the output winding turns and more layers for a long time, you should consider the impact of distributed capacitance, reducing the distributed capacitance help to curb high-frequency signal to interference load. The same high-frequency transformer while reducing the distributed capacitance and leakage inductance is difficult, depending on the job requirements should ensure proper capacitance and inductance.

2.2 switching power supply circuit

Figure 3 C 6 for X-type capacitors, filter series mode interference between the grid. L2 is the common mode suppressor, can filter out common mode interference, C 1 is the input filter capacitor. Use a resistance value R 11 2MΩ realization undervoltage and overvoltage detection, while providing lower output voltage ripple frequency voltage feedforward.

TOP249Y in this circuit DC voltage range of 100 ~ 450 V, once beyond the voltage range, TOP249Y will automatically shut down. Resistor R 10 20. 5 K using an external resistor value from the current limit set to full peak current is only slightly higher than the low-voltage work, allowing the use of smaller transformer core, while avoiding the start and output load transients the core saturation. VR1 that instantaneous voltage suppression tube model is P6KE200, in parallel with the capacitor C 11 in order to reduce the loss of Zener clamp. Models available for blocking diode D1 UF4006. Target clamping voltage averages about 180 VR 4, R 5, R 6 is the output voltage of the sampling resistor, after sampling and TL431 internal reference voltage to generate an error voltage, and then PC817A optocoupler feedback to the control pin C, and then change the output duty TOP249Y to stabilize the output voltage.

3 AT89C2051 based intelligent controller

Shown, which is mainly composed of a sensor unit, A \ D conversion unit, the controller unit 4 based composition AT89C2051 intelligent controller circuit. AT89C2051 chip for voice and light control signals from the sensor detects the signal data through plastic surgery done after treatment, and then control the LED driver. The circuit of AT89C2051 p3. 0 and p3. 1 as an input signal detecting port, and the remaining 13 ports selectable output control. Software flow chart shown in Figure 5.
4 Summary

led high bay light for sale designed by the author, can effectively monitor, detect changes in the surrounding environment, and promptly closed, open source, and dimming lights. The system as compared with conventional sound and light control delay switch illumination system, not only can save a lot of energy, but its unique dimming module using the electricity efficiency is greatly improved. The system is in the works have a good prospect.

Tuesday, December 2, 2014

China's LED industry is expected to enter the explosive growth

Guangzhou Xinhua October 17 (Reporter Wu Weihong) Recently, the reporter learned that, with the light-emitting diode (LED) and other green energy in the universal application of the globe, our LED lighting products export is in rapid growth. Insiders said that the current LED industry, strong export and domestic market potential is huge, the next few years, led high bay light price is expected to usher in the explosive growth.

In the 116th Canton Fair lighting exhibition, the reporter saw domestic companies have exhibited a wide variety of LED lighting, some companies develop new products can be manipulated using Bluetooth, a number of new product design novel also won the Fair because of export products design Awards attracted many overseas businessmen to consult.

"This year's LED export situation is very good, stable export markets in developed countries, emerging countries has grown rapidly in the next few years, the domestic market is expected to show explosive growth." LED lighting division, general manager of Shenzhen Mao-Xin Dai Yuanqing electronics company forecast.

Insiders said that the blue LED chips before the invention, can not be applied to the specific white lighting. The emergence of true blue LED into the home, road and landscape outdoor stage large-scale applications, and to subvert the era incandescent and energy-saving lamps, helps to reduce carbon emissions and environmental protection.

Director of the Joint Innovation Center of Guangdong Province semiconductor lighting industry assistant Li Wenyu told reporters that the current rapid development of LED industry, market prospects. Guangdong Province last year, LED exports reached 60 billion yuan, of which the Russian market is growing very fast, the growth rate of 100%.

According to the authoritative estimates, the next 3-5 years, China's LED lighting products exports will remain 40% annual growth, which slowed down the growth rate of the European and American markets, the strong growth in emerging markets.

According to China CCCME, currently Russia, Southeast Asia and the Middle East are our LED lighting products export orders the fastest growing overseas markets.

"At present, the domestic consumer market is not mature LED, LED product advantages and energy-saving ideas need further publicity and guidance, along with the relevant product standards and gradually improve the domestic LED market will usher in rapid growth." Dai Yuanqing said.

LED temperature change of the industry, from the performance of listed companies can also be discerned. Reported data show, A shares of 22 listed companies in the first half of 2014 led street light with solar panel of 11.62 billion yuan, an increase of 32%; total profit of 1.79 billion yuan, an increase of 31%.

However, the Electrical Association also said that while the market prospects, China's LED lighting industry still exists overcapacity, fierce price war, rising costs and a series of issues related to the gradual accumulation of increased market risk, and we must pay attention to the relevant enterprises and departments. From the technical level, although the recent years, increasing research and development of domestic LED enterprise innovation, but compared with international counterparts is still not a small gap.

"Domestic LED enterprise technology still needs to be upgraded, 80-90% of the companies are packaging production, the key chip technology is still controlled by the United States, Japan, South Korea enterprises in the hands." Dai Yuanqing said.

LEDs Are a Diamond's Best Friend

What makes a piece of jewelry stand out from others doesn't just have to do with the four-C's (cut, color, clarity and carat). Sometimes it has everything to do with the way it looks on display. For jewelers, display cases help protect and highlight products. But for many, the cases also hinder consumers from seeing merchandise details that can lead to sales. As grocers and discount retailers have already discovered, led high bay light fixture wholesale technology helps showcase product details, attract consumer attention and reduce energy expenses. Now the LED lighting trend is making its way to the jewelry industry, where one leading jeweler is turning heads--literally--with its recent upgrade to GE's LED lighting for display cases. As one of the largest independent jewelers in the U.S., The Diamond Cellar in Dublin, Ohio, is known for its expertise in service, selection and, now, its innovative approach to showcasing products throughout its multilevel flagship store. By replacing existing display case bulbs with GE's Immersion(R) LED Display Case Lighting, the retailer is able to add sparkle to all facets of merchandise on display, while guiding a consumer's eye throughout the cases to see the wide selection of jewelry in an effort to increase sales.
GE's LED system uses multiple point sources of light to increase visual reflectivity and shine while reducing operating costs. Its reflector design focuses peak light to the center of the case and radiates light out across the case to eliminate shadows and lighting hot spots often found with fluorescent and halogen lighting. It creates a brighter, more uniform look throughout.
Immersion led high bay light for sale uses advanced thermal management for cooler operation and it consumes as little as 7.8 watts per foot while producing higher lux levels per watt of energy used when compared with fluorescent. While halogen systems produce higher lux levels, the Immersion LED Display Case Lighting offers better optical control and nearly 80 percent energy savings, along with a long 50,000-hour rated life to reduce maintenance hassle and costs. The new LED lighting's environmentally responsible design is not only energy efficient, but also RoHS compliant and doesn't contain lead, mercury or glass.

Global LED Market to Reach $14.8 Billion by 2015

Global led high bay light supplier is expected to witness rapid growth, led by increasing demand for efficient displays and lighting fixtures along with the rising awareness levels about energy conservation. Though high prices restricted the initial use of LEDs to a small group of applications (which included decorative lighting, exit signs, architectural lighting, and entertainment lighting), the current LED market is relatively broad in terms of end-use applications and encompasses notebook PCs, LCD TVs, residential and commercial lighting, handsets, and signals and displays. Improvements in luminous efficacy and application technologies of LEDs led to their utilization in backlights, landscape lighting, traffic lights, and automobile lights. Due to rising environmental concerns, most of the governments are focusing on phasing out of incandescent lights, replacing them with energy efficient LED lights. Short-term growth is likely to be propelled by the growing popularity of LED TVs and notebooks, while general lighting segment is expected to drive market growth in the long run, as stated by the new market research report on Light Emitting Diode (LED) market. Mobile phones emerged as the leading end-use market with more than 25% share of value sales for 2009, while led high bay light for sale is expected to post the fastest growth in terms of volume sales. The market is also expected to benefit from rapid technological advancements that are expected to bring down the number of chips per box as well as the average selling price of LEDs.
Although the global economic crisis significantly influenced the operations of LED market in 2009 leading to a sales decline in major LED utilizing sectors such as mobile phones, large outdoor displays and automotive, the decline was partly offset by the increasing use of LEDs in segments such as backlights for notebook PCs and LCD televisions, apart from the lighting sector.

Launch of innovative LED solutions to personalize homes

Royal Philips Electronics says it is underlining its global leadership in lighting by substantially broadening its portfolio of LED-based lighting solutions which enhance the lives of people at home and in cities. Light + Building - the world’s leading lighting and architecture fair – is providing Philips with a platform to launch additions to its portfolio of complete and innovative LED lighting solutions for consumer and professional applications, including:

• A breakthrough 12 watt led high bay light price as a substitute for a 60 watt light bulb

• LivingAmbiance – a revolutionary approach to mood creation, wirelessly integrating multiple luminaires and lamps in one system for the home

• The Lirio by Philips, Arcitone and Ledino collections of distinctive, high-design consumer luminaires to match modern interiors.

• New solutions and concepts enabling municipalities to create more livable cities through the adoption of LED street lighting

• LED luminaire and control solutions for offices and shops

Philips is introducing a revolutionary concept in home ambiance: LivingAmbiance. Using a simple remote control, LivingAmbiance enables a room to be easily matched to the mood or the occasion, integrating multiple luminaires and lamps wirelessly to generate any desired type of ambient lighting.

LivingAmbience also incorporates Philips’ latest generation of LivingColors, the acclaimed range of consumer luminaires which enable thousands of colors to be chosen at the touch of a button. The new-shape range of LivingColors colored and white light luminaires build on this proposition by adding adjustable and dimmable white light for daily activities as well as offering more possibilities for ambiance creation.

As LED technology opens up the application of architecture and design in home lighting, Philips will introduce a collection of home luminaires at the cutting-edge of contemporary interior design. Three new product families - Lirio by Philips, Arcitone and Ledino - each enable consumers to express themselves by applying the design flexibility of led high bay light manufacturers with bold new forms, materials and finishes.

During 2010 Philips will introduce a new range of outdoor luminaires – CitySoul, CitySpirit, MileWide and StreetStar – all built around LEDGINE, a future-proofed and fully upgradable platform for outdoor luminaires to maintain pace with progressive improvements in LED technologies.

Philips is also exploring the potential of applying LED to help ‘declutter’ city streets increasingly obscured by a variety of elements, including lighting fixtures. Visitors to Light + Building will be able to see a number of proof-of-concept demonstrations in new street lighting designs, including advanced new LED luminaires which rendering lighting virtually invisible during the day, but still ensure bright, white light at night.

Intematix Lighting-Quality LEDs Set New Price-Performance Benchmark

Intematix Corp., a leading innovator in phosphors, LED components and solid state lighting solutions, today announced the introduction of its C1109D that sets a new value benchmark for lighting-quality LEDs. Ranging from 450 lumens at 143 lumens per dollar in cool white, to 345 lumens at 110 lumens per dollar in high color quality warm white, the ceramic-packaged LED is nominally rated at just 4.7 watts. A typical incandescent bulb would require 25 to 30 watts for an equivalent light output. The led street light with solar panel is suited for a wide array of luminaires, especially those demanding maximum operational cost-efficiency, such as street and roadway lighting, garages, gas station canopy, warehouse, and recessed downlights in restaurant, hospitality and other high usage applications.
“Breaking through 1-cent per lumen for a high color quality, warm white LED is precisely what the LED lighting industry needs in order to encourage more rapid adoption of this energy saving technology”
.“Breaking through 1-cent per lumen for a high color quality, warm white LED is precisely what the LED lighting industry needs in order to encourage more rapid adoption of this energy saving technology,” commented Ilkan Cokgor, Director of Business Development, Lighting Products, for Intematix. “While the business case for led street light wholesale in many 24x7 applications can be fairly clear, luminaire manufacturers are still struggling to show a short enough payback for the more common 12x7 applications, as you find on our roadways, in our parking lots and outdoor service environments, and in many downlight applications. With the LED offerings that have been available up to now, in order to make the business-case work, luminaire manufacturers are often forced to consider potentially less capable LEDs that may not deliver a consistent and high quality color over the long term. A quality LED product, at a breakthrough price point, is the solution.” As with other Intematix patented chip-array-on-ceramic LEDs, the C1109D leverages Intematix' widely recognized patent-backed phosphors, with special production techniques, to deliver impressive color quality and highly controlled bin selections. At 4.7 watts, C1109D series delivers 95 lumens per watt (lm/W) from the 5000K correlated color temperature (CCT) cool white version. The 3000K CCT warm white version is a high color rendering implementation (CRI >80) well suited to general purpose lighting. At 9mm x 11mm, the package is compact enough for use in integral replacement lamps, such as R or PAR type bulbs, as well as other types of downlights and recessed fixtures. The C1109D has several advanced design wins in luminaires that have received Energy Star certification.

New alloys key to efficient energy and lighting

A recent advance by Arizona State University researchers in developing nanowires could lead to more efficient photovoltaic cells for generating energy from sunlight, and to better light-emitting diodes (LEDs) that could replace less energy-efficient led street light wholesale bulbs. Electrical engineers Cun-Zheng Ning and Alian Pan are working to improve quaternary alloy semiconductor nanowire materials. Nanowires are tens of nanometers in diameter and tens of microns in length. Quaternary alloys are made of semiconductors with four elements, often made by alloying two or more compound semiconductors. Semiconductors are the material basis for technologies such as solar cells, high-efficiency LEDs for lighting, and for visible and infrared detectors.
One of the most critical parameters of semiconductors that determine the feasibility for these technologies is the band gap. The band gap of a semiconductor determines, for example, if a given wavelength of sun light is absorbed or left unchanged by the semiconductor in a solar cell. Band gap also determines what color of light an LED emits. To make solar cells more efficient, it's necessary to increase the range of band gaps. Ideally, the highest solar cell efficiency is achieved by having a wide range of band gaps that matches the entire solar spectrum, explains Ning, a professor in the School of Electrical, Computer and Energy Engineering, a part of ASU's Ira A. Fulton Schools of Engineering.
In LED lighting applications, he says, more available band gaps means more colors can be emitted, providing more flexibility in color engineering or color rendering of light. For example, different proportions of red, green and blue colors would mix with different white colors. More flexibility would allow white color to be adjusted to suit various situations, or individual preferences. Similarly, Ning says, detection of different colors requires semiconductors of different band gaps. The more band gaps that are available, the more information can be acquired about an object to be detected. Thus, all of these lighting applications can be improved by having semiconductors with a wide range of band gaps. The researchers say the hurdle is that every manmade or naturally occurring semiconductor has only a specific band gap. One standard way to broaden the range of band gaps is to alloy two or more semiconductors. By adjusting the relative proportion of two semiconductors in an alloy, it's possible to develop new band gaps between those of the two semiconductors. But accomplishing this requires a condition called lattice constant matching, which requires similar inter-atomic spaces between two semiconductors to be grown together.
"This is why we cannot grow alloys of arbitrary compositions to achieve arbitrary band gaps," Ning says. "This lack of available band gaps is one of reasons current solar cell efficiency is low, and why we do not have LED lighting colors that can be adjusted for various situations." In recent attempts to grow semiconductor nanowires with "almost" arbitrary band gaps, the research team led by Ning and Pan, an assistant research professor, have used a new approach to produce an extremely wide range of band gaps.
They alloyed two semiconductors, zinc sulfide (ZnS) and cadmium selenide (CdSe) to produce the quaternary semiconductor alloy ZnCdSSe, which produced continuously varying compositions of elements on a single substrate (a material on which a circuit is formed or fabricated). Ning says this the first time a quaternary led street light fixture Manufacturer has been produced in the form of a nanowire or nanoparticle. By controlling the spatial variation of various elements and the temperature of a substrate (called the dual-gradient method), the team produced light emissions that ranged from 350 to 720 nanometers on a single substrate only a few centimeters in size. The color spread across the substrate can be controlled to a large degree, and Ning says he believes this dual-gradient method can be more generally applied to produce other alloy semiconductors or expand the band gap range of these alloys. To explore the use of quaternary alloy materials for making photovoltaic cells more efficient, his team has developed a lateral multi-cell design combined with a dispersive concentrator.