Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Interpretation of research funding "rebates" unspoken rules LED industries

Recently, the Science and Technology Minister Wan Gang rebuked research funding "vicious problem." Carding national ministries for nearly three years, the provinces annual audit report found that research funding was "greedy", "swallow", "move", "cheat" uncommon, "black hole" amazing. Total ranks third in the world, over one trillion yuan of annual R & D investment, but did not return with the corresponding effects of technological innovation. The crux of research in which corruption? "Black Hole" And how to block?

According to the China Association survey estimates, buy led high bay lamps funding amounts may reach several hundred billion loss. Vulnerability management research funding led the technology sector to become rent-seeking, corruption, high incidence. Where research funding large payment of wages, benefits, build affordable housing, buying a car, small filling meal card, Jiaodianhuafei even repeat ticket reimbursement, in some exposed and dealt with corruption cases scientific research funding almost "no can not. "

Shandong, a new building materials company official Zhang Yuan (a pseudonym) to apply research funding, "keep on fighting" lessons learned in terms of saying, do not give managers "rebate", the thing is do not do. Which, as a result of our research universities and research institutions, mainly from government departments and social cooperation, national projects for services, catering, conferences and other expenses will be dominated by a certain amount limit, but essentially social cooperation projects one by Project Leader decided, in addition to the provision of about 30% of labor costs may be reimbursed for a few documents also unlimited, resulting in research funding has become a disguised income subsidy is "open secret."

According to a university in Guangzhou, a subordinate returning from abroad Professor Ren Jiaodi situation is concerned, the annual salary of nearly one million yuan in foreign countries, and returned to Guangzhou after wage income, but more than 10 million. "The reason to return, one title to improve, and the second is wage income, although reduced, but there is research funding for the subsidy, the actual income is not low."

Vice president of 21st Century Education Research XiongBingJi that issue has not opened, some of the money into the pockets of some of the officers had. "To some extent, some of the research funds have been alienated red researchers." XiongBingJi said.

Zhang Yuan and show examples of a professor, research funding to apply some localities and departments has become a "black hole", outsiders do not know how deep the water. These are calling the arrival of a field of research funding reform.

For research in the field of chaos, the relevant departments in recent years, spent a lot of energy management, but current research is still shocking corruption, why not? Science and Technology Minister Wan Gang in the phrase: "Technology and management personnel are in the same boat."

Researchers and administrative staff form a "community of interests", or even "both judge and when the athlete" Guaixiang, making research funding lost due to purity, some researchers will be used in the research effort beyond . Two even said "anger" This is why last week's Science and Technology Minister Wan Gang mentioned research funding "vicious problem" in the State Council Information Office press conference, and said that "distressed" and "stunned."

History of Henan University of Finance and Economics Professor Pu told reporters: "To the project, there should be relations, and even some master research funding agencies to find people to the project, Li finished items to be divided again, this is not uncommon."

Zhejiang Provincial Audit Department in 2012 in the annual audit report also pointed out that some leading universities and research managers both management supervisor, but also research takers, which is one of university research funds mainly due to poor management and illegal relatively project funding is usually much greater academic leaders.

Research funding for management and oversight, is not out of nowhere, but research closed operation, it is difficult to form an effective regulatory system constraints. Social at above 985 colleges say, since it has been dialed down research funds, the financial staff is generally believed that the money belongs to the study director, financial reimbursement procedures but take one off games.

National Bureau of Statistics latest figures show that in 2012, funding for research and experimental development of the whole society reached a total of 1.02984 trillion yuan of investment, the total ranks third in the world.

Many researchers reflect, under the current system, Chinese universities and research institutions to the number of issues as the promotion of scientific research personnel, an important indicator of assessment, the results of some of the issues, "water", "re-approval, light research," "heavy investment in light of performance" has become outstanding issues, which indicates that China's scientific research system there have been various distortions during operation, research and development investments and screamed loud and technological achievements are not proportional.

History of Pu said that many researchers devote himself to the project, there is little effort to do research, to use the results of research funding to the packaging, and then to apply the results of the package of new issues, research funding in this "complex issue task" the cycle is wasted.

According to statistics in recent years, research and experimental development of China (R & D) expenditures annual growth rate of more than one hundred billion yuan, in 2012 it is more than 1 trillion yuan. However, according to the China Association survey estimates, China's scientific research funds for only about 40% of the project itself, the loss of a large number of research funding from the project. Based on the total amount of about 1 trillion yuan to estimate the amount of scientific research funding of non-use may reach several hundred billion dollars annually.

This data and the vice mayor of Guangzhou, Wang disclosed roughly. He end of July at a news conference that the information they have seen a show, the country's research funding for approximately 40% of the real R & D, sixty five percent for a meeting on a business trip. That time, the led high bay light for sale for Discipline Inspection announced the Guangdong Provincial Science and Technology Department Director Li Xinghua suspicion of serious discipline, organization undergoing investigation. This exposes the chaos from government subsidies LED industry to some extent.

These stories and more exposure cases audit report shows that some researchers and managers improper use of research funding has become a "custom" in some places and universities have formed a chain of interest: Experts and scholars fighting for issues "must fund" project group members assuming a "flower funds" managers abuse of power "appropriations."

Bing said the industry spread a message of a Secretary for the Pearl River Delta region, in a project funded enterprises to apply before the commission charged $ 200,000 in funding for two million yuan after the application is successful, again a big opening to obtain half of the costs to businesses . The results angered the companies, things finally exposed, the Secretary was "double."

The main reason is due to the prevailing research funds reporting model is: the government on the recommendation of the Expert Committee to develop a research project fixed reporting guidelines, the fund researchers then declare for reporting guidelines. The declaration should reflect the spirit of science, scientific research fund laws, government departments became "thesis writing." In this process, from project approval, the funds allocated to the results of identification, they are inseparable from the "rule of man" in the shadow, eventually leading research fund allocation could be power, human derivatives.

Curry favor with the government even to improve R & D

According to a company official that, LED barriers to entry are so low that he now do not know what is LED. "I just know, I just do the lights just like doing other lights as well." He said, and PV, as do the socks from other industries, including the production of bicycles are entering the industry. "Money too fast," as they are a medium-sized firms in Zhongshan, a year's turnover is 10 billion.

The official said that as the process of applying for government funds to support more complex, the company has no application. "Application of the condition, first look at the production capacity, our production capacity is not big enough." He says, "but in spite of the large production again, if there is no perfect government relations is difficult to do, you know, especially for ours private enterprises concerned. "

Some industry insiders told reporters that if the government carried out blindly for LED support and subsidies, will lead the industry to step PV footsteps. "PV just some people in the use of new energy concepts to defraud the government subsidies." Chinese PV companies a house employee said the reporter.

Insiders even predicted that 2013 may be a fifth of China LED lighting business failures. Many industry insiders said to the reporter, and PV, the government of the LED overly generous financial support, the consequences are often, causing a lot of excess capacity in the case of serious excess capacity, is bound to have a vicious competition between industries , which ultimately hindered technological innovation.

"China's LED core technology is mainly abroad." The main person responsible for the above Zhongshan LED business, said, "For us, the key is not technological innovation, but how to do big production, the bigger the better."

          Local payment modes have been aware of research funding reforms. Wang on the conference, Guangzhou has started studying how to deliver the financial funding problems. He said he was also thinking about is the money scattered to every business to go, or put more into technology and services platform Shang Hao.

"Science and technology funds usage patterns, we can not simply project on the line." October 12, at the First China Technology and Finance to promote the Forum, the Guangdong Provincial Science and Technology Department Deputy Director Ye Jing chart so that the Guangdong Province in recent reflection in technology management in the past practice, the future will be both science and technology funding to adjust usage patterns.

Guangdong CPPCC members suggested that China's research funding model reform can learn from some developed countries, such as Germany, by an association to co-ordinate all research institutes, and management of all research grant funding. No artificial administrative role, a former president of the Association of scientific research, to know where the money should be spent. Rather than, as now, research funding layers of review issued by the Ministry of Science, Technology Department, Technology Bureau so many levels, error-prone. And Science and Technology Department is the executive branch, not the research department, and they are to master the issuance of project funding and unreasonable.

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