Thursday, December 4, 2014

comparison of different lighting technology product life cycle energy consumption

Compared with a variety of traditional lighting technologies, LED lighting has better potential for energy savings and improve lighting quality. However, to accurately assess the effect of a lighting technology in energy conservation and environmental protection, the need for the product from manufacturing to disposal of the entire life cycle of resource consumption and energy efficiency to evaluate the whole process. Recently, the US Department of Energy study based on existing information on lighting product life cycle, it is incandescent, energy saving lamps (CFL), LED lamps from the production, transportation to the final part of the total energy use of a comparative study, and released a program called "incandescent, CFL and led high bay light fixture wholesale in the whole life cycle of energy consumption comparative study," the study report.
Comparison of the three stages of the assessment process

1. Based on the existing life cycle assessment (LCA) LED lamps on the basis of documents and other types of lighting energy consumption in comparison;

2.LED Life Cycle including production, transportation, use and disposal process, directly or indirectly, into the processing material inputs and processes;

3. A variety of lighting research all aspects buy, disassembly and chemical testing to detect whether there is a potential accumulation of dangerous substances and dangerous substances exceeded emission standards.

Upstream and downstream energy consumption of energy-saving potential imbalance has led some institutions began to adopt life-cycle analysis to quantify the impact of energy consumption LED lighting products in its life cycle. The objective of the report is based on previous studies to assess LED lamps and other types of lighting energy consumption differences. The report analyzes several existing life cycle assessment studies, including academic publications, including the production of reports and independent research report. The report analyzes answer the following three questions:

1.LED lighting at every stage of its life cycle (production, transportation, etc.) Energy consumption is the number?

2.LED lighting energy consumption within the life cycle and how to distinguish it from incandescent CFL?

3.LED lighting products in the life cycle energy consumption trends which will emerge in the future?

The report is the first start of a US Department of larger research project to study the different lighting technology production, distribution and use of the whole process of resource and environmental depletion. Most studies report used data from the energy consumption of the whole process both studies. In order for the whole process a variety of lighting energy consumption of the product life cycle comprehensive comparative study, public research materials cited in the report as many as 10 kinds.

Incandescent, energy saving lamps, LED lights representing the different lighting techniques, based on these technologies to produce the products have their performance characteristics. As mentioned earlier, have been cited in the report issued 10 kinds of life cycle analysis is to study a number of different sizes, different types of lamps. Therefore, when evaluating the energy consumption of each lamp, incandescent and based on the current performance characteristics of the CFL is to analyze the existing literature on the product. For LED lamps, in order to make the analysis feasible, taking into account the current analysis of the product of the future, the performance characteristics of LED products is based on US Department of Energy released the "2011 years of DOE semiconductor lighting plan."

Because each lamp lumen output and life are not the same, in order to ensure the consistency of the product life cycle energy analysis, the study chose something called 20 million lumens - hour functional units. This functional unit represents a 60W LED lighting service lamps service life has to offer. Because when life than incandescent and CFL LED lamp life is much shorter, single incandescent or CFL lighting services than the functional units provide long-much less. Therefore, the need to use more than just lighting lighting effects to achieve the same amount, so the whole process life cycle energy consumption estimates will alone lighting energy consumption by multiplying the number of lights.

Estimates at different stages of lighting energy consumption

Production stage of energy consumption, including access to the main raw materials, processing of raw materials, production, processing and assembly areas. About incandescent, CFL, LED lamp production phase energy consumption, based entirely on the existing LCA studies. These data include the direct production phase estimate energy consumption, as well as energy consumption data due to the carbon dioxide emissions resulting from energy consumption, further comprising a lighting device produced by splitting (including inventory consumed).

Transport stage is the packaging of the product refers to the transport process from the manufacturing floor to the retail end. Transportation of raw materials and other production processes before it can be considered and included in the production phase. Relatively few studies on the impact of energy consumption of the product during transport to and existing research on energy consumption estimates of little help. Thus, the report stage of transport energy consumption is an independent analytical study. To calculate the transport links in the energy consumption for each lighting technology products are required to take into account the source of origin. Therefore, the study, such as the length of the transport distance, type of transport and load factors into account, for each functional unit during transport energy consumption study was calculated.

Use phase energy consumption estimates are based on different lighting products rated power, lumen output value and other data to carry out. But when assessing medium screw lamp product use phase energy consumption, consider the need to focus on the "2007 Energy Independence and Security Act." The Act provides for a common incandescent medium screw the highest power, the expiration date of the provision is 2012-2014. Incandescent halogen-free products, such as incandescent mentioned in the report 60W, and is unlikely to meet the requirements of the energy conservation. So "2009 Energy Independence and Security Act" is expected to lead the market to a more energy-efficient products make the transformation photograph, such as standard halogen, CFL and LED lamps. Although halogen likely plays an increasingly important role in the future of the market, but due to the lack of production and processing of energy data, so this type of product life-cycle energy consumption of the whole process is not included in this research report to them. However, the report uses a halogen lamp in the use phase energy consumption data to be compared with other lighting products.

Figure 1 shows the led high bay light price production, transportation to the process of using the average of the total energy consumption has been flat and energy-saving lamps, about 20 million lumens per hour consumption is 3900 megajoules (MJ). The energy consumption is only 1/4 of incandescent, incandescent energy consumption for each functional unit 15100MJ. However, if the 2015 energy consumption levels, LED lamps can achieve the desired goal, then its life cycle total energy consumption will be only 1/2 of the current level. In addition, all three types of lighting products which, using the link is part of the largest energy consumption, accounting for 90% of the average energy consumption of the entire life cycle. Next are the production processes and transport links. Transport links throughout the life cycle energy consumption in the proportion of energy consumption is less than 1%. The proportion of energy consumption of production processes is the most uncertain, the proportion of different products in the energy sectors of 0.1% to 27%, the average is 7 percent....

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