Monday, January 13, 2014

Commercial led high bay lighting wholesale application industry developed steadily in 2013

China's overall development and application of commercial led high bay lighting wholesale industry is relatively stable On the one hand, expanding market applications, technical progress obviously, technological innovation and new product stimulating corporate profit growth;. Hand market competition continued to intensify, individual enterprises setbacks.
overall sales market scale of commercial led high bay lighting wholesale industry maintained steady growth, with advances in optoelectronic materials, the rapid development of LED display technology, to further expand market applications, LED display enterprises not only to broaden the field of display, and the depth of the development of LED lighting products, but to explore the outdoor media market, these are the LED display enterprises and the development of self-beneficial attempt to break through.
In 2013 there have been many innovations and new products, such as high-density fine pitch LED display products gradually in the interior areas of commercial large-screen occupying a seat position, is expected to gradually replace the traditional DLP, LCD and other display devices . Along with the outdoor surface mount packaging technology to improve and enhance the level of protection of modular outdoor, extreme outdoor full color pixel center distance is constantly being refreshed, outdoor surface mount alternative to the big screen to become in-line screen.
As a fully market-oriented LED display applications industry, opportunities and risks. China's LED display is still sharp price competition in the market. Whether it is an emerging market or traditional display market, the price is always the primary means of competition. The new lease, cooperation mode LED display market funds and risk products manufacturing enterprises challenges, some small businesses are not hurt. Individual companies (including more well-known companies) have fallen, the so-called theory of shuffle, winter on temporary rampant.
In fact, LED display industry development bottleneck encountered several enterprises not represent the entire industry, for the industry as a whole, there are several hundreds of companies issue corporate inevitable. Competition within the normal range, in the course of its development, will be another round of reshuffle in any one industry, a wave of corporate knockout complete the self-evolution. Survival of the fittest is the law of nature, commercial led high bay lighting wholesale industry market screening is a normal phenomenon, I think the industry do not have to panic too much.
Note that, commercial led high bay lighting wholesale is understandable, but a simple price war is unwise. 2013 or more competition at the low end of the price competition, the real competition in the market should be the corporate brand strength and product quality. For example, the TV industry has reached a certain stage of maturity, brand competition becomes more apparent, the combined effects of enterprises will affect the brand consumers to buy the product.
The overall development of commercial led high bay lighting wholesale face facing the "bright future" and "grim facts" coexistence, we want to develop industry confidence. LED display applications with the development of basic industries should be said that for many years, in terms of product technology, marketing network, and application markets such as professional team has a good accumulation, constitute an important cornerstone of the development of the industry. More importantly, China's LED display applications industry is rooted in the market developed, the industry of private enterprises as the mainstay, with little government support and preferential wild may mean more vitality.

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