Monday, January 6, 2014

The safety research of LED car headlamps optical radiation

led street lighting fixtures

Radiation hazard has been one of the four major environmental World Health Organization (WHO) is clear and led street lighting fixture parallel security problems facing humanity . Optical radiation is an important part of the radiation is radiation exposure bands most closely with humans. Light sources and lighting radiation safety research in the field of optical radiation on the human body is mainly injury problems.

Optical radiation hazards include ultraviolet, visible and infrared light radiation on human tissue damage , primarily in general the study eye and skin. Eyes are one of the most important sensory organs of people , its structure is very complex, and self-repair capability is weak , the most vulnerable to optical radiation damage , such as Blu- prone too strong photochemical damage photoreceptor cells in the retina , too strong thermal radiation can cause retinal thermal injury. Optical radiation wavelength region and the role of the correspondence between the eyes in Figure 1.

In recent years , the rapid development of international biological research glazing , especially in the third through the study of human non-visual cells in 2002 , the impact of basic research on optical radiation circadian rhythms and endocrine systems , people use and potential sources the problem more seriously. Disorders of several known main cause optical radiation hazards are : light induced and light-induced conjunctivitis, keratitis , cataracts , retinal burns, blue retinal damage, skin tanning , ultraviolet erythema , skin aging , skin cancer and the like.

ICNIRP exposure limit recommendations based on the assessment of the biophysical data, and publishing guidelines for optical radiation safety aspects of non-coherent light source and the laser beam. For LED, ICNIRP recommends following the guidelines of non -coherent light source.

CIE Division VI established the appropriate technical committee to study the LED light radiation on the human eye damage evaluation. 2002 issued biosafety standards for LED light and other non- coherent light source
led street lighting fixture, and the recommendation to the IEC standard as the industry standard.

Since 1993 , optical radiation safety requirements for LED products were included in IEC 60825 " Safety of laser products ", the laser products as required to regulate . But LED and laser different, so in 2007 published IEC 60825-1 " Safety of laser products - Part 1 Equipment classification and requirements" in the second edition , LED products are no longer in accordance with the laser product to consider. October 2008 meeting held IEC/TC76 formally decided to optical radiation safety for all
led street lighting fixture all included in the "Light the lamp and lamp bio- security system," the scope of non- laser products standard IEC 62471.
In recent years , IEC/TC76 accelerate the standardization of biological safety light , LED light biosafety research and standardization work has become a hot topic CIE and IEC related photobiological safety standards promulgated after another .

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