Monday, January 6, 2014

How to improve the products quality by LED street light manufacturer?

The author on a certain understanding of the development of foreign trade marketing for LED street light manufacturer, a bit of development through a network e - mail clients, this type can be considered for foreign trade promotion, the strength of enterprises seeking local dealer.
But the industry also have feedback, LED technology continues to mature and the application of market expansion, but now instead of bad done.
LED street light manufacturers are mainly in the foreign LED street light manufacturer, there are several major shortcomings, the first to face the problem of falling prices, market products T8 tube, for example, in 2010, priced at 120 yuan, but now 73 yuan buy into, and the product or market popular one of the products, as companies competing to sell the product, the market space becomes obvious being squeezed.
Low energy consumption: The much lower energy usage of LED lighting can dramatically reduce operating costs.
Long and predictable lifetime: The lifetime of LED street lights is usually 10 to 15 years, three times the life of current technologies adopted The much less frequent need to service or replace LEDs means lower maintenance cost ..
More accurate color rendering: The color rendering index is the ability of a light source to correctly reproduce the colors of the objects in comparison to an ideal light source Improved color rendering makes it easier for drivers to recognize potential road hazards ..
Quick turn on and off: Unlike fluorescent lamps, which take time to heat up once switched on, LEDs come on with full brightness instantly Unlike mercury vapor, metal halide and sodium vapor lamps (commonly used in street lighting),
LED street light manufacturer do not have. a problem restarting immediately (hot ignition) following a brief power failure or inadvertent turn off.
RoHS compliance: LEDs don't contain mercury or lead, and don't release poisonous gases if damaged.
Less attractive to nocturnal insects: Nocturnal insects are attracted to ultraviolet, blue and green light emitted by conventional light sources.
Fewer electrical losses: All other types of lighting (except incandescent) require ballasts, additional electronic and / or electromagnetic components, in which some power is consumed.
Optically efficient lighting equipment: Other types of street lights use a reflector to capture the light emitted upwards from the lamp Even under the best of conditions, the reflector absorbs some of the light Also for fluorescent lamps and other lamps with phosphor coated bulbs, .. the bulb itself absorbs some of the light directed back down by the reflector. The glass cover, called a refractor, helps project the light down on the street in a desired pattern but some light is wasted by being directed up to the sky (light pollution ).
LED street light manufacturer assemblies (panels) do not require reflectors and can be designed to provide the desired coverage without a refractor.
Reduced glare: Directing the light downward onto the roadway reduces the amount of light that is directed into driver's eyes.
Higher light output even at low temperatures: While fluorescent lights are comparably energy efficient, on average they tend to have lesser light output at winter temperatures.

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