Sunday, January 11, 2015

On development trend of led intelligent lighting

Industry sources are considered, lack of consumer awareness of the intelligent lighting market in its infancy is the main reason. In recent years, with the rapid development of the national economy, especially the rapid development of the real estate industry's triumph, the intelligent lighting industry, the emergence of a variety of technology types of manufacturers, the market also appeared in various types, distinctive smart switch products.
        Although the field of led street lighting Manufacturer control no scale national consumer market, but most manufacturers are still highly intelligent lighting to guide consumers on the construction of channels has also been exploring the model for the industry, realistic demand for products in increasing strides functional positioning and stability have been achieved. Manufacturers, distributors, integrators and decoration companies, regional sales continue to accumulate experience.

The unique charm of intelligent lighting

        1. Automatic dimming Intelligent lighting control system can be fully automated state job. There are a number of basic state system, the state will automatically switch between them at a pre-set time, automatically adjust the illumination to the most appropriate level.

        2. The full use of natural light Adjustable features of controlled light construction equipment (such as blinds) to adjust the control of natural light, and lighting systems can not even move. When the weather changes, the system can automatically adjust, no matter what place or how the weather changes, the system can ensure that the indoor illumination maintained at pre-set level.

        3. Consistency general illumination lighting designer for the new buildings for lighting design, will be taken into account over time, and the room lighting efficiency attenuation wall reflectivity, and therefore its initial illumination are set too high. This design not only resulted in the building with the use of the illumination period (or twice decorated interval) is inconsistent, but also because of the high illuminance at the beginning and an unnecessary waste of energy. With intelligent lighting control, though still high illumination design, but can be intelligent dimming, the system will follow the standard pre-set brightness to maintain a constant illumination lighting area, regardless of lighting efficiency and reduce the reflectivity of the wall attenuation affected.

        4. Light Conversion Intelligent Scene Intelligent lighting control system can be pre-set different scenarios modules, necessary as long as the corresponding control panel can be transferred to the desired scene. Users can also programmable control panel on the scene in real-time adjustment to suit different requirements. In addition, users can also change settings in different scenarios through an interface with a portable programmer.

        5. The operation of energy-efficient intelligent lighting control systems for most lamps (including incandescent, fluorescent, with special ballast of sodium, mercury, neon lights, etc.) for intelligent light, to where it is needed, the time needed to adequate lighting. To turn off unneeded lights, full use of natural light, which runs the full energy savings. Intelligent lighting control can generally save 20-40% of energy, not only reduces electricity costs for users, but also reduce the supply pressure.

        6. known to prolong the life of the light source, light damage is mainly due to over-voltage grid, as long as appropriate to reduce the operating voltage can extend the life of the light source. Intelligent lighting control system uses the soft-start approach to control the impact on the grid and surge voltage to the filament from thermal shock, so that the light source is 2-4 times longer life for the extensive use of light and difficult to install a more specific area significance. In short, the combination of intelligent and lighting technology, and build a full technology platform, energy saving, low power consumption, long life, save, people-oriented, such as green and sustainable lighting concept full interpretation.

Intelligent lighting application prospects

        1. The home field - offers a comfortable living space traditional control opening and closing of the way, limiting the modern fast-paced lifestyle. With the development of science and technology and people's living standards improve, people on home office lighting system put forward new requirements, in addition to controlling the light illumination time, brightness, but also with the home subsystem fit for different applications and create appropriate lighting scenes, but also to consider the management of intelligent and simple operation, and flexibility to adapt to future changes, such as lighting layout and control requirements. A good intelligent lighting system can enhance the quality of the home environment, and ensure a comfortable and healthy family life. So, instead of the traditional switch network switches, intelligent lighting system to replace the traditional lighting systems, home automation is an inevitable step in the process.

        In the home life, intelligent lighting and storage devices through different preset lighting scenes, to adjust the room lighting changes, to meet the different needs of the owner of the room. For example, in guest visits, at the party, you may need brighter lights, and enjoy classical music or when soft music, soft lighting is used; and when should the living room into a home theater to watch a wonderful movie, more lights were dim need adjustment, all this can sit comfortably on the sofa operation, save one by one the lights turn off the lights in the past trouble trouble trouble. A key in hand, creating fantastic light blossoms.

        Intelligent lighting control, indoor lights can be operated in a manner that all pre-set these default status by setting the program cycle to work. Analogy, when we open the preset light (or in accordance with the home time setting) at 7 o'clock, at 7:00 later when you get home, lighting system will automatically enter you set a good working condition, and will be based on different slowly adjust the way the house lights.

        We can also be programmed to randomly change the light intensity of each region, in order to meet the needs of a variety of topics and the house owner mood. Importantly, intelligent lighting system can also make good use of natural light, depending on the weather changes, adjust the illumination to the most appropriate level.

        Intelligent lighting system so that people living in the most comfortable state, regardless of the indoor area. With the promotion of intelligent lighting systems in the market, has increasingly shown its advantages in such a system brings a variety of functions at the same time, the owner returned to a more comfortable living space.

        2. The office area - to improve efficiency in the energy content in detail, please pay attention to the "Digital Communities & Smart Home" 8 issue of the "smart home lighting control product topics." Number Chi network will also launch a special report, please pay attention.

        Atmospheric and beautiful office environment, bright and comfortable light; entered the conference room, the lights automatically turn on smart, automatic control illumination and quantity of light through the pre-programmed lighting system, the interior lights adjust to the most appropriate to meet the state; meeting ended leaving the room, the lights turn off automatically; when the window is changing natural light, indoor lights also will be automatically adjusted, voluntarily conserve energy ...... so advanced office lighting environment, and now has begun to show in the large office building .

        Office space represents a company's image. The staff intelligent and convenient working environment make the office more comfortable. In today's fast-paced, busy office workers busy daily affairs, simple, flexible, comfortable office environment that allows them to feel good, to effectively improve work efficiency. Intelligent office lighting for office brings convenient, user-friendly design, for example, in the conference room using the intelligent automatic dimming system has a variety of pre-set scenes, a simple one button you can switch out different lighting modes, for office staff needed to provide the best comfort lighting, so that employees in the best working condition.

        At the same time, a good awareness of energy conservation can be perfectly reflected in the intelligent office lighting. Automatic sensor control device intelligent system can effectively utilize natural light, so the lighting environment to maintain constant illumination, but also can automatically shut down no regional staff of the lighting equipment, to minimize unnecessary energy consumption, the maximum can reach 75% energy saving effect.

        In short, advanced lighting and comfortable like beautiful music, in the subtle influence among the people working condition. With the daily business affairs increasingly busy people to stay in office longer and longer, focus on the work environment has become even more emphasis on high-quality office stationed intelligent office lighting will enhance people's working efficiency.

        3. Public facilities in the field - green intelligent lighting applications, safety and environmental protection in public facilities is very important. With the development of technology, can in some bridge tunnel, instead of the traditional use of smart street lights, this "smart" street lights can not only weather, but also with the intensity of the sun's rays and automatically adjust the bridge lights strength, both humane and energy.

        Currently, many of the most common problems dong bridge is too dark, vulnerable to accidents. With intelligent lighting under the bridge began in the trial, this situation has been changing slowly. Such as the application of the current international popularized the led street light wholesale stepless control system that allows the luminous intensity tunnel light as the sun rises in the morning and gradually increased, in the afternoon as the sun will gradually weaken and west, until the close daytime lighting.

The development direction of intelligent lighting

        1. Brand integration will be the development trend of intelligent lighting brand integration will be the development trend of intelligent lighting. The different brands of products to the greatest benefit of a centralized platform, is the brand's best products will focus on a project in the past, and thus improve the intelligent home. In fact, a wide range of lighting products on the market, if the requirements are the same for all the equipment manufacturer's products, or a system can only use the same manufacturer for all product support, is unrealistic. Moreover, customers in terms of performance and price and lack of autonomy - either accept, or only give up all. Unified control platform is able to be well balanced, the customer can choose any product, as long as it also meets the requirements in terms of performance, so that customers in the budget will be a great initiative.

        2. to the people-oriented scientific lighting, intelligent lighting from a purely intelligence shift more attention to the development of intelligent lighting human behavior. In human behavior, visual effects, visual physiological basis of psychological research, develop more scientific content, people-oriented and efficient, comfortable, healthy, intelligent lighting.

        3. To meet the individual combined level of lighting technology and intelligent lighting illumination further meet the different individual needs of different levels of lighting groups, is to meet ordinary people from lighting to meet the needs of the individual, the individual needs of essential technical means. This should also be the development direction of smart lighting.

        4. Intelligent Technology and new sources and new lighting technology, to create a new lighting culture combines smart technology and electronic ballasts, and other new lighting and lighting technology, will build a new lighting technology platform, and its applications from the smart home intelligent lighting to illuminate the city, there are infinitely broad prospects, and are creating a new culture of high-tech lighting and high levels of scientific thought. Emergence of intelligent lighting fixtures market ushered heat conferences gave more expectations

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