Friday, April 25, 2014

LED advantages and disadvantages in the automotive electronics design solutions

LED is a new efficient and environmentally friendly semiconductor light source , there are other sources can not match advantage. Automotive lighting applications in the future bright prospects . led street light fixture Manufacturer can be combined in different ways in series or parallel and a LED array , in order to meet the strength requirements of automotive lighting . LED emission characteristics for , focused on the design and features of the LED driver , LED also outlined the current problems and solutions.
1 car headlights role and requirements

Currently, the automobile increasingly civilians, has become the main means of transport , road safety has aroused widespread concern. According to incomplete statistics , the car at night or natural light conditions odometer mileage of 25% of total travel , while traffic accidents occurred here accounted for 40 % of the total accidents , and more than half of the casualties occurred at night . Therefore , vehicle lights and car lights is a key component of safe driving , the following conditions must be met:

( 1 ) Automotive lighting lights without delay, faster response time , giving the driver more reaction time .

( 2 ) strong illumination to improve the driver's field of vision at night or in natural light conditions , while the role of outside lights indicating stronger .

( 3 ) high seismic , high reliability , to prevent accidents due to the lighting failure.

( 4 ) energy saving, can effectively reduce exhaust emissions and protect the environment.

( 5 ) Based on the increasingly competitive auto sales , lights designed to be practical and beautiful.

2 LED automotive lighting selection to become the new star

2.1 LED works

Special diode LED is formed by doping the semiconductor device means a PN junction. When the diode conduction condition is satisfied , a current flows through the LED, in the form of light and heat energy is released . LED is a current-mode current control element , the current size of the luminous intensity through the main basis when the forward pass , the drop is very high, and itself has a certain fluctuation range .

Since no infrared LED and ultraviolet radiation , the consumption of the energy is converted to light , almost all thermal energy in the form of heat conduction and only for outgoing , and therefore , LED during operation , the junction temperature will gradually rise. The LED is a device with a negative temperature coefficient , the current through the LED will increase with increasing temperature , which formed a positive feedback , causing the junction temperature rises further, if not controlled, it will burn LED. LED junction temperature has a lot of thermal parameters and the PN junction , the relationship between the dominant wavelength and temperature following formula :

mp (Tl) = m0 (T0) + 3Tg # 0.1nm / ° C

From the above equation , whenever the LED junction temperature rise 10 ℃, dominant wavelength ( the human eye can observe ) will shift to longer wavelengths 1nm (1nm = 10-9m), resulting in LED brightness down , there the light fades . Therefore , the individual LED overheating will cause the light-emitting LED array uniformity is deteriorated.

2.2 LED lighting significant advantage

LED light source is called new , because the LED light source and solid with characteristic point light source , so it has advantages over other lighting sources can not match.

(1) LED life of up to 100,000 hours in theory , the actual life expectancy can reach more than 20,000 hours , than incandescent bulbs 1000 hours, 10,000 hours lamp with the advantages , not normally required during the life of the car replacement.

( 2 ) light up without delay, faster response time . led street light fixture Manufacturer time of only tens of nanoseconds , start time than incandescent bulbs shortened.

( 3 ) In the light of high brightness, low visibility situations of natural light , greatly reducing the incidence of car accidents ; essentially no radiation , a " green light ."

(4) LED occupy small size, simple structure, high shock, designers are free to change the lamp mode , so diversified automotive styling , to meet the needs of different consumers .

( 5 ) Effect of change in voltage LED light source that is far less than the incandescent bulbs , shows excellent safety and reliability, while reducing the energy consumption of 80% compared with incandescent light efficiency is very energy efficient.

Based on the above advantages , LED can be widely used in automotive lighting , but a single LED can not meet the requirements of automotive lighting intensity must plurality of series , parallel or series-parallel to LED arrays .

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The design and breakthrough of the car LED lighting system

All along, the brake lamps , turn signal lamps , reversing lights and rear fog lamps are used 21W to 27W, 280-570 lumens brightness of the incandescent light bulb as a light source . Car tail lights, parking lights , side lights and turn signal flashing display uses 4W to 10W, 40-130 lumens brightness of incandescent light bulbs , car headlights xenon high- intensity fluorescent tubes (HID). But in automotive lighting , more and more use of LED as a light source . Central tail brake light is the first car with LED lights . In addition, the lighting market , exterior lighting and other indicators such as brake lights, turn signals and interior lights are switched LED bulbs. In recent years, vehicle lights, such as daytime running lights (DRL), as well as near the front lights are beginning to switch to LED bulbs. Expected car headlights will soon switch to high-brightness LED lights. In addition, inside the body , some of the interior of the display backlight are beginning to use LED panel lighting wholesale as a light source , such as dashboards and TFT displays.

Advantages automotive LED lighting systems

The color temperature of the white LED is about 6000K, visually almost identical to natural light. Because the human eye 's ability to distinguish colors under natural background conditions are best. In the evening, the human eye color only in the case of natural scenery or road edge to have a good ability to distinguish .

The average life expectancy of LED lights than incandescent light and high brightness fluorescent tube length , but more stable and reliable . If you can reduce the probability of failure , but do not need frequent replacement bulbs , save a lot of trouble. And the use of LED can save more energy. LED lamp shape is smaller and easier to mount the holder, at the same time take up less space , is easier with stylish lighting design . More importantly, the startup speed LED brake lights faster. LED brake lights lighting time is only about 50ms, fast start-up time than incandescent light bulbs around 250ms, thereby reducing the risk of collision trailing vehicles. In addition , LED is a solid state light source , can withstand greater shock.

Technical requirements of the LED driver

Since the brightness proportional to the current flowing through the LED , it needs a constant current source to drive the LED. In any case , the current flowing through the LED to maintain a constant brightness LED to ensure consistency. Also in any case need to be able to control the ripple current at an acceptable level. So the LED driver design belongs power conversion circuit design, which is characterized by constant voltage constant current output rather than output .

In LED driver design , the need to increase the blocking circuit to provide power protection to prevent reverse operation. We will encounter another challenge is to ensure that the LED can work properly in the case of automotive cold start or load off of . Under normal operating conditions , the car 's battery supply voltage between 9V and 16V ( eg 12V ​​system bus ) , and a large truck battery supply voltage is between 18V and 32V ( eg 24V system bus ) . In case of power failure or load cold start when the battery input voltage range with the normal range is very different .

During generator operation , if the battery power is suddenly cut off , then the generator will continue to generate electricity , using generator power capacitors and other electrical parts of a sudden increase in voltage will appear the phenomenon , if you do not take protective measures will be damaged by appliances. If the LED driver is not constant current drive LED will change, resulting in changes in the brightness of the LED , which is why the presence of current automotive lamp flicker . Here is a test of a defined load power , used to mimic some cases sudden load off . Different car manufacturers use different standards , so the load off test definitions are not the same , Figure 1 is just one case .

Automotive design and breakthrough LED lighting systems

Although the load dump will cause the load voltage increases, but most advanced alternator are equipped with central control , load power clamp circuit. 12V reference level bus system will be limited to between 35V 42V, 24V and the reference level of the bus system will be clamped between 50V to 60V.

In cold weather , start the device will make the battery supply voltage dropped , Figure 2 shows the "cold start" typical waveform testing.

Automotive design and breakthrough LED lighting systems

As the input power supply terminal connected to a battery LED driver inputs , and therefore such as brake lights of the car involved in safe driving lights must not affect the load off and cold start , or even to be able to continue to operate normally in this case . In a typical case , 12V input range of the bus system is 6V to 42V, 24V input voltage range of 12V bus system to 60V.

LED drive technology

LED current limiting resistor is one of the driving method , the advantage of low cost, simple design ; drawback is that current will vary with the forward voltage and the driving voltage is changed , the luminance of the LED panel lighting wholesale. When the battery voltage is relatively high , the driving efficiency is poor , because the most of the power is dissipated in the resistor . In addition, the current limiting resistor will produce great heat, resulting in heat dissipation problems. So this is a simple, but it is not the most efficient way .

The second method is a linear current regulator , also called constant current source. Its advantages are simple in design , constant current ; drawback is inefficient , and with the input voltage increases , the voltage drop linear chip bearing the greater , so the linear chip will have a great heat. But it improves the shortcomings of the current limiting resistor method fluctuations .

In addition to the above two methods , there are a method of driving the power switch type . Table 1 is a comparison of three different methods of switching power supply as the LED -driven approach with high efficiency and constant current . Since opening higher efficiency of the power converter , so it is more and more manufacturers to use headlights . Its biggest drawback is that the design lines more complicated , and the cost is relatively high.

Automotive design and breakthrough LED lighting systems

Why use in automotive lighting to Boost / Buck LED Driver do ? This is because the battery voltage fluctuations in the voltage fluctuation, we need to maintain a constant current through the LED Boost / Buck LED driver can ensure that regardless of the input voltage is higher or lower than the output voltage and current can be kept constant. This ensures that the load off and cold startup, and security-related lighting can maintain a constant brightness. In addition , a variety of LED automotive lighting applications also require different LED driver topologies. Some car manufacturers want to be able to light a LED driver platform for different LED configurations of different lighting systems. Boost / Buck LED Driver is the ideal drive most high brightness automotive lighting system solutions.

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EMC company's survival way in the LED lighting industry

With the further deepening of China's economic transformation , energy saving face in this market , all kinds of enterprises swarm, energy management contract (EMC) model is becoming mainstream. But the face of this huge market , companies engaged in energy management contract with the concept of " zero risk" behind impress customers , in fact, the risk is passed on to EMC's own body - capital, technology, management, time and so on.

EMC industry is like moths to a flame , very few survivors . Barriers to entry in this industry do not seem high , in fact demanding. The success of the enterprise is nothing more than a clever variety of risks to a minimum. The core essence of the contract energy management is risk control .

First, you must avoid the structural risks in the company's planned top-level design. A large part of EMC Corporation uses the most primitive of business cooperation : the relationship between the boss can get some items, and then called a few people , find some money, find some products together. This project is actually to operate blindly , not only money, product risk is not controllable , the company's future development is also unpredictable.

Any business wants to exist for a long , grow, then the company must first understand the customer's needs in order to meet customer needs, in order to solve some customers can not solve the problem. Connections are always exhausted when , and how to develop new customers ? How to make customers more willing to cooperate with EMC ? Excellent led street light with solar panel must focus on to provide more and more attractive value , use value to impress your clients , in order to facilitate the promotion of the company's business .

Second, we must develop ways to control risk business . EMC energy saving projects have a very clear project characteristics. EMC relationship marketing project needs , but we can not simply rest on existing relationships to create a project , you must use the situation for their own company , you can copy , you can promote the development of marketing projects . Otherwise, the boss is the company's largest sales, every day in the wine village also can not sign a few items .

Third, we must control the time of project implementation risks .

EMC contract is only a third of the way to go , a lot of EMC Corporation have such feelings, after signing the contract execution is also very difficult. Negotiations very long time , low efficiency projects can be completed several projects a year , operating costs remain high. The difficulty is nothing more than the implementation of the project from customers worried about several aspects : whether the impact of his normal production operations ? Whether the saving rate guaranteed ? Whether the pricing reasonable ? The first two issues , along with the development of EMC , EMC support national efforts to continue to strengthen , EMC company can play the power of third parties, to relieve customers of these concerns , a customer 's trust.

Pricing mechanism will always be the focus of a debate , but EMC really only saving money this accounting method to share it? In fact the pricing mechanism is flexible and can even adopt pricing mechanism foundries account for all costs and increased fixed profit . All of this only one purpose , that is to make it easier for customers to accept the implementation of the concept of EMC , shorten the implementation cycle and reduce costs.

Fourth , the risk of product quality must be controlled .

EMC project when the product of systemic risk, it is easy to cause the project not work back section . Many in the industry to use energy-saving technologies are emerging technologies , and how to ensure safety ? Please rely on the company 's employees ? Still rely on management, cooperative ways to control risk ? Such as LED products, the initial improve product standards , but manufacturers are in strict accordance with standards ? How to identify product quality ?

Responses to these questions , any outstanding EMC company must have a complete product chain or product platform , fully guaranteed product quality, and the establishment of mechanisms to transfer risk products .

Fifth, we must set up mechanisms for handling non-performing assets . With the large number of items , led street light with solar panel poor project inevitably appear. Therefore, the project handling mechanism , when the initial contract processing must be taken into account when debtors become non-performing assets , the easy realization , assignment of claims , etc. are handled.

In summary , the entire contract energy management industry , risk control determines the Pareto phenomenon within the industry it is clear that 20% of business is developing very fast , 80% of companies stumble before the line, even on the verge of collapse. How to enjoy energy savings this big cake ? Energy conservation is absolutely correct direction of the industry , and the future will be very bright , but we have to do in the operating mechanism of EMC's business systems architecture design and improve improve , then EMC industry from the Warring States period of time into the Qin and Han Dynasties definitely not would be too far away.

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Break through the threshold of UL certification Chinese companies break into the LED market in United States

Recently, the American Association LED Shenzhen , Zhongshan and other mainstream LED lighting companies to sell products to the U.S. market , which means that the domestic sales of LED lighting will usher in greater development space. However, according to the reporter, Chinese LED enterprises to enter the U.S. market, the biggest barriers is the need to get UL certification, UL certification and annual cost a lot of money , which the industry believes , UL certification more than the threshold , but to promote enterprises to improve product quality way .

    China LED companies vied for the U.S. market

    In early 2013 the U.S. government began to systematically introduce alternative tungsten program , in accordance with the relevant laws "First prohibit more than 100 watts maximum power consumption of tungsten production and sales .

    According to the president of the American Association of Yu Lingyun LED introduced as the world's largest consuming country and home building materials importer , the U.S. government has realized that LED is sure to replace tungsten , tungsten because not only environmental costs of electricity , while the leading semiconductor lighting a revolutionary new light source , no heat, two diodes one pass, light out , no heat, but also save electricity. "But after all, the price of LED products a lot more expensive than ordinary tungsten and tungsten can not possibly complete the transition to the use of the use of LED lights , the U.S. government has enacted laws this year , a total ban on production and use of all the tungsten . "

    Super bright , high power LED devices in China 's urban traffic signal has been widely used. LED lights with its high brightness , high reliability , low cost , long life and other characteristics, are favored urban traffic management departments. "But there are many places in the United States LED traffic lights are not used, so the popularity of the United States on the LED is actually relatively slow pace , especially on the people involved in the application of LED products is a slow pace ."said.

    LED replacement fast enterprises to accelerate the rectification

    It is understood that the current Chinese led high bay light for sale enterprises to enter the U.S. market, the biggest barriers is the need to get UL certification. Tse , general manager of Shenzhen, a photovoltaic company in an interview with reporters , said , UL market is knocking on the American market in the United States LED "stepping stone " without UL certification will not be able to enter the U.S. market. However , UL certified annual cost a lot of money , do a UL certification requires 50 million per quarter for each certification numbers probably have to pay more than 1000 dollars.

    Yu Lingyun said that the production of certified products comply with safety regulations than the cost of the product is no safety certification would be much higher , about 50% , while in the United States selling safety certification of LED products, sales prices will also be much higher , flat amplitude " generally, in flat light , for example, also a 0.6 m × 0.6 m, to a box mounted on the top of an office lamp lighting , safety lights to sell 150 dollars , non- safety lamps sell 100 dollars, that is such differences 1.5:1 .

    UL -CCIC Co. Ma Yusheng said the development of led high bay light for sale in China is growing very rapidly , certified amount between 20 % to 30% , because the development of certified products are relatively quickly , it may not have anything to temporarily restrict its development , to promote certification increasing exports of products ; addition , LED product upgrading is relatively fast, for China 's manufacturing industry, certified more than to get certified , but to improve product quality and corrective products.

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The age of popularizing led lighting is coming

The recent Geneva Motor Show , the introduction of the third generation of Audi LED headlamp TTCoupe formal meeting with the media, exquisite led high bay light supplier replacing the original Xenon lamp assembly to become a major highlight of the show .
       One year spent similar , but each year a different car . Automotive technology is advancing rapidly, new technologies replace old technology. The direction of the development of the automobile industry is slowly towards intelligent and Green . Development of automobile lighting technology is also being true. In the past few years show , we can see some models configure a variety of colorful LED lights , attracting the attention of consumers .

LED lights to create a "green light"

       Automotive Safety and Energy is the eternal topic of development , the core of modern automotive technology development.

       Light signals are auto language timely sensitive light signals is indispensable to guarantee safe driving . While driving at night because the sight of poor judgment in front of the driver on the road to decline , the light is too bright or low light are likely to cause accidents. According to statistics the U.S. National Highway Traffic Safety Administration showed that while driving at night time only the total driving time of 1 / 4, but the proportion of traffic accidents resulting in deaths accounted for 1 /2. In addition, the world automobile accidents statistics show that car accidents worldwide each year more than 10 million casualties , including deaths of about 500,000 . The accident occurred three times during the day and at night , the accident rate of adverse lighting conditions when the light is good times when the lighting . "Because LED lights light speed , vehicle speed and road conditions in real time to reflect , leaving motorists longer time to judge according to the measured one hundred kilometers per hour , the car let shorten braking distance 7.5 meters after . Effectively prevent rear-end collision , reducing car accidents, active safety is of positive significance to improve the car . " industry experts said . In addition , LED controllable , such as light type illumination range , linear adjustable brightness can be done , but the traditional xenon lamp to die. In recent years , LED technology continues to develop , the technical shortcomings continue to be overcome , LED lights are more intelligent. For example, some models are equipped with LED headlights on the vehicle to detect radar and control the computer , even if the driver long open beam, the encounter will be automatically reduced to the car lights and even reduce the brightness of the light type .

       Energy saving is another significant advantage of the large LED lights. According to the Ministry of Planning , at the end of 2015, automotive lighting carbon dioxide emission reduction targets need to be completed . Since LED lights are cold light source with low power consumption, long life advantages , power consumption is only equivalent to a traditional lamp 1/ 10 , better fuel savings . It is reported that if the energy-saving lamps to everyday analogy , energy saving than incandescent lamps 4/5, but also energy- saving lamp LED than 1 /4. In the car , the same daytime running lights, LED energy halogen element is only 1/20 .

       In addition , LED lights as well as high brightness , high temperature , small size, high stability, no radiation and other advantages, is recognized as the "green light ." Future LED will be more car manufacturers of all ages , in automotive applications also will be more extensive , LED automotive lighting market with a bright future .

Completely replace the need to transition

       LED lamp market is divided into internal and external lights headlight application application . Applications in the automotive interior lights , LED color due to the rich , is currently widely used, such as the dashboard . "At present, the application of small bulbs dashboard car has very little the next few years , should all vehicle dashboard will use LED." One technician said product dimension lights , in addition to the dashboard , the common LED interior car lights and ceiling lights , instrument lights, door lights , reading lights , stepping lights.

       Common external lights have headlights, brake lights, fog lights , down lights , turn signals and daytime running lights. Currently, brake lights, tail lights, turn lights, down lights, brake lights and so on have been applied LED. As for the headlights, because the driver of the car safety plays an important role in light of the relatively high requirements , plus the cost constraints and thermal issues , LED lighting as the main front of the still immature. " China's automotive industry, small independent brands , mostly middle and low car with LED lights much , only brake lights and side lights use LED light source , in addition, because of the distance and brightness of the lighting problem , led high bay light supplier used headlight illumination . " the technician told reporters that the current configuration of LED headlamps focused on a few high-end models , such as the Audi R8 and A8, the Mercedes-Benz CLS, BMW X6M and the new BMW 7 Series and so on. " Hampered by high costs , LED in the next 3 to 5 years still can not fully replace halogen and Xenon lamps. Retrospect development process lights , halogen lamps, after almost 20 years to mature gradually from LED lights advantages , the LED lights will definitely become a trend in the future development of the lights , but the transition will take some time . " ( China ) investment Co., regional Manager, Philips Ni Wei said that with the declining cost of LED technology to synchronize with the upgrade in recent years, to also improved application trends in the external lights .

LED lights are the future darling lights

       February 2011 , the EU requires that all cars, new models of small trucks equipped with daytime running lights are required . In addition to the European Union, other countries are starting to regulate all types of vehicles started new cars be fitted with daytime running lights . States related policies to accelerate the popularization of LED lights . Manufacturing Industry experts pointed out that the brightness of daytime running lights must be kept in the vehicle . Since the LED light source with low energy consumption and long life advantages, considering the safety and energy-saving driving demand trends , and manufacturers to develop LED daytime running lights has become an inevitable trend.

       Associate Professor of Automotive Engineering , Tsinghua University, Zhou Lihui think , LED components with a small, compact design for easy placement and the huge advantage to car manufacturers in the automotive appearance design leaves a vast space , breaking past innovative lighting system for modeling the shackles to meet the needs of automotive appearance , our own brand on this matter of great interest to the domestic LED lights this industry has also brought opportunities. Future LED lights headlight technology will become the future trend .

       Future , LED lights prices will steadily decline in the automotive sector will be more extensive and comprehensive applications , LED lights will become more secure and intelligent.

History of car headlights

       Development of automobile headlights origins can be traced back in the late 19th century . In 1898, Columbia electricity for the electric car headlights and taillights, so electric lights was born. After more than a century of evolution of development , to ensure vehicle safety lights have become an integral part of driving .

       Throughout the development process of the lights , it is easy to see that this is a miniature history of technological development . The first generation car lights are incandescent . In 1913, the advent of incandescent bulbs , the working principle is the current through a tungsten filament , tungsten hot light radiation generated , so that the lamp glows bright light. Incandescent lighting revolution brought the car in 1925 , electric lighting in the car has been widely applied .

       Incandescent turn this page, we came the second generation era headlights - halogen headlights. Halogen incandescent lamp is actually a new generation . To improve the luminous efficiency of an incandescent lamp , a tungsten filament will have to increase the temperature , but will cause a corresponding tungsten sublimation black and condensate make the glass envelope . In filling incandescent halogen element or a halide , using the principle of the loop can be eliminated halogen incandescent bulb blackening . The reason behind this is halogen , was born in 1960. Than traditional incandescent lamp brightness, longer life , more energy efficient. Nowadays a lot of cars still use halogen headlamps .

       Came in 1991 , xenon headlights era has finally arrived . Xenon lamp , the abbreviation is a HID (High Intensity Dis-charge Lamp), that is, high intensity discharge lamps . Xenon is the use of high pressure , high efficiency light of high pressure inert gas discharge phenomenon made ​​. It emitted light brightness is 2 times the ordinary halogen lamps , while its energy consumption is only 2/3 , up to 10 times the life of ordinary halogen lamp . Xenon greatly increases driving safety and comfort , but also helps relieve stress and fatigue that people driving at night .

       Evolved through several generations , and finally to the development trend is now leading lights of LED light source technology . LED is Light Emitting Diode ( LED) acronym , as early as the 1960s had been born. The LED has many advantages . Because not heat -emitting light source life of up to 5 to 10 years, in addition, there are colorful , safe and environmentally friendly , resistant to vibration and impact resistance , and has a small volume and strong environmental adaptability advantages . These characteristics are attractive areas of automotive lighting systems . It can be said , LED light source is an ideal light source , because the relationship between the high costs , technology and regulations , LED headlights as the car has not yet ripe .

       After a century of development, the lights on the car purely for lighting from the very beginning , and now used in night vision , decorative and other purposes , I believe that in the near future , there will be more and more advantage of technology to lead the car development of lighting.

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Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Stockholm Concert Hall renovates with cool-running LED lighting

Global Design Solutions (GDS) has announced that the famed Stockholm Concert Hall (Konserthuset), home of the Nobel Prize awards, has been retrofitted with GDS ArcSystem LED-based lighting The project includes multiple entertainment venues and audience areas in the facility;. And above the main stage in the largest hall, 50 of the LED fixtures replaced 160 legacy lighting units, dropping power consumption from 68 kW to 7.5 kW.
The Stockholm Concert Hall dates to 1926, is one of the few instances of neo-classical architecture in Sweden, and is the home of the Royal Philharmonic Orchestra as well as the Nobel Prize ceremony. The facility includes three separate halls that in aggregate seat upwards of 2000 people. The venues received an acoustical retrofit in 1971, but the lighting was in need of an upgrade due to efficiency, the need for more uniform lighting and better controls, and because of the heat radiated on the performers by the legacy lighting.
Stockholm Concert Hall renovates with cool-running led high bay light for sale

GDS and partner Anderson & Co Sweden AB were tasked with the lighting upgrade that ultimately was based on solid-state lighting (SSL). In the Main Hall, the largest and most famous in the Konserthuset, the lighting system dissipating 68 kW was especially problematic because of the heat generated and energy consumed. The partners installed only 50 of the GDS ArcSystem fixtures yet realized more even lighting along with the elimination of the heat issue. The cooler-running LEDs are proving beneficial both to the performers and to the accountants as the SSL installation also has reduced air conditioning costs significantly. The Main Hall also now has 32 of the ArcSystem luminaires installed over the audience seating area.
GDS has been involved in a number of SSL projects at major and historic entertainment venues. For example, the company worked with ICE Electrical on a retrofit at the Portsmouth Guildhall in the UK. The company also retrofitted Wembley Arena in London in partnership with Fagan Electrical .
"Sometimes amongst the figures and the specifications it is easy to overlook the fact that the purpose of the technology is to enhance the conditions in which performer and audience alike engage with the arts," said Andy Duffield, international sales manager at GDS. "In the case of the Stockholm Concert Hall, here was led high bay light for sale of a magnificent historic building, hobbled by an outdated system, being transformed for the benefit of every user by the installation of ArcSystem. Of course the extremely positive environmental data cannot and should not be overlooked - it's quite dramatic - but ultimately, at the Konserthuset, perhaps the real story is about sitting comfortably and seeing clearly ".
As in the case of several other projects, GDS installed its wireless control platform called ArcMesh along with the ArcSystem fixtures. The controls allow the Konserthuset to set the light levels for dramatic effect over the stage area while also allowing lighting to be dimmed above the audience during performances and raised for audience entry and exit.

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LISIDA Lighting Technology introduces compact LED corn lamp for indoor and outdoor retrofits

LISIDA Lighting Technology introduces LED corn lighting, a compact LED retrofit lamp that replaces traditional lamps such as compact fluorescent (CFL), high-pressure sodium (HPS), etc. The LED corn lighting is suitable for applications such as walkways and steps, and can squeeze into spots that other lamps can't.

The corn lighting has a AC85-277V, E27/E26/E39/E40 base mounting that integrates LED technology into a powerful energy-saving lamp. The versatile LED corn lighting can be used in indoor or outdoor applications with IP40 or IP64 level.

Retrofitting with the led high bay lighting wholesale is a simple, three-step process: 1) The ballast is disconnected from the current lamp; 2) power is fed straight to the socket; 3) the new LED lamp is installed Costs stemming from total fixture. replacement are eliminated and the lamps can be easily upgraded.

As with all light efficient design LED retrofit lamps, the LED corn lighting uses an active cooling system instead of heat sinks to dissipate heat and ensure an exceptionally long life for the lamp. Available in 3000K, 4500K, 6500K, and 7500K.

About LISIDA Lighting Technology

LISIDA Lighting Technology is the professional led high bay lighting wholesale, serving many commercial, industrial and retail companies By combining its many years of lighting experience with ISO9001:. 2008 certification for quality management and strong warranties, superior technical assistance and unparalleled customer service, Toyo Lighting Technology is dedicated to providing the best LED lighting solutions, the best support and the best results.

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Larson Electronics offers LED light on collapsible quadpod for portable illumination

KEMP, Texas - Longtime leader in commercial and industrial grade lighting equipment Larson Electronics has announced the release of a 150 watt led street lights price head mounted to an aluminum quadpod with a 50 'retractable cord reel This unit can be used with 12 or 24 volts. DC and is ideal for use as work area illumination, event lighting, emergency operations lighting, or equipment lighting.
Larson Electronics offers LED light on collapsible quadpod for portable illumination

The LEDP5W-TP1-50CR light tower provides operators with a versatile lighting solution for operations where easily managed mobile illumination is required. It comes complete with an IP68 rated 150 watt LED light head, an aluminum quadpod, and 50 'SOOW cord in a retractable cord reel. The LED light head mounted atop of a 7 'to 12' extendable quadpod produces 14,790 lumens of flood light capable of illuminating an area 540 'in length by 480' in width. The LED light emitter contains thirty 5 watt LEDs producing 493 lumens each arranged in a heavy duty aluminum housing to produce a 60 ° flood beam ideal for use as mobile work and area lighting. The LED unit is waterproof to 3 meters, sealed against intrusion by dust and dirt, and very ruggedly constructed to withstand the most demanding environments, conditions and applications.

This portable LED light is comprised of an adjustable led street lights price head mounted on a four leg quadpod fabricated from non-sparking powder coated aluminum. This adjustable and collapsible quadpod can be extended to 12 'and collapsed to 7'. The LED light fixture assembly can be removed by releasing the hand knob and sliding the light and mounting bracket off of the center support while the legs can be collapsed, aiding in deployment, storage, and transport.

"Though we offer this specific configuration in a flood light version for work area illumination, a spot light version is offered as well," said Rob Bresnahan with "The spot light configuration produces a beam that is 1200 'long by 140 'wide for illumination at a distance. "

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Cree adds 100W-equivalent LED lamp, drops prices on earlier A-lamps and BR30s

Marking one year participating in the LED retrofit lamp business, Cree launched a 100W-equivalent lamp and reduced prices across its SSL retrofit lamp portfolio.

Cree has announced a 100W-equivalent led street light supplier in its retrofit lamp family with the new product delivering 1600 lm. Moreover, one year after entering the market for solid-state lighting (SSL) residential lamps, Cree is cutting prices across its A-lamp and BR30 directional lamp product portfolio by as much as 23%.
Indeed, Cree launched the A-lamp products one year ago with 40W-and 60W-equivalent products with the brighter products priced at $ 12.97 (2700K) and $ 13.97 (5000K) at Home Depot. Those products are now priced at $ 9.97 and $ 10.97 at Home Depot.
The low entry prices, and the fact that the Cree lamp has won mostly very positive reviews, have led the company to a position among the leaders in LED lamps. "This time last year, we reshaped a 100-year-old lighting industry with the introduction of the Cree LED bulb, "said Chuck Swoboda, Cree chairman and CEO." The success of this product has exceeded our expectations, but it is time to push LED lighting to the next level and give consumers even more reasons to switch to LED. "
Cree adds 100W-equivalent LED lamp, drops prices on earlier A-lamps and BR30s
The 100W-equivalent lamp, like the predecessors, is available in a 2700K CCT version that Cree calls Soft White and in a 5000K CCT version that Cree calls Daylight. The lamps are priced at $ 19.97 and $ 20.97, respectively, at Home Depot. The 18W lamps are rated for 25,000 hours of life.
"Today we are also addressing the last major product gap for LED bulbs - the 100W replacement,". Said Swoboda "Our industry-leading innovation has delivered the first true 100W LED bulb with the look and performance of a traditional bulb, but at a fraction of the energy consumption. "
Swoboda's claims about Cree being first to deliver such as product could certainly be challenged. Indeed, it was Philips Lighting and Osram Sylvania that battled to be the first to deliver a 100W equivalent lamp in late 2012. Osram won the race by a nose. Those lamps both look a bit different than conventional lamps because of thermal features and shape, but do deliver omnidirectional performance.
The Cree lamp does look more like a traditional incandescent lamp, although the base is a bit bulky. Moreover, the Cree product, like the 100W-equivalent products from competitors, is in a A21 form factor whereas 100W incandescent lamps come in the slightly shorter A19 form factor.
Still, the Cree lamp will be able to serve in most sockets in which consumers use incandescent 100W lamps. "The introduction of Cree's affordable 100W replacement LED bulb will provide consumers the benefits of led street light supplier technology at a great price that will end up paying for itself , "said Mark Voykovic, light bulb merchant at Home Depot." We continue to strive to bring new levels of performance and pricing in LED lighting to our customers. "
Some other notable price drops included with the new announcement impact the 90-CRI TW (True White) lamps announced in September 2013. Those products were launched at $ 17.97 (40W equivalent) and (60W equivalent) $ 19.97. Both have dropped by $ 4, making them far more affordable. Moreover, that price drop is especially important in California where local regulations are limiting rebates to high-CRI products.

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LED lighting fits perfectly in refrigerated display cases

Refrigerated display lighting (RDL) represents one of the more perfect applications for LEDs. Because fluorescent tubes can be replaced with LED strips and reduce energy usage by 60%, retailers are beginning to implement LED case lighting on a wider scale. Typically, a store can realize return-on-investment (ROI) after 2-3 years using LED-lit coolers. In addition, since LED commercial lighting wholesale give off little heat relative to a fluorescent tube, an additional energy break is realized on compressor cooling. "LEDs love the cold; the colder they are the longer they last We are able to design fixtures that are rated for 100,000 hours, "said Jamie Pearson, senior value stream manager of Lithonia Lighting, part of Acuity Brands..
Fig. 1. An all-LED supermarket in Portugal used Arquiled fixtures and controls and Oslon LEDs from Osram Opto Semiconductors (photo courtesy of Arquiled / Osram).
Fig. 1.
Fluorescent tubes provide a diffuse light in all directions, whereas LED lighting fixtures have been designed to provide directional illumination at 70-160 ° as needed in the case. Importantly, the quality of light in the case can also be improved to reduce glare, eliminate hot spots and make the food and packaging more appealing through better color rendering. "We recognized early on that many company's products would be within 10% of each other in energy savings. So we focused on providing the best light with the best color rendering and greatest uniformity, "said Paul Kelly, vice president of market development for Nualight.
This merchandizing effect of LED lighting is being applied beyond the refrigerated cases themselves. Many grocery stores, specialty shops and convenience marts have decided to implement LED lighting throughout the store and in outside parking lots and gas stations. For instance, Jerónimo Martins Group (Fig . 1 and 2) recently installed LED lighting inside and outside its supermarkets in Portugal, which we will cover in more detail below. Notably, Walmart has set a goal to use 100% LED lighting in all of its 5366 stores through new construction and retrofitting .
As will be discussed, the adoption rates of RDL differ among Europe, North America and Asia. The fastest adoption has been seen in North America, where incentives have shortened the time to ROI.
Refrigerated case lighting options
Refrigerated display cases are available in many styles and sizes, but the market overall generally comes down to vertical freezer cases with doors and horizontal refrigerated cases without doors. The lighting in the vertical cases run vertically along each side of the door, and is generally 5 -ft tall. In horizontal cases, typically there are one or two 4-ft fixtures that run at the top of the case (canopy lighting) and the base of the case (shelf lighting). In Europe, another common design employs a row of vertical coolers on top and horizontal coolers on the bottom.
Fig. 2. The gas station uses controls to further reduce lighting costs (photo courtesy of Arquiled / Osram).
Fig. 2.
The worldwide market for lighting in refrigerated display cases is huge, especially the retrofit market. Case makers such as Hussmann and Kysor / Warren are selling new refrigerated cases with LED lighting already equipped in the case. But for existing stores, new cases cost in the range of $ 5000 for a three-door unit, so most managers choose to retrofit the case lighting.
In a study from 2010, Osram Sylvania estimated that there were roughly 10 million vertical case freezer doors available for retrofit, and nearly 20 million horizontal linear 4-ft fixtures in open refrigerated cases available for retrofit in the US. The study estimated there were 14 million single-lamp fixtures and 6 million dual-lamp fixtures in horizontal cases available for retrofit, according to Cheryl Ford, vertical marketing manager for Osram Sylvania.
The vertical units are used for packaged foods, while the horizontal cases are used for fresh dairy and meats. Though an ingress protection (IP) rating is not common for the freezer lighting fixtures, many users specify an IP rating of IP64 or IP65 for the horizontal cases to ensure the fixtures can withstand wet cleaning.
At first glance, it would appear that food and beverage retailers have countless options when it comes to choosing a provider of LED refrigerated display lighting. Providers include well-known companies such as Acuity Brands, GE Lighting, Nualight, Osram Sylvania, and Philips Lighting , but there are numerous other providers from Europe, North America and Asia. The qualified product list of the DesignLights Consortium (DLC), which includes both vertical and horizontal RDL, contains products from 19 manufacturers.
Fig. 3. The Shiver fixture from Lithonia Lighting uses a 90 ° cutoff angle to reduce glare on merchandise and keep light inside the case (photo courtesy of Acuity Brands).
Fig. 3.
The DLC relies on LM-79 data from a qualified third-party testing lab to demonstrate that fixtures meet minimum performance criteria. These include a luminous efficacy of 55 lm / W, CRI of 70, light output of 50 lm / ft for end fixtures or 100 lm / ft for center fixtures, and a zonal lumen density of 90% from 0-90 °. Fig. 3 shows a typical light distribution when zonal lumen density is concentrated in this way.
A 5-ft fluorescent tube uses 60W of power (total wattage for 58W lamp and ballast). Today's 5-ft LED fixtures typically use 12W (right or left end unit) or 18-24W (center unit). Both bi-pin and bracket-based versions are offered (Fig. 4). A driver is needed to step down from mains power to 24V. It is typical that one driver is required per door (2 fixtures).
Some LED fixtures use a series of low-wattage LEDs, typically 0.5W or 1W, along a strip, while others use high-powered LEDs spaced along a metal fixture. Most units have specially designed optics. Some companies offer broad product lines in a range of sizes and color temperatures, while other companies target only the most common case sizes and product depths.
Retailers typically choose LED fixtures with cooler color temperatures for freezers whereas a warmer CCT of 3000K is more suitable for meats, fish and seafood. Products with a color rendering index (CRI) of 70 to as high as 95 are commercially available, which compares to a CRI of 85 for fluorescent lamps. For instance, Philips offers its Affinium LED modules (Fig. 5) in color temperatures of cool white (5600K) or neutral white (4100K).
Fig. 4. The LEDstixx fixtures in bracketed or bi-pin versions. The driver can handle 4-6 fixtures, reducing installation complexity (photo courtesy of Osram Sylvania).
Fig. 4.
Though a higher price is associated with the higher CRI LED fixtures, retail store owners understand the greater visual appeal associated with better color rendering. While initial use may be confined to high-end products such as meats and cheeses, the more LED pricing comes down , the easier it becomes to afford the better light.
Susan Fowler, LED refrigerated lighting product leader for GE Lighting summarized the design of the Immersion RV40 LED commercial lighting wholesale , as products that "optimize energy savings while providing 750-1100 lx, hiding the view of the light source, focusing light on the packaging versus spilling onto the floor or doors, and creating uniform light in the case. "GE offers these fixtures in 3500K, 4000K and 5000K color temperatures and sizes of 30, 36, 48, 60 and 70 in. The 60-in , 4000K model produces 1070 lm (213 lm / ft) and requires 18W of power.
Regional differences
Retailers in North America, Europe and Asia are at different stages of RDL adoption. The types of cases and sizes differ by region as well. Fowler noted that North American stores tend to be larger in general than stores in Europe. She stated that while all regions are interested in reducing energy cost and maintenance cost with LED fixtures, western countries tend to focus on energy and light quality, while eastern regions tend to focus more on payback.
In North America, the utility rebates have accelerated adoption. "North America is miles ahead of Europe," said Kelly. "Perhaps 40% of the North American market has been retrofit in the freezer segment," he added. Kelly predicted that LED lighting for all refrigerated cases will become the de facto standard in North America by 2014.
Another difference is that product tends to be situated closer to the door in cases in the US. Some companies offer a product line that accommodates these differences. Speaking to Osram's approach, Ford said, "The distance of the lighting fixture to the merchandise is key . If your shelf depth is up to 4 in - one product is used, 4-8 in - a second product and 8-10 in -. a third product "

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Monday, April 14, 2014

The development situation of Global LED outdoor lighting is optimistic

Global LED outdoor lighting optimistic about the development of the situation : the use of a wide range of LED industry , for the currently used mostly to public construction and the extensive use of outdoor lighting as the main field . 2012 global LED outdoor lighting market penetration to grow up difficulties , and the newly installed LED lights in China accounted for 30% of global market estimates , from 2013 to 2015 will enter the global tide facelift led outdoor lighting wholesale, and focus on the Asia-Pacific region .
DRAMeXchange market research agency published its latest market report LEDinside noted that 2013-2015 will be the global LED outdoor lighting facelift tide , with the Asia-Pacific China, Japan , Taiwan, the most active in promoting policies , today ( 2013 ) global outdoor lighting output value will reach $ 2.478 billion , the annual growth rate will reach 46% .
LED outdoor lighting applications
LED festooned with a unique way of our urban environment , but also take into account the practicality. Adjusted lighting high flexibility, allowing designers to say goodbye to the past static lighting , creating a flexible environment , for example , with the situation or temperature changes, or to show the festive atmosphere during the holiday season special . These LED 's use to achieve energy saving effect, only a small part of the power consumed by traditional lighting technologies.
In recent years , environmental protection issues have become the focus of public attention , LED lighting has a high luminous efficiency , plus LED prices fell rapidly , making LED lighting lighting industry to become the most watched star, but also want governments to actively support the new industries . Since the rise of awareness of energy saving and carbon reduction , LED lights provisioning speed and usage belong to the state of infrastructure is of concern, compared to conventional street lights , LED has energy saving, environmental protection , high efficiency and high stability and other advantages, but under the consideration of cost and weather conditions , the quality requirements of the most important conditions .
Looking around the world to promote LED lighting policies and relevant laws , some countries are at last ( 2012 ) began a full cessation of the use of incandescent light bulbs and switch to LED lighting , and the Ministry of Science and the Chinese mainland from the previous " Ten thousand ten cities " program expanded to the current " city of two million fifty " , and if the U.S. and Europe to actively replace the city lights, LED can be seen the importance of governments.
New Taipei City, Taiwan, is the most populous city in the past few decades to become the fast-growing city , between Taipei and New Taipei City, a total of 24 bridges ( 2012 update ) . From 2004 onwards, bridge lighting has become one of the most important actions Xinbei . In order to improve the city image and attract more people to live in this livable city , starting in 2011 , New Taipei City Government began actively LightScribe dual North Bridge , New Taipei City Taiwan Philip gain favor , adopt a full-service , from design to construction , lit double Northern sky.
However , LED lights for its focus on quality issues , although once lead the industry price competition, but the difference between the current performance of LED lights around the great , the quality varies, so after the actual installation of LED lights found many problems , the average failure rate up to 8.2% by the overwhelming quality tests, such problems including power management and control , heat treatment, waterproof design.

Global Status led outdoor lighting wholesale market
LED outdoor lighting market worldwide last year growth trend , while China accounts for global newly installed street lights 3 percent subsidy from the government is still the main driving force of growth , more companies promising energy-saving projects in China for public lighting . LEDinside estimates, this year with financial subsidies installed into the standard case of Guangdong new installed capacity is expected to exceed 300,000 units, becoming the fastest growing LED outdoor lighting regional market , outdoor lighting penetration rate reached 16.7% .
Japan actively open new outdoor lighting market , emphasizing lighting safety. Osaka , for example, the city of Osaka later this year plans 20,000 3,000 street lights replace all LED. The famous Iwasaki Electric and Toshiba also develop and promote its brand and products.

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The skills of avoiding the pollution in the Interior lighting design

Many people have recognized the dangers of outdoor light pollution , but the indoor environment light pollution problems are often not enough attention. In fact, poorly designed interior lighting will cause light pollution to a certain extent , affect the lives of the health of the residents.
? Cause a lot of indoor light pollution , but the reasons for lighting design in terms of what it has in this regard, we ask the Beijing Tomomi lighting design to see any of the company's chief designer , he said: " At present, many consumers led high bay light supplier existence of errors , mainly in : excessive lighting , lighting is too bright or dark , color complex, but these problems can be avoided in lighting design . "
Many consumers in pursuit of decorative effect , extensive use of lighting . In fact , the general lighting decoration budget should be less than 5 % of the total budget for the total project cost , excessive decorative lighting will not only make the occupants eye fatigue, decreased vision, but also a serious human eye cornea and iris damage , so people appear similar to symptoms of neurasthenia dizziness, body fatigue. The overly bright or dark lighting , make occupants as fatigue or decreased vision , increased incidence of cataract . There are many consumers prefer to design a colorful light . In fact, these colors messy lighting , in addition to harm vision , but also interfere with brain central nervous system function.
Indoor lighting "light pollution" should not be overlooked , is there any way to avoid its adverse health effects of it in this area lighting design experts have given some suggestions ? :
First, in the choice of lighting, should choose those with high color , high flash, stable performance characteristics of lamps. For example, with an electronic ballast fluorescent , LED and so on. High color , light, moderate , spot no flare, no aperture lamps, can guarantee the authenticity and comfort to see objects ; high strobe lamps can slow eye fatigue ; stable performance, high power efficiency lamps can , long life, the complete protection, greatly increasing the overall stability .
Second, under the premise can protect the normal lighting fixtures by cleverly set position to reduce light pollution. For example covert installation of lighting , avoid exposing high spot . Further , selecting a led high bay light supplier glare measures can greatly reduce glare caused by light pollution due .
Third, the use of appropriate methods of indirect lighting , for example, by the light reflected off the ceiling light both uniform and comfortable. There is light at the ceiling or ceiling illumination uniformity and high demand areas are more suitable for use indirect lighting .
Of course, there are many ways to avoid light pollution and tricks here just a few directional suggestions , as well as more details on the application level, we continue to be explored and summarized.

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High quality products win the future of LED lighting market

The just-concluded 18th Guangzhou International Lighting Fair . Beijing Chinese Commercial News reporters Cong Zhankuai and Le Jiedao , the situation of China's LED industry has improved compared to last year , but the overcapacity problem still exists.
Industry experts predict that over the next eight years will be the rapid development of led high bay lighting wholesale industry , 70% of small and medium enterprises are facing elimination overcapacity serious low-end products , the scale of China's lighting industry throughout the nearly 30 billion yuan from last year's 18th Guangzhou International lighting Fair , which will increase to 30 billion -400 billion yuan in 2015 , is expected to 500 one billion yuan , the future demand for LED production and the market will be higher.
After the market has entered a recovery in demand this year, a very short time businesses shuttered. Most LED light supplier 's sales in the first two quarters have a good condition and has its development is a growing trend , many companies believe that the promising LED market expansion plans . Although the market situation is good , the problem of overcapacity is still continued.
LED industry is the low entrance, a substantial government subsidies and tax incentives , a large number of enterprises to enter , causing serious overcapacity in low-end products , LED enterprises in China over 7000 an insider revealed that the reason overcapacity main LED products is due to too many businesses. Sign up for up to more than 7000 , a number of small workshops domestic LED enterprises , there are many LED enterprises and small and medium-sized enterprises workshops , making low-end products a serious problem of excess production capacity , and even lead to a vicious price competition. With lower prices , LED products, their quality is reduced accordingly.
LED light source technology revolution in the next eight years in China 's industrial lighting products will have to replace 80% of led high bay lighting wholesale , lighting products, the replacement period has come. At the same time , there will be 30-70% of small and medium-sized enterprises will be eliminated by the market , the purpose of the Guangzhou International Lighting Exhibition is to guide the industry to have a healthy and sustainable development. Compared with last year's show , the Canton Fair has increased the size of 5-8% , but exhibitors actually declined 10-12% . According to the healthy development of the future number of LED bulb manufacturers will be less , the scale will be greater, so that the profits will be more.
As the value of the enterprise's own products are not approved , the price is only the value of LED products approved by businesses and consumers will be accepted. The biggest problem is to win the market by low prices . Future LED market LED market will be fine in the future belongs to companies and brands , scale , channels, product innovation.

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The Critical moment of LED lighting industry development is coming

From the current situation of pilot demonstration , basically reached this goal, such as Guangzhou, Shenzhen and other places to explore . " Contract energy management" model , and Zhejiang and LED enterprises to go abroad for the promotion and achieved good results. LED backlight output growth rate of 160 percent , "Twelve Five" period will be an average annual growth rate of over 40%.
In "LED industry," second five " quadruple " the report, one of the interesting figures : in 2010 China LED industry contracted planned investment totaled 217.885 billion yuan , up 248.6 percent surge .
In such a rapid growth , the development of led street light with solar panel there is much space ? What opportunities exist high-speed segments ? Enterprise and market -oriented policies in the grasp of time and which should avoid the risk ? Recently interviewed on these issues National Semiconductor Lighting Project R & D and Industry Alliance Secretary-General Wu Ling .
Since late 2009 , the Ministry of Science , " city of ten thousand ," semiconductor lighting pilot project for the leading role in the LED industry is obvious, but there are also negative voices . After thoroughly before the Union of pilot cities , how to treat the effect of the implementation of this policy ? Does the policy this year will continue to promote ? In addition the Government will promote the development of LED industry, which will be supported ?
Ling : For the " city of ten thousand ," the evaluation is not one size fits all . We believe that the purpose of the policy is through technological innovation, the application of innovation and technology integration , to enhance the capabilities of semiconductor lighting product reliability , quality and technical level . From the current situation of pilot demonstration , basically reached this goal, such as Guangzhou, Shenzhen and other places for the "Energy Management Contract " Discover (EMC) mode, while the Zhejiang area for the promotion of LED enterprises to go abroad and achieved good results ; Harbin LED energy-efficient lighting and other places will be carried out in conjunction with intelligent control . But the pilot to start at the beginning due to lack of guidance and technical specifications, some places still take a detour . From this point of view , as the " city of ten thousand ," the mature and norms , policies will continue to promote and scale will expand ; If last year was to explore, then this year the role of the policy to cultivate the market for industrial development and also will really play out. In addition , the NDRC and other relevant departments are studying alternative to incandescent roadmap , especially those who are led the development of "second five " energy industry planning , is expected to introduce LED has oriented alternative to incandescent lamps, halogen lamps and other inefficient subsidies lighting products .
The past two years , LED industry set off a boom, local governments also have the LED as a key industry training, and would be willing to use the land tax and other incentives to attract businesses to settle down, in this case , whether the future of China's LED industry will be focused on capacity situation of excess ?
Ling : LED industry chain is very long , involving wide, wide range of applications . Can not easily say that the whole industry overcapacity, the current situation from investment point of view , indeed there have been more than the number of upstream epitaxy equipment purchase for the ability to keep up with technical issues such as general illumination , so the development of a staged process of structural imbalance problem. With the improvement of technical capabilities for general lighting , as well as the rapid expansion of the market , I believe that after 3-5 years of industry consolidation , the prospects of the semiconductor lighting industry will be very broad.
The next five years , China's LED market growth space much ? What opportunities exist segments ?
Ling : in 2010 the output value of China's semiconductor lighting 120 billion the next five years will quadruple . 2010 China's general lighting output growth reached 1.5 % annual growth rate , " Twelve Five" period will exceed 55%. LED backlight output growth rate of 160 percent , "Twelve Five" period will be an average annual growth rate of over 40%. The next 3-5 years will be a crucial moment of the semiconductor lighting industry consolidation and development. According alliances with related companies jointly estimates , LED lighting products for halogen, incandescent , CFL downlights , etc. in 2011 has been a substitute advantage, T8 Grille , 150W high pressure sodium lamp , 250W high pressure sodium lamp replacement in 2012 , will have the advantage . In 2013 the fastest 15W LED for home energy-saving lamps will also appear substitute advantage. Therefore , indoor lighting products in recent years the main push bulb lights, spotlights , downlights, panel lights , etc. ; outside the main push 250 watt lights and tunnel lights. Also note that , led street light with solar panel is not only technological advances , but also is a terminal application products in the business model and service model of revolution.

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Great Looking of led lighting fixtures trends in 2014

At present, with the economic recovery and development , LED lighting industry can be described as entering the "high road ." How to develop for the future of LED lighting , there are five major aspects of forecasting :
One , LED interior lighting will continue to ferment and become the largest cake in the lighting industry , and continues to exceed the share of outdoor lighting . And this is an opportunity , led indoor lighting wholesale overall brand will continue to rise .
Second, and this corresponds , LED ceiling will become a mainstream product home , single-product companies will continue to increase, quality will continue to improve , prices will continue to decline.
Three , LED light source will be widely used in lanterns, such as modern lamp , Chinese lamps, crystal lamps , European-style lights, lanterns and continues to be a selling point .
Fourth, American light bloom three : American neo-classical style with a more classic or antique flavor, a gradual development towards minimalism , a luxury development towards the pole , such as copper , plated K gold.
Fifth, the lights will gradually and LED/T5 evenly divided. 2013 220V/LED lights with the biggest selling point is near or flat luminous efficiency T5, but stronger than the T5 plasticity , decorative effect is more prominent.
Six , LED lamps will become the new darling of the market , and the share is not small. Adults tend amplifier solemn lamp , table lamp is biased fun for children , such as cartoon , music technology .
Seven new Chinese will continue to flourish. Compared with traditional Chinese , styles , materials, colors are more modern . Hailing to rhyme, of wood Square , Qin months is the kind of manufacturer's representative.
Eight , modern lamp will continue to win young consumers pro-gaze. In fashion, simple , color, style trends for the major modern lights, the city will become the first choice for young consumers decoration lighting part , on behalf of the brand product sources, Micah , Qilang .
Nine , and a combination of sales of household lighting will continue to rise. Lighting market , lighting stores sell home, home market , home stores sell lighting will become the new trend. As an opportunity to combine ceramics, soft lighting will be installed and a larger trend. It is also the world's efforts to integrate Lighting Times direction.
Ten, Crystal Light still separatist north and south , each of the old and new world . North Heavy yellow crystal lamps, heavy southern black, white crystal lamps ; metropolitan popular modern crystal lamp , small cities and rural new aristocracy popular traditional crystal lamps , equally matched in the short term .
XI, low voltage lights into the trough in 2014 , a large number of manufacturers have to make adjustments. The main reason is still the lamp body is too complicated , cohabitation lighting quality, resulting in consumer confidence crisis.
Twelve, " alliance " will become fashionable. Industry will break the fragmented history , to hold together for warmth , pushing the development of the new era . China Lighting Industry Alliance representatives , Chinese lighting Sharing Alliance , Wai Chi Union , the lights are Credit Union .
Thirteen , LED commercial lighting continued to rise , according to the traditional providers gradually decline. 2014 led indoor lighting wholesale will be replaced by a larger amount , of course , it is mainly large enterprises gluttonous feast.
Fourteen , LED lights will increase the amount of marketing and procurement , street companies will usher in a new round of development opportunities. Of course , the competition will be fiercer than ever before .
Fifteen , energy-saving lamps facing a major landslide , large enterprises must transition source . In this transition enterprises are facing huge losses , the process is extremely painful.

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LED lighting enterprise can develop much better with special characteristics

Abstract : The standard for an enterprise , is too important . In the development and production , the role of standards is more prominent. Around the production , from development to delivery , each link has a standard can participate , only to avoid the chaos of production, improve product quality , strong brand base .
However, in reality , led outdoor lighting wholesale are often shelved , random , emotional Allusion , empiricism , or for expedience , become an obstacle to the implementation of standardization . Standard loss , ranging from lost production chain so that quality is not stable , hanging stagnation materials increased ; heavy then collapse enterprise , the brand 's dream to become the Phantom .
Take the industry more general phenomenon , the loss of a few standard enterprise fact , as the industry to follow suit serious imitation frequent phenomenon , is the loss of a standard phenomenon. Inherent in standard business enterprise is not seen , but for temporary interests , copying other people's products , with the result that the entire product line of products and plagiarism of tune , the effect of the impact of the standard product line ; which seems to save development costs , in fact, on the other hand , due to manufacturing cost plagiarism product procurement costs , production costs , because copying materials or products used parts are mixed with the original product , employees are not familiar with the production of the product , there will be a run-in process Finally , the gain temporary interests , made up the entire production system becomes confused . For a long time , it is difficult to form a standard enterprise product line , walking behind the others , but also to face the outdated styles make hanging plant material increase in the risk of stagnation .
In fact, the suit is a kind of imitation see short interest while ignoring the long-term interests of corporate behavior , at the cost of losing their own standards, the results make it difficult to surpass even harder to talk about forming their own brand. Suit imitation is just one example . The more standard loss also occurred in the development, design and production levels.
To talk about development and design. Development and design also have a standard , not what developers want to develop anything on what must be the factory and production standards convergence , such as corporate outlets , often to the development and design departments of some market information feedback , feel what products to sell, development on the proposed development and design departments . It is very casual . Business people in the feedback market information, companies should look at these products is not consistent with the production standards of the factory, rather than the product on the mend . Otherwise, although some products to sell, but chaotic production sector, because the non-standard products of varying materials , or chassis is not universal , or a nail or a rivet does not comply , the results of the purchasing department , warehouse department , technicians who have to pay a lot of effort . So, these non-standard products will no longer have any earnings advantage , they became a burden of production .
Therefore, companies must first reference standard , and then choose whether to develop the products , which would be more effective.
In the production level, standardization is even more important . Any link does not take a standardized , will more or less affect the product quality , so , whether it is product assembly , production processes, or plant health , quality and other aspects have to be part of setting standards , such as semi-finished or finished goods warehouse positions , to have received a standard process , inspection standards process ; production department have specific operational procedures ; plant health , led outdoor lighting wholesale are standard consolidation process ; quality department , in line with more stringent inspection standards have lighting requirements . According to Xiao Bian understood that in the back of standardization , but also in the division of labor on the realization of the " modular " production department divided into different modules, who is responsible for what modules to be very clear ; each department should have a competent , responsible for co-ordinating arrangements checks, we carry out their duties , work is also very smooth. In fact, this " modular " , leaving employees to see their own responsibility, not the responsibility , regardless of cause confusion . In fact, this is the " standardized" management.
The old saying goes , no rules no standards . Enterprises must have their own standardized , it can optimize all aspects , creating a powerful force , resulting in higher efficiency , more stable quality, has its own characteristics. There are standards to follow, step by step, to improve standards and rigorous execution , or a moment of temporary interests and will not be altered , allows companies to continue to enhance the strength of parties , rather than a sudden fall or chronic illness ridden on the road ahead .

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Friday, April 11, 2014

LED Street Lighting: Savings, Sustainability, Safety

Energy Efficient LED Streetlights Generate Huge Cost-Savings

LED street lighting is being installed in more and more cities worldwide due to the wide range of benefits of led outdoor lighting wholesale, especially with regards to drastic energy savings and immense financial benefits. The number of cities across the globe that are investing in retrofitting their current streetlight systems with LED lighting technology grow day by day and research supports the immediate benefits of these investments.

Follow us as we look deeper into the benefits and advantages of replacing conventional street lighting solutions with cost-saving and energy efficient LED illumination technology.

LED Street Lighting: Savings and Advantages

LED Street Light FixtureThe cost-saving factor together with the overall improvements in efficiency of LED streetlight technology are responsible for rapidly increasing sales and a growing amount of LED streetlight retrofitting projects worldwide, especially as street lighting accounts for a substantial part of a city's energy bill .

A switch to LED street lighting systems alone could decrease worldwide energy consumption by 40 percent, save over U $ 160 billion and as much as 670 million tons of CO2 emissions, according to a media report.

Over the past two years alone, costs of LED streetlight systems have decreased by as much as 50 percent. This decrease in costs has promoted sales even further and now indicates a bright future of LED streetlight systems. According to Pike Research, LED lighting lamps are to become the leading type of illuminaton for streetlights right after high pressure sodium lamps already by 2015.

According to the same study, LED street lights alone will generate over U $ 2 billion in annual revenue by 2020.

LED lighting system's vast environmental and financial benefits are attracting more and more municipalities to retrofit their current or outdated lighting systems with LED technologies. Reduced carbon dioxide emissions, energy savings and higher quality of street light for drivers and pedestrians give strong incentives for cities to update their systems rapidly.

In addition to the benefits of LED lights in general terms, LED technology is especially advantageous for street light systems due to safety and security issues. Due to the white light of LED light bulbs, these systems provide a more clear and illuminated vision than traditional streetlights , therefore improving conditions for drivers, cyclists and pedestrians drastically.

LED Street Lighting in Los Angeles: Good Results for Savings, Repairs and Safety of Citizens

One of the most ambitious and successful LED streetlight projects is seen in Los Angeles, USA. In 2009, President Bill Clinton in cooperation with LA Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa announced the start of a massive 140,000 street light retrofitting project. In late January of this year, data regarding the status of the LED retrofitting project was released, showing that 114,067 of 210,000 streetlights in total had been replaced with LED lights, resulting in a 63.3% increase in electricity savings, according to Forbes.

Along with savings in electricity costs, this project and resulting data revealed that maintenance costs, too, decrease drastically with the installation of LED street lights. Prior to the LED retrofitting project, Los Angeles recorded 70,000 street maintenance and repair occasions in 2008 in contrast to only 46,300 in 2012.

In addition to lower repairing incidences, LED systems also proved to fail at a rate of only 0.02% in comparison to incumbent technologies which were recorded to fail at an average rate or 10% prior to the start of the project. Savings are therefore not only made in energy expenditures and maintenance services but also the higher quality of LED lights. When the city has retrofitted its street light systems completely, it is expected to save U $ 2.5 million annually simply on these costs.

A further advantage along with the clear financial benefits of the installations of LED lighting systems in Los Angeles is the increase in safety and security for residents of the city.

According to research conducted by Forbes, the change to LED lights has improved visibility at night. This, furthermore, may be directly linked with a reduction in crime rates which show a significant decrease in crime statistics since the installation of the LED lighting systems.

LED Street Lighting in China: Key Opportunity for Sustainable Development

Cost-Saving LED Street Lights in ChinaAs China targets to implement sustainable development measures, LED street lighting is probably the most easily and effectively changeable aspect of urban life. With street lighting accounting to a large part of a city's electricity bill, led outdoor lighting wholesale bulbs provide a huge opportunity for energy savings and could make a substantial contribution to sustainable development.

LED lighting fixtures installed in major cities in China have the opportunity to drastically cut both energy and financial expenditures whilst at the same time ensuring that lighting fixtures stay clear of toxic substances as may be found in older conventional lighting installations.

In Chengdu, for example, the goal is to decrease energy spending by 40%, a major part of this being the introduction of LED street lights, according to research by Spark-oe. By 2012, Sony has replaced 1.5 million light bulbs with energy efficient LED light bulbs.

This project, called 'Transformation of 1.5 million by 2012' comes from the Chengdu municipality and is estimated to save 66 million kWh of energy. This will also decrease the city's carbon emissions by up to 64,000 tons.

Similar LED retrofitting projects are being undertaken nationwide, for example in Shenzhen in South China, where LED installments will serve as a tool to cut crime rates, as seen in the case of Los Angeles.

LED Street Lighting Systems: Welcome to a Green Future

LED street lighting systems are being installed more and more frequently across the planet in order to cut electricity spending, reduce a city's carbon footprint and increase safety for drivers and pedestrians due to clearer vision granted by LED technology.

LED streetlights have been installed primarily as pilot projects in cities so far and analysis of investments have shown a rapid pay-off of investments as well as long-term savings due to longer lifetime of LED light bulbs.

In addition to energy savings and reduced carbon emissions as a result of LED streetlight retrofitting, safety is an important advantage of LED street lighting installations. Not only is LED technology more able to imitate natural white light than other lighting alternatives and therefore improve illumination conditions on the streets but LED light systems are also directly linked to lower crime rates in cities such as Los Angeles.

LED light bulbs have many applications and uses for society:

From small-scale LED light bulbs to LED flashlights or larger scale installations such as office buildings or national monuments lit up by LED technology - LEDs are surely conquering the light of illumination.

For cities and municipalities, LED street lights have the opportunity to cut back immense electricity costs whilst ensuring a green future for our planet.

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LED Lighting Becomes More Affordable for Consumers

Affordable LED Lighting: Cost-Reduction & Optimized Manufacturing

Optimizing LED lighting production processes in order to manufacture more affordable LED illumination technology solutions brings immediate and tangible benefits to all peers in the industry and effectively boosts demand throughout the supply-chain both from wholesale distributors as well as from end-consumers.

This is the reason cost-reduction and process optimization has become a central mission for all leading manufacturers of led street light with solar panel
equipment, and all serious LED wholesale suppliers seek to streamline their supply-chain and delivery systems both for incoming inventory as well as outbound order streams .

LED lighting technology, as you certainly know, is currently taking over the illumination market by storm and is set to completely replace the conventional incandescent and compact florescent light bulbs or CFL rapidly.

The great thing is that LED lighting solutions are not only far more energy-efficient and more durable in lifetime than the conventional lighting methods, but LEDs are also ecologically much friendlier which is of gaining importance in today's environmental state and operate with a much lower carbon footprint.

Because of this, manufacturers and upstream LED distributors are constantly optimizing their production flows and strive to find more efficient ways of packaging their LED illumination and luminaires in order to significantly reduce the price of LED light bulbs for downstream parts of their supply-chain.

LED Manufacturing & Cost-Reduction via Packaging

The benefits of LED lights clearly outweigh the costs, however the costs so far have been a drawback for many consumers. In order for the LED lighting industry to shine at its highest potential, cost-reduction in manufacturers and upstream LED suppliers processes is therefore a huge opportunity for further growth.

Affordable SMD LED Light Strips by LEDLuxorAccording to Yole Developpement market analysts in its LED Packaging report, the desired cost reduction will not be achieved as much industry standardization as rather with regards to reductions made by changes in packaging design.

New packaging technology innovation and developments with regard to LED packaging are expected to generate drastic savings in both production and manufacturing costs, leading to an impressive CAGR of a forecasted 20% from 2012 to 2017.

More efficient and cost-saving LED packaging will immediately show direct impact across the entire industry and on all peers and include savings also generated by more efficient handling and significant savings on shipping fees and delivery charges.

For both corporate wholesale customers as well as all businesses and consumers, this means that the future of LED light bulbs will come with major advantages led by significantly lower prices than ever before, thus delivering an even more attractive return on investment and swifter break-evens for all urban large scale commercial LED illumination and other infrastructure projects.

With packaging costs taking up to 40-60% of an LED unit's cost, this is an area in which costs can and will be easily reduced.

The reason packaging costs in the past have been such a large part of the total manufacturing cost of LED lighting is because of the rich variety of and the seemingly infinite range of distinct LED packaging formats.

Some of the most common packaging types for LED lighting include single vs. Multiple chips, ceramic-based LEDs, small vs. Large arrays, low vs. Middle-power plastic leaded chip carriers etc. Due to the large variety of different styles, LED manufacturing cost reduction is inhibited as the stock-keeping unit is multiplied and the further standardization of important process phases are prevented or otherwise affected.

Manufacturing Design Concepts & Process Optimization

In order to further reduce the total costs of LED manufacturing and thereby ultimately benefit the consumer, new manufacturing concepts are being developed in hope to increase a simplified and cheaper manufacturing process flow that helps to empower all peers in the supply-chain with more economical operation and helps both LED wholesale suppliers and end-consumers to boost their ROI significantly.

According to researcher over at, a variety of innovative concepts are created by LED manufacturers in order to reduce the costs and create more straight-forward methods. One concept is referred to as "design for manufacturing", in which elements are simplified and standardized as much as possible as differentiation is pushed downstream in the process. Another manufacturing method is that of "design for cost", where ownership or cost per lumen is favored over the end performance of the LED light.

Pars Mukish of Yole states that "technological developments are also impacted by the quest for cost reduction, and LED manufacturers are now searching for equipment and / or materials with the right mix between cost and performance." Besides the LED manufacturers, other upstream material suppliers and LED wholesale suppliers are also working hard to propose equipment to fit these requirements.

These innovations in design, material and processing solutions are positive news for the entire industry and most of all for the consumer, who eventually receives a low-cost, environmentally friendly and long-lasting alternative to other conventional light sources that is truly sustainable and cost -saving.

With a predicted 20% CAGR over the next four to five years that is mainly accountable for by package substrate and phosphors, this market will grow to about $ 900 million by the end of this period.

With this new rapid economical increase of potential for the LED market, there is an accompanying growing competition amongst industry players trying to propose new and efficient led street light with solar panel models.

Cost-Reduction of LED Manufacturing & Market Acceptance

Market Acceptance & Growth for Affordable LED LightingHaving plenty of room for innovations and creative solutions, it is of paramount importance that the central theme of cost reduction remains the priority and in order for the LED industry to boost market demand and peak worldwide LED lighting sales during 2017-2018 and because of the increased market acceptance.

Pars Mukish states, "the LED packaging equipment market, which stagnated in 2012 due to industry oversupply, is now growing again and will peak at nearly $ 650 million by 2016."

With the large momentum the industry has gained in the past two years, LED packagers, though still depending mostly on retrofitting and optimizing existing packaging methods, are an appealing field for material providers and upstream suppliers of packaging parts to continuously develop more efficient manufacturing solutions.

Decreasing costs for LED lighting technology will significantly benefit consumers as packaging technology and methods are optimized and market demand continues to gain momentum during the next years.

With experts working hard at optimizing LED packaging methods, we expect to see a significant decrease in the costs, allowing LED light bulbs to be very affordable and ultimately replace other alternatives rapidly.

For the LED industry, this is great news as the market is expected to expand even further and for the consumer, this helps to allow LED light bulb investments to be affordable whilst ensuring a lasting energy-saving and environmentally friendly solution that is highly energy efficient and very cost-saving.

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