Friday, April 25, 2014

EMC company's survival way in the LED lighting industry

With the further deepening of China's economic transformation , energy saving face in this market , all kinds of enterprises swarm, energy management contract (EMC) model is becoming mainstream. But the face of this huge market , companies engaged in energy management contract with the concept of " zero risk" behind impress customers , in fact, the risk is passed on to EMC's own body - capital, technology, management, time and so on.

EMC industry is like moths to a flame , very few survivors . Barriers to entry in this industry do not seem high , in fact demanding. The success of the enterprise is nothing more than a clever variety of risks to a minimum. The core essence of the contract energy management is risk control .

First, you must avoid the structural risks in the company's planned top-level design. A large part of EMC Corporation uses the most primitive of business cooperation : the relationship between the boss can get some items, and then called a few people , find some money, find some products together. This project is actually to operate blindly , not only money, product risk is not controllable , the company's future development is also unpredictable.

Any business wants to exist for a long , grow, then the company must first understand the customer's needs in order to meet customer needs, in order to solve some customers can not solve the problem. Connections are always exhausted when , and how to develop new customers ? How to make customers more willing to cooperate with EMC ? Excellent led street light with solar panel must focus on to provide more and more attractive value , use value to impress your clients , in order to facilitate the promotion of the company's business .

Second, we must develop ways to control risk business . EMC energy saving projects have a very clear project characteristics. EMC relationship marketing project needs , but we can not simply rest on existing relationships to create a project , you must use the situation for their own company , you can copy , you can promote the development of marketing projects . Otherwise, the boss is the company's largest sales, every day in the wine village also can not sign a few items .

Third, we must control the time of project implementation risks .

EMC contract is only a third of the way to go , a lot of EMC Corporation have such feelings, after signing the contract execution is also very difficult. Negotiations very long time , low efficiency projects can be completed several projects a year , operating costs remain high. The difficulty is nothing more than the implementation of the project from customers worried about several aspects : whether the impact of his normal production operations ? Whether the saving rate guaranteed ? Whether the pricing reasonable ? The first two issues , along with the development of EMC , EMC support national efforts to continue to strengthen , EMC company can play the power of third parties, to relieve customers of these concerns , a customer 's trust.

Pricing mechanism will always be the focus of a debate , but EMC really only saving money this accounting method to share it? In fact the pricing mechanism is flexible and can even adopt pricing mechanism foundries account for all costs and increased fixed profit . All of this only one purpose , that is to make it easier for customers to accept the implementation of the concept of EMC , shorten the implementation cycle and reduce costs.

Fourth , the risk of product quality must be controlled .

EMC project when the product of systemic risk, it is easy to cause the project not work back section . Many in the industry to use energy-saving technologies are emerging technologies , and how to ensure safety ? Please rely on the company 's employees ? Still rely on management, cooperative ways to control risk ? Such as LED products, the initial improve product standards , but manufacturers are in strict accordance with standards ? How to identify product quality ?

Responses to these questions , any outstanding EMC company must have a complete product chain or product platform , fully guaranteed product quality, and the establishment of mechanisms to transfer risk products .

Fifth, we must set up mechanisms for handling non-performing assets . With the large number of items , led street light with solar panel poor project inevitably appear. Therefore, the project handling mechanism , when the initial contract processing must be taken into account when debtors become non-performing assets , the easy realization , assignment of claims , etc. are handled.

In summary , the entire contract energy management industry , risk control determines the Pareto phenomenon within the industry it is clear that 20% of business is developing very fast , 80% of companies stumble before the line, even on the verge of collapse. How to enjoy energy savings this big cake ? Energy conservation is absolutely correct direction of the industry , and the future will be very bright , but we have to do in the operating mechanism of EMC's business systems architecture design and improve improve , then EMC industry from the Warring States period of time into the Qin and Han Dynasties definitely not would be too far away.

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