Monday, April 14, 2014

The development situation of Global LED outdoor lighting is optimistic

Global LED outdoor lighting optimistic about the development of the situation : the use of a wide range of LED industry , for the currently used mostly to public construction and the extensive use of outdoor lighting as the main field . 2012 global LED outdoor lighting market penetration to grow up difficulties , and the newly installed LED lights in China accounted for 30% of global market estimates , from 2013 to 2015 will enter the global tide facelift led outdoor lighting wholesale, and focus on the Asia-Pacific region .
DRAMeXchange market research agency published its latest market report LEDinside noted that 2013-2015 will be the global LED outdoor lighting facelift tide , with the Asia-Pacific China, Japan , Taiwan, the most active in promoting policies , today ( 2013 ) global outdoor lighting output value will reach $ 2.478 billion , the annual growth rate will reach 46% .
LED outdoor lighting applications
LED festooned with a unique way of our urban environment , but also take into account the practicality. Adjusted lighting high flexibility, allowing designers to say goodbye to the past static lighting , creating a flexible environment , for example , with the situation or temperature changes, or to show the festive atmosphere during the holiday season special . These LED 's use to achieve energy saving effect, only a small part of the power consumed by traditional lighting technologies.
In recent years , environmental protection issues have become the focus of public attention , LED lighting has a high luminous efficiency , plus LED prices fell rapidly , making LED lighting lighting industry to become the most watched star, but also want governments to actively support the new industries . Since the rise of awareness of energy saving and carbon reduction , LED lights provisioning speed and usage belong to the state of infrastructure is of concern, compared to conventional street lights , LED has energy saving, environmental protection , high efficiency and high stability and other advantages, but under the consideration of cost and weather conditions , the quality requirements of the most important conditions .
Looking around the world to promote LED lighting policies and relevant laws , some countries are at last ( 2012 ) began a full cessation of the use of incandescent light bulbs and switch to LED lighting , and the Ministry of Science and the Chinese mainland from the previous " Ten thousand ten cities " program expanded to the current " city of two million fifty " , and if the U.S. and Europe to actively replace the city lights, LED can be seen the importance of governments.
New Taipei City, Taiwan, is the most populous city in the past few decades to become the fast-growing city , between Taipei and New Taipei City, a total of 24 bridges ( 2012 update ) . From 2004 onwards, bridge lighting has become one of the most important actions Xinbei . In order to improve the city image and attract more people to live in this livable city , starting in 2011 , New Taipei City Government began actively LightScribe dual North Bridge , New Taipei City Taiwan Philip gain favor , adopt a full-service , from design to construction , lit double Northern sky.
However , LED lights for its focus on quality issues , although once lead the industry price competition, but the difference between the current performance of LED lights around the great , the quality varies, so after the actual installation of LED lights found many problems , the average failure rate up to 8.2% by the overwhelming quality tests, such problems including power management and control , heat treatment, waterproof design.

Global Status led outdoor lighting wholesale market
LED outdoor lighting market worldwide last year growth trend , while China accounts for global newly installed street lights 3 percent subsidy from the government is still the main driving force of growth , more companies promising energy-saving projects in China for public lighting . LEDinside estimates, this year with financial subsidies installed into the standard case of Guangdong new installed capacity is expected to exceed 300,000 units, becoming the fastest growing LED outdoor lighting regional market , outdoor lighting penetration rate reached 16.7% .
Japan actively open new outdoor lighting market , emphasizing lighting safety. Osaka , for example, the city of Osaka later this year plans 20,000 3,000 street lights replace all LED. The famous Iwasaki Electric and Toshiba also develop and promote its brand and products.

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