Monday, April 14, 2014

LED lighting enterprise can develop much better with special characteristics

Abstract : The standard for an enterprise , is too important . In the development and production , the role of standards is more prominent. Around the production , from development to delivery , each link has a standard can participate , only to avoid the chaos of production, improve product quality , strong brand base .
However, in reality , led outdoor lighting wholesale are often shelved , random , emotional Allusion , empiricism , or for expedience , become an obstacle to the implementation of standardization . Standard loss , ranging from lost production chain so that quality is not stable , hanging stagnation materials increased ; heavy then collapse enterprise , the brand 's dream to become the Phantom .
Take the industry more general phenomenon , the loss of a few standard enterprise fact , as the industry to follow suit serious imitation frequent phenomenon , is the loss of a standard phenomenon. Inherent in standard business enterprise is not seen , but for temporary interests , copying other people's products , with the result that the entire product line of products and plagiarism of tune , the effect of the impact of the standard product line ; which seems to save development costs , in fact, on the other hand , due to manufacturing cost plagiarism product procurement costs , production costs , because copying materials or products used parts are mixed with the original product , employees are not familiar with the production of the product , there will be a run-in process Finally , the gain temporary interests , made up the entire production system becomes confused . For a long time , it is difficult to form a standard enterprise product line , walking behind the others , but also to face the outdated styles make hanging plant material increase in the risk of stagnation .
In fact, the suit is a kind of imitation see short interest while ignoring the long-term interests of corporate behavior , at the cost of losing their own standards, the results make it difficult to surpass even harder to talk about forming their own brand. Suit imitation is just one example . The more standard loss also occurred in the development, design and production levels.
To talk about development and design. Development and design also have a standard , not what developers want to develop anything on what must be the factory and production standards convergence , such as corporate outlets , often to the development and design departments of some market information feedback , feel what products to sell, development on the proposed development and design departments . It is very casual . Business people in the feedback market information, companies should look at these products is not consistent with the production standards of the factory, rather than the product on the mend . Otherwise, although some products to sell, but chaotic production sector, because the non-standard products of varying materials , or chassis is not universal , or a nail or a rivet does not comply , the results of the purchasing department , warehouse department , technicians who have to pay a lot of effort . So, these non-standard products will no longer have any earnings advantage , they became a burden of production .
Therefore, companies must first reference standard , and then choose whether to develop the products , which would be more effective.
In the production level, standardization is even more important . Any link does not take a standardized , will more or less affect the product quality , so , whether it is product assembly , production processes, or plant health , quality and other aspects have to be part of setting standards , such as semi-finished or finished goods warehouse positions , to have received a standard process , inspection standards process ; production department have specific operational procedures ; plant health , led outdoor lighting wholesale are standard consolidation process ; quality department , in line with more stringent inspection standards have lighting requirements . According to Xiao Bian understood that in the back of standardization , but also in the division of labor on the realization of the " modular " production department divided into different modules, who is responsible for what modules to be very clear ; each department should have a competent , responsible for co-ordinating arrangements checks, we carry out their duties , work is also very smooth. In fact, this " modular " , leaving employees to see their own responsibility, not the responsibility , regardless of cause confusion . In fact, this is the " standardized" management.
The old saying goes , no rules no standards . Enterprises must have their own standardized , it can optimize all aspects , creating a powerful force , resulting in higher efficiency , more stable quality, has its own characteristics. There are standards to follow, step by step, to improve standards and rigorous execution , or a moment of temporary interests and will not be altered , allows companies to continue to enhance the strength of parties , rather than a sudden fall or chronic illness ridden on the road ahead .

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