Friday, April 11, 2014

LED Street Lighting: Savings, Sustainability, Safety

Energy Efficient LED Streetlights Generate Huge Cost-Savings

LED street lighting is being installed in more and more cities worldwide due to the wide range of benefits of led outdoor lighting wholesale, especially with regards to drastic energy savings and immense financial benefits. The number of cities across the globe that are investing in retrofitting their current streetlight systems with LED lighting technology grow day by day and research supports the immediate benefits of these investments.

Follow us as we look deeper into the benefits and advantages of replacing conventional street lighting solutions with cost-saving and energy efficient LED illumination technology.

LED Street Lighting: Savings and Advantages

LED Street Light FixtureThe cost-saving factor together with the overall improvements in efficiency of LED streetlight technology are responsible for rapidly increasing sales and a growing amount of LED streetlight retrofitting projects worldwide, especially as street lighting accounts for a substantial part of a city's energy bill .

A switch to LED street lighting systems alone could decrease worldwide energy consumption by 40 percent, save over U $ 160 billion and as much as 670 million tons of CO2 emissions, according to a media report.

Over the past two years alone, costs of LED streetlight systems have decreased by as much as 50 percent. This decrease in costs has promoted sales even further and now indicates a bright future of LED streetlight systems. According to Pike Research, LED lighting lamps are to become the leading type of illuminaton for streetlights right after high pressure sodium lamps already by 2015.

According to the same study, LED street lights alone will generate over U $ 2 billion in annual revenue by 2020.

LED lighting system's vast environmental and financial benefits are attracting more and more municipalities to retrofit their current or outdated lighting systems with LED technologies. Reduced carbon dioxide emissions, energy savings and higher quality of street light for drivers and pedestrians give strong incentives for cities to update their systems rapidly.

In addition to the benefits of LED lights in general terms, LED technology is especially advantageous for street light systems due to safety and security issues. Due to the white light of LED light bulbs, these systems provide a more clear and illuminated vision than traditional streetlights , therefore improving conditions for drivers, cyclists and pedestrians drastically.

LED Street Lighting in Los Angeles: Good Results for Savings, Repairs and Safety of Citizens

One of the most ambitious and successful LED streetlight projects is seen in Los Angeles, USA. In 2009, President Bill Clinton in cooperation with LA Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa announced the start of a massive 140,000 street light retrofitting project. In late January of this year, data regarding the status of the LED retrofitting project was released, showing that 114,067 of 210,000 streetlights in total had been replaced with LED lights, resulting in a 63.3% increase in electricity savings, according to Forbes.

Along with savings in electricity costs, this project and resulting data revealed that maintenance costs, too, decrease drastically with the installation of LED street lights. Prior to the LED retrofitting project, Los Angeles recorded 70,000 street maintenance and repair occasions in 2008 in contrast to only 46,300 in 2012.

In addition to lower repairing incidences, LED systems also proved to fail at a rate of only 0.02% in comparison to incumbent technologies which were recorded to fail at an average rate or 10% prior to the start of the project. Savings are therefore not only made in energy expenditures and maintenance services but also the higher quality of LED lights. When the city has retrofitted its street light systems completely, it is expected to save U $ 2.5 million annually simply on these costs.

A further advantage along with the clear financial benefits of the installations of LED lighting systems in Los Angeles is the increase in safety and security for residents of the city.

According to research conducted by Forbes, the change to LED lights has improved visibility at night. This, furthermore, may be directly linked with a reduction in crime rates which show a significant decrease in crime statistics since the installation of the LED lighting systems.

LED Street Lighting in China: Key Opportunity for Sustainable Development

Cost-Saving LED Street Lights in ChinaAs China targets to implement sustainable development measures, LED street lighting is probably the most easily and effectively changeable aspect of urban life. With street lighting accounting to a large part of a city's electricity bill, led outdoor lighting wholesale bulbs provide a huge opportunity for energy savings and could make a substantial contribution to sustainable development.

LED lighting fixtures installed in major cities in China have the opportunity to drastically cut both energy and financial expenditures whilst at the same time ensuring that lighting fixtures stay clear of toxic substances as may be found in older conventional lighting installations.

In Chengdu, for example, the goal is to decrease energy spending by 40%, a major part of this being the introduction of LED street lights, according to research by Spark-oe. By 2012, Sony has replaced 1.5 million light bulbs with energy efficient LED light bulbs.

This project, called 'Transformation of 1.5 million by 2012' comes from the Chengdu municipality and is estimated to save 66 million kWh of energy. This will also decrease the city's carbon emissions by up to 64,000 tons.

Similar LED retrofitting projects are being undertaken nationwide, for example in Shenzhen in South China, where LED installments will serve as a tool to cut crime rates, as seen in the case of Los Angeles.

LED Street Lighting Systems: Welcome to a Green Future

LED street lighting systems are being installed more and more frequently across the planet in order to cut electricity spending, reduce a city's carbon footprint and increase safety for drivers and pedestrians due to clearer vision granted by LED technology.

LED streetlights have been installed primarily as pilot projects in cities so far and analysis of investments have shown a rapid pay-off of investments as well as long-term savings due to longer lifetime of LED light bulbs.

In addition to energy savings and reduced carbon emissions as a result of LED streetlight retrofitting, safety is an important advantage of LED street lighting installations. Not only is LED technology more able to imitate natural white light than other lighting alternatives and therefore improve illumination conditions on the streets but LED light systems are also directly linked to lower crime rates in cities such as Los Angeles.

LED light bulbs have many applications and uses for society:

From small-scale LED light bulbs to LED flashlights or larger scale installations such as office buildings or national monuments lit up by LED technology - LEDs are surely conquering the light of illumination.

For cities and municipalities, LED street lights have the opportunity to cut back immense electricity costs whilst ensuring a green future for our planet.

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