Thursday, April 3, 2014

Energy saving, longevity and improve conversion efficiency as the improvement direction of LED street lighting fixture

Generally used to evaluate LED lighting systems, and more reliability and service life will come to view it , especially in terms of public facilities to import streetlights type , in order to achieve a low power consumption of the LED light source street lighting facilities in LED commercial lighting wholesale components , lighting control systems and lighting design , the overall structure is required to achieve high reliability and high flux output requirements ...

LED lights such as home lighting design is not simple, because the LED lights are more harsh environment , need to be able to withstand outdoor setting in strong winds , early / late huge difference in temperature , in order to achieve the purpose of luminous efficacy lighting components as well as high flux requirements, not just the lighting system itself needs to meet the design requirements , the drive circuit with the lamp shell , thermal design , have to be reached with the audit requirements of the final product , in order to achieve high reliability, long life design purpose.

The rapid development of LED elements significantly enhance the brightness of the unit element

LED luminous efficiency at high current grain , packaging technology breakthrough has been the development of a single element , long life, size is getting smaller and smaller , with digital control drive circuit can achieve dimming applications as traditional lamp , highlighting its tremendous growth potential in lighting applications market, coupled with environmental requirements of countries have announced a moratorium on the ban on incandescent bulb , which is tantamount LED replacement bulb is the best promotion of the use of energy efficient LED lighting replace traditional inefficient lighting situation is already just around the corner .

However , LED lighting market, product quality varies greatly, the poor part of the low-priced products CRI performance , reliability or neglect should be LED , long life performance , the impact of user confidence , the poor optical design also makes LED lighting status If more traditional lighting sources are not comfortable . The same road with the LED lights is the same situation with streetlights facilities for road users are exposed every day lighting facilities , the event of CRI or brightness variation is obviously insufficient , so that users will be LED lighting public doubts the usefulness .

Change LED street lights can significantly save energy consumption sources

Usually LED road lighting or tunnel lighting applications, LED street light effect will be defined in each of the lamps 85 lumens per watt or higher terms of the functional construction of the prior art , the LED light source can be found made ​​by the technique street lighting, public lighting, its energy consumption will be much lower than incandescent lamps , xenon lamps, halogen lamps high brightness energy used by traditional light sources , although a significant win energy consumption, but in fact as street lights use LED light source , still encounter reliability, light decay rate ( lifetime ) impact .

How to understand the reliability of the LED first defined , in general, refers to the reliability of the unit time , the ability of the product to perform its objective function under conditions of observed failure reason main LED light fixture of several states , a serious the breakdowns , which represents the entire system was seriously damaged the LED light source can not be used , another is the emergence of LED light source parameter condition , affecting its operation performance , that is the normal state of flux LED 's performance , if there is less than the initial system 70% of the value of the following , you are parametric fault , either parametric or severe symptoms, represents streetlights have not qualified for the LED light source lighting tasks, must be repaired or replaced , and the reliability is low maintenance and refurbishment costs will increase and inadequate access to long-life LED efficiency .

Failure analysis component quality LED light source is the first hurdle

The observation of typical fault LED street lamp light curve can be divided into several, one of the early products occur during the initial run , in addition to random component failure may be the cause , and the other will gradually lengthen as the running time of the failure to produce consumption phenomenon . Most of the initial failure would be to use an LED element or component defects caused in the manufacturing process , the electronic parts or the substrate material leads to poor welding , CAUSE considerable , can be static or overload current, or the mechanical stress caused structural damage when the material elements of the cause of such problems can be 5 to 10 hours after the plane was found during the operation and troubleshooting to improve the product .

As with the use of material consumption patterns over time the fault generated , although the material is a necessary process , but it is also tracked , observe the LED light output attenuation parameters by parameters such as flux and color coordinates to evaluate , LED that light flux output , LED general can maintain the operational life of 50,000 hours , but the performance will be with the use of flux decay time grew , and when the LED luminous flux attenuation to 70 % of the declared value of the use of time, is the LED 's L70 parameters. Due to wear and tear and aging of the key components caused by prolonged use is important for assessing the performance of components , when reaching a certain number of LED L70 accumulated to half of the overall number of this period is the interval L70/B50, namely representatives of LED life data charts.

Users looking for the LED light source life high

For Energy Star ( ENERGY STAR ) for outdoor LED lighting is defined as 35,000 hours life requirements , even LED light emitting element L70/B50 can reach 50,000 hours of life , but because the light fades by the performance of the component itself factors affecting quite a bit, like a closed shell or heat lamps poor operating environment, or even a driver circuit shorted leakage , etc. , are likely to make early entry into the light -emitting element LED -lives , affecting its durability.

LED lamps with existing manufacturing processes , in fact, have quite a lot to improve the overall life of the lamp practice , for example in terms of the LED package , LED package can be said about the key to reliability , high power chip package with high heat and ceramic substrates with low surface change package, excellent performance can be obtained not only in the heat resistance, thermal conductivity, and also in the relatively stable performance parameters packaging technology . In addition , the package size is gradually reduced , the driving current of 10 ~ 13W LED element package size is as small as 3mm * 3mm or smaller.

Street / tunnel test environment harsh light shell waterproof, dustproof and thermal design

But the reality of the situation and the situation, LED lights set the environment for outdoor or tunnel lighting will be by motor vehicle exhaust , acid rain , corrosive gases will cause the driver circuit fails, the LED packaging process , the use of silver-plated purported reflective material used , but in fact easy silver material with an acid , a chemical etching gas tends to darken the reaction , i.e., direct impact on the result, the flux performance LED street light , should be changed to the original silver plated improvement of corrosion-resistant design, slowing its blackened flux material corrosion problems caused by the decline in output .

In addition to improving the LED commercial lighting wholesale itself , in light shell design is the key to the overall product design , because the strong performance of the product to see the light shell waterproof, dustproof and cooling effect, generally streetlights will use a two-piece or three-piece fabric made ​​use of a small number of group members and fasteners strong degree of enhancement of the overall lighting in the surrounding mosaic glass shade also use impermeable rubber to avoid water intrusion , and important wire, cable connections will be made ​​of rubber waterproofing treatment . Basically need to take on the lamp housing autologous heat demand will normally lamp LED light module with the metal shell bonded fabric , make glowing LED can also generate heat through the metal thermal properties of scattered light to the outer shell , part of the design active cooling system can also be added to help dissipate heat lamps processed .

Component aging and dust intrusion is also the main cause of the fault LED lamps

The general aging of the lamp failure , in addition to air and moisture , the component aging and dust issues must also be considered in product design basically, as long as the adoption of high-reliability LED light-emitting element , you can solve the problem of product failure a half , followed by is how to improve the intrusion of dust and lamp shell lamp shell wet because a short circuit resulting in lighting equipment damage . Better use of LED lighting components with high reliability systems integration , LED street lighting facilities can naturally play better reliability and service life.

On the other hand , LED street light is not light , the brighter the better, but to the most economical and most effective way for product design , in general, about 8 meters wide dual carriageway for about every 20 to 25 yards set a street lamp , night lights lighting needs that require only 10 lx enough that more than 10 lx of light design is basically a waste of energy on the order needs to push back , in the design of the LED light source corresponding street demand , will be able to master the required drive power source , LED type and quantity , and the other driver circuit and protection circuit , lamp shell design may also make corresponding development options , you can find the corresponding optimized natural product configuration from demand instead of reimbursing the development of high efficiency, high brightness , high life products, resulting in high production costs , not cut into the applications market .

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