Monday, April 14, 2014

The Critical moment of LED lighting industry development is coming

From the current situation of pilot demonstration , basically reached this goal, such as Guangzhou, Shenzhen and other places to explore . " Contract energy management" model , and Zhejiang and LED enterprises to go abroad for the promotion and achieved good results. LED backlight output growth rate of 160 percent , "Twelve Five" period will be an average annual growth rate of over 40%.
In "LED industry," second five " quadruple " the report, one of the interesting figures : in 2010 China LED industry contracted planned investment totaled 217.885 billion yuan , up 248.6 percent surge .
In such a rapid growth , the development of led street light with solar panel there is much space ? What opportunities exist high-speed segments ? Enterprise and market -oriented policies in the grasp of time and which should avoid the risk ? Recently interviewed on these issues National Semiconductor Lighting Project R & D and Industry Alliance Secretary-General Wu Ling .
Since late 2009 , the Ministry of Science , " city of ten thousand ," semiconductor lighting pilot project for the leading role in the LED industry is obvious, but there are also negative voices . After thoroughly before the Union of pilot cities , how to treat the effect of the implementation of this policy ? Does the policy this year will continue to promote ? In addition the Government will promote the development of LED industry, which will be supported ?
Ling : For the " city of ten thousand ," the evaluation is not one size fits all . We believe that the purpose of the policy is through technological innovation, the application of innovation and technology integration , to enhance the capabilities of semiconductor lighting product reliability , quality and technical level . From the current situation of pilot demonstration , basically reached this goal, such as Guangzhou, Shenzhen and other places for the "Energy Management Contract " Discover (EMC) mode, while the Zhejiang area for the promotion of LED enterprises to go abroad and achieved good results ; Harbin LED energy-efficient lighting and other places will be carried out in conjunction with intelligent control . But the pilot to start at the beginning due to lack of guidance and technical specifications, some places still take a detour . From this point of view , as the " city of ten thousand ," the mature and norms , policies will continue to promote and scale will expand ; If last year was to explore, then this year the role of the policy to cultivate the market for industrial development and also will really play out. In addition , the NDRC and other relevant departments are studying alternative to incandescent roadmap , especially those who are led the development of "second five " energy industry planning , is expected to introduce LED has oriented alternative to incandescent lamps, halogen lamps and other inefficient subsidies lighting products .
The past two years , LED industry set off a boom, local governments also have the LED as a key industry training, and would be willing to use the land tax and other incentives to attract businesses to settle down, in this case , whether the future of China's LED industry will be focused on capacity situation of excess ?
Ling : LED industry chain is very long , involving wide, wide range of applications . Can not easily say that the whole industry overcapacity, the current situation from investment point of view , indeed there have been more than the number of upstream epitaxy equipment purchase for the ability to keep up with technical issues such as general illumination , so the development of a staged process of structural imbalance problem. With the improvement of technical capabilities for general lighting , as well as the rapid expansion of the market , I believe that after 3-5 years of industry consolidation , the prospects of the semiconductor lighting industry will be very broad.
The next five years , China's LED market growth space much ? What opportunities exist segments ?
Ling : in 2010 the output value of China's semiconductor lighting 120 billion the next five years will quadruple . 2010 China's general lighting output growth reached 1.5 % annual growth rate , " Twelve Five" period will exceed 55%. LED backlight output growth rate of 160 percent , "Twelve Five" period will be an average annual growth rate of over 40%. The next 3-5 years will be a crucial moment of the semiconductor lighting industry consolidation and development. According alliances with related companies jointly estimates , LED lighting products for halogen, incandescent , CFL downlights , etc. in 2011 has been a substitute advantage, T8 Grille , 150W high pressure sodium lamp , 250W high pressure sodium lamp replacement in 2012 , will have the advantage . In 2013 the fastest 15W LED for home energy-saving lamps will also appear substitute advantage. Therefore , indoor lighting products in recent years the main push bulb lights, spotlights , downlights, panel lights , etc. ; outside the main push 250 watt lights and tunnel lights. Also note that , led street light with solar panel is not only technological advances , but also is a terminal application products in the business model and service model of revolution.

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