Monday, December 9, 2013

Analysis of the industry defect of LED street lighting

While LED lighting industry usher in rapid development Chunchao like when it appears a lot of controversy about the overheated investment emerged. Some people even think that in the domestic market has not really started, the fanatical development will advance future capacity and markets. Is the prospect of unlimited or difficult? Chinese led street light wholesale industry, what opportunities and challenges facing exactly?
At present, China has been included in the long-term semiconductor LED lighting technology development plan, has now formed epitaxial wafers, chip preparation, package integration, LED application industry chain. Under the impetus of favorable policies, the rapid development of the domestic LED industry blowout.
Vice-Chancellor of Nanchang University Jiang Fengyi that from last year, LED lighting industry began to appear from upstream to downstream trot development of the situation in the first half of this year reached blowout status. According to statistics, in 2009, China's LED lighting industry , with nearly 60 upstream, midstream device packaging business has more than 1,000, more than 2,000 enterprises downstream applications, contract energy management, employed more than 800,000 people. 2009 River semiconductor lighting industry output value of 82.7 billion yuan.
The report shows that today, LED lighting has become the LED backlight market beyond the fastest growing application market. By 2015, LED lighting market value of the domestic penetration will reach 1/4.
"Just as the film instead of digital products, LED lights will replace the traditional incandescent unimaginable speed." Beijing Shenan Investment Group Chairman, said, "In the next attractive market, many companies want to place. Currently many pharmaceutical South plants, breweries are doing LED lighting. "
Despite market expectations so high, but at this stage, due to the blind development of China 's LED lighting industry exposes a lack of core technology, lack of innovation, disorderly market competition and other issues.
"For value, the stage LED lighting market penetration in the country is only 5%, core technologies rely on imports, higher overall costs become an obstacle to the further development of LED industry stumbling block, LED intelligent lighting." LED Engineering Research Institute Dr . Zhang Xiaofei said.
"LED chip is like a car engine. Lack of core technology will directly restrict the development of this industry." Said. It is understood, LED upstream chip production technologies are mainly in the hands of foreign companies, technology localization process is slow, affecting the development of the industry. MOCVD epitaxial furnace and its associated supporting technology is the most high-end LED industry chain, mainly dependent on imports, underground garage LED, which greatly restricted the cost control LED upstream industry.
Blind investment and lack of core technology makes the Chinese LED lighting market was mixed, good and bad. A puzzle is currently unstable quality LED enterprises generally face. "Some customers higher price back LED lights, even thousands of hours can not last, and even the quality not as good as traditional lighting. Currently producing LED lighting market there are many low-quality products for SMEs, industry structure is unstable. "said.
With international giant companies enter the Chinese market, many domestic has certain core competitiveness of enterprises will face the risk of being acquired, and the lack of competitiveness of enterprises or will directly be eliminated, "If we do not regulate the market, the future will likely be reduced to do the wedding dress to the point for foreign lighting giant. "Jiang Fengyi said.
With the continued growth in production and daily life, such as a city street lighting, lighting electricity consumption in the power position in the increasingly prominent. According to Jin, CEO Luo Baihui mold, our electricity for lighting accounts for more than 12% of the country's total electricity consumption, and an average annual increase rate of 15%. As alternatives to incandescent energy saving lighting products market is ushering good opportunity.
"The world's largest lighting manufacturer Philips has predicted that within 10 years of its production to 90% lighting is
led street light wholesale, where the opportunities are enormous." In the new factory, the company's chairman arrow Dongguan Xin Yang Biao, Nie outline LED lighting blueprint for the development industry. Growing market demand will drive rapid advances in technology, and state support for the development of LED lighting industry, the icing on the cake. As technology continues to improve, LED production costs by 30% per year rate of decline. The industry believes that all out incandescent no longer than 10 years.
For the healthy and orderly development of LED lighting industry, many experts recommend strengthening the overall guidance of national planning for local LED industry, the introduction of enforceable national industry standards as soon as possible, especially in industry standard demonstration project related products, such as street lamps, tunnel lights, display, landscape, so that local governments and businesses purchase standard products are based.
Many experts believe that the market is increasingly competitive, strengthen the next generation of semiconductor lighting technology research and development work without delay. Meanwhile, the early realization of semiconductor lighting
led street light wholesale localization of core equipment, high-end equipment to fundamentally change the subject of the human situation, China's semiconductor lighting to promote strategic emerging industries, rapid and healthy and sustainable development. Related policies as soon as possible to strengthen and standardize the testing organizations established to avoid some of the test results do not match the actual improve the overall level of detection and credibility.

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