Thursday, December 5, 2013

Should LED advertise before making a brand ?

In the fierce competition in the market , whether it is business or dealers are aware of the importance of the brand. Do the brand , led street light fixture must be put into large investment that has a large output , the brand is easy to rise . This " Great Leap Forward" , " brand explosion " phenomenon, in today's electrical industry have a certain market , it was one after another, someone eager.
In fact, this idea is just look at the surface , do not look at nature . This is no direction , no method of "me too" action , the end result can only be " countless heroes bow in homage ." Make the brand essence is in the user brain to seize a " mental " resources , which inevitably going to spread. To do this , first find out two things: First you want to spread what consumers are still part of your brain position, that brand positioning ; Second, how are you going to spread , and this spread efficiency and the effect is the best , that communication strategy.
Moment, there are many
led street light fixture who spent real money on advertising , sow a " dragon seeds " , the harvest is "flea ", mostly the result is not satisfactory , is that the lack of a clear brand positioning and communication strategies both strategy. You say people can not remember , you said people do not need , you useless crying throat a few years ago , " dimming master" , "color feast" of failed cases is proof of that. The purpose of advertising is to spread and spread , there are many ways , the most extensive television advertising coverage crowd , but not the most effective . Switch is good , lighting worth mentioning, does not belong to FMCG , consumer can not be improvised , know many people do not represent the more sales . If sales growth is not synchronized with the input, advertising can not be sustained, ultimately, is playing with toys.

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