Thursday, December 5, 2013

Lighting up the poultry breeding industry with LED high bay lights

LED lighting industry through a spurt of development , gradually move towards market segments. Buy led high bay lamps manufacturers have quietly made ​​a breakthrough in new areas .
In recent years , LED lighting industry from a hot new market is inevitable that overcapacity and price competition homogenization old . How to blaze trail in the vast army of the LED industry , create new value ? Zhejiang LED lighting manufacturers seem to find a breakthrough - used in poultry farming is quietly intelligent LED lighting systems to market , and create a new world of LED .
In Tianjin, a chicken farm in 1680 square meters , 15,000 chickens bathed every day illumination LED lights , farmers do not have to bother to control the light intensity and exposure time manually . Using intelligent LED lighting systems , not only reduces the cost of breeding , poultry survival rate also increased .
Tianjin This farm offers this technology is Hangzhou Long Extension Biological Technology Co., Ltd. ( hereinafter referred to as Long Extension Technology ) . Associate Professor of Zhejiang University, Hangzhou Long Extension Biological Technology Co., Ltd. , chairman of Panjin Ming led the research team, poultry LED intelligent lighting system has been studied more than three years . Long Extension Technology was established last year , the technology to market.
Deputy General Manager of Technology Extension Long Jiang Jinsong told "Zhejiang" reporter , recently, the State Intellectual Property Office received "on the requirement of a negative Sharp poultry feeding systems , poultry farming methods as well as for a number of right -emitting devices poultry required request " Shen Suxin eventually Sharp lost patent applications in China . The Long Extension Technology has got two national patents on a dedicated intelligent LED lighting systems .
Currently, the majority of our large broiler farming enterprises widely used 24 hours lighting system for a long time in a state of light stimulation , poultry, lack of adequate rest, poor health , the mortality rate has been high. The Long extension technology research and development of intelligent LED lighting systems poultry , poultry available for each band visual sensitivity to light , and significantly promote the growth and production of poultry . LED lights in the initial installation , the company will be unified in the field test , installed according to the situation on the ground control box and the controller such that the LED light intensity and exposure time may vary with different periods , to smart effect.
Jiang Jinsong said that in the field, broiler slaughter weight increased by 5.06% , a cumulative laying hens increased 147.3 g , average mortality rate reduced by 2.1% during the demonstration . This is because LED lighting intelligent control reduces the birds of light stimulation , enhancing its resistance. Meanwhile , LED illumination improves the efficiency of feed utilization in poultry than 5% , the same weight of the chicken , with LED illumination can reduce the amount of 3.21% of the feed . In addition, LED lighting under the experimental analysis of breeding poultry manure , manure was found to reduce the moisture content of 11.3% , helps to inhibit the release of ammonia , improve farming environment.
" Breeding a batch of chickens from hatching chicks came out to a total of six weeks , the 120 system after saving LED lights replaced , under 1178.824 yuan can save electricity ." Jiang Jinsong , said last month a chicken farm in Tianjin has expanded the scope of application of intelligent LED lighting systems.
So far, poultry intelligent LED lighting systems Lang extension technology has been applied in Zhejiang Province , Shenyang, Tianjin and other places. September , Shenyang a leading farming companies have begun to install and use the company's products .
Ten billion yuan of new markets
Coincidentally, specializing in R & D of new energy sources and new
Buy led high bay lamps , has launched a poultry intelligent LED lighting systems and a large chicken farm in Yuhang District of Hangzhou applied. Received strong support from National Semiconductor Lighting Project R & D and Industry Alliance and Beijing Semiconductor Lighting Technology Promotion Center . Currently, the system has been used widely in farms in Zhejiang , Anhui, Fujian and other provinces , the application of the scale is expanding .
For the entire LED industry chain , the poultry intelligent LED lighting system is undoubtedly adds a new field of application for enterprises to create new profit point in the industrial chain . Currently , the world such as the United States , Denmark applied research in this field has just started . U.S. NextGen Lighting Company (NGI), is a professional lighting manufacturer of agricultural , industrial and commercial lighting solutions. At present, thousands of pasture around the world in the use of its LED lighting products.
Thus , LED lighting applications in the field of poultry farming has become a global trend . January to June , Zhejiang Inspection and Quarantine Bureau data show that the area LED light products exported 292 million U.S. dollars , an increase of 44.42% over last year ; growth of LED lighting products is 5.4 times that of similar products.
At the same time , government support for the LED lighting business is also growing . Recently, Jiaxing City has also introduced the " Several Opinions accelerate the development of LED semiconductor lighting industry ," and proposed to accelerate the LED ( light emitting diodes ) industrial development, sales revenue in 2016 exceeded 100 billion yuan. This is the first in Zhejiang Province LED semiconductor lighting industry, local policies. It is understood that there are LED enterprises in Jiaxing City, 70 , in 2012 the output value of 2 billion yuan . Starting this year, Jiaxing City counties ( cities, districts ) will focus on funding for five consecutive years LED semiconductor lighting industry . Currently, the city level has developed specific subsidies , different types of LED industry projects , you can get a one-time grant in accordance with a certain proportion of the amount invested . Among them, the substrate material industry chain ( market area ) , extension and equipment , chip development and manufacturing projects , the maximum subsidy 3,000,000 yuan ; packaging, testing projects and applications projects , the maximum subsidy of 200 yuan; For LED Lighting lighting demonstration project given the prices of some 30% of the grant funds , the maximum grant two million yuan ......
In this growth , Jiang Jinsong believes that a combination of sensor technology, the market size of embedded technology , network communication technology broiler breeding intelligent LED lighting systems up to several hundred million , which for the LED industry, is also a the new direction of development.
Relative LED lighting applications in the field of poultry farming , plant lighting has first made ​​a Pathfinder ( market share it traded points ) . Industry analysts PIDA Fanhuai Ren pointed out , LED lighting plant factory annual output growth rate of 62%. However , LED lighting applications in the field of poultry are equally "Money" ?
Shenzhen Engineering Industrial Research Limited CEO Zhang Xiaofei told "Zhejiang" reporter , LED lighting industry chain has matured, supporting more smoothly between the industrial chain , LED lighting costs will drop substantially, beginning this year , LED general lighting market LED industry will become the engine of growth . Poultry industry is a unique LED lighting market development , the same plants as well as
Buy led high bay lamps . In contrast , LED plant lighting technology has been very mature, but in China, but also the value of several hundred million dollars only, compared to the value of the general lighting is also very small in terms of hundreds of billions , input and output is not proportional , this also allows a large number of companies covet this market segment , " close hand ." The global poultry LED lighting technology in its infancy, and the effect it produces a negative impact also identified the lack of a third party . Even though there is a huge market in the future , but also still some way to go.
This view has also been Jiang Jinsong recognition. Jiang Jinsong said that the current state of the entire LED industry is a lack of norms, standards and testing organization management , so the company put a lot of time spent on research , with a large number of experiments show that the effect of the application in the field of poultry farms in Tianjin is a very good demonstration . The company is still in the research and development of large sums to invest in this field , next year will generate a profit , is looking forward to a year .
Meanwhile, Zhang Xiaofei also affirmed that , LED lighting has many features , LED lighting simply replaced the traditional lighting market, and did not do innovation towards market segments is inevitable. Poultry farming is an area LED lighting business worth trying .

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