Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Star Television assume how to establish LED stage lighting standards

Recently, GB "LED stage lighting General technical conditions" working group held its first plenary meeting in Beijing . Conference hosted by the Star Television Vice Chairman Zhao Ming , attended by China Entertainment Technology Association led street light fixture , China Professional Committee Secretary General performance venue with equipment Zhao Hua , Shanghai Theatre Academy Professor Liu De , Chen Guoyi , as well as from Hao Yang Electronics Ya Jiang optoelectronics, lighting and other units on behalf of Pearl attended the meeting .
Vice Chairman Zhao Ming Star Television Star Television representatives welcomed and thanked the experts , and the standard -setting process on issues that need attention made ​​a speech. Zhao Ming said , Star Television for the first time leading the drafting of national standards, hopes to help guide the experts in the standard -setting to the next level . Zhu Village , chairman of Star Television commitment to the national standards congratulated He stressed that the commitment to the national standard Star Television is a major event in the industry , the association must fully support , but also hope that the working group members positive suggestions , you can create a technical requirements regulate the industry , and promote the development of national standards for the industry .
The main content of this meeting is to discuss the draft standard technology framework "LED stage lighting general technical conditions" to determine the preparation of the working group members and the division of labor , as well as the specific arrangements for future work plans. At the meeting, introduced the project preparation team leader Zhen Heping , the draft will be distributed to the various standards involved in the preparation of the unit and make innovations corresponding written content.
National Standards "
led street light fixture General technical conditions" so by the National Standardization Technical Committee Technical Committee conducted electrical lighting management issues , Star Television is responsible for drafting the completion date for the end of 2014 end . Since the National Standards Commission tasking , Star Television carried out preparatory work , forming a framework and draft technical standards .
May 2013 , Star Television preparation of the preparatory group was established to determine the preparatory group members and division of labor. Preparatory group through research, experts, to determine the technical framework content standards , including the terms of the safety indicators , performance indicators, targets and programs demonstrate the reliability and submit National Standards Commission confirmed .
September 2013 , Star TV standard according to the technical framework of the preparation of group members drafted the terms "
led street light fixture General technical conditions" and invited domestic lighting experts, who participate in standards discussions , forming a draft standard .

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