Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Parsing the wireless power supply technology of LED lighting products

LED lighting industry still start initial stage , a variety of led street light Manufacturer technology still further perfected. China's LED industry needs to grasp the pulse of the market , and actively expand the consumer market , forming a virtuous circle of market applications for scientific and technological innovation , technology and innovation driven by market demand . Play to the advantages of LED, the development of special -purpose LED light equipment, and actively expand the scope of application of LED light-emitting devices.
Non-contact power supply technology is characterized by a power supply terminal and the terminal without any physical connection , you can transfer the energy to the electricity side . The use of electromagnetic waves in the millimeter to centimeter range close non-contact power supply system has been applied . Such as electric vehicles, deepwater operations , robotics, mining machinery , electric toothbrushes , cell phones and laptops and other mobile devices , and even implantable electronic medical devices also adopted this technology powered charging. Therefore , close non-contact power supply technology has broad application prospects .
Based on the non -contact power supply technology , utilization of power electronics technology , magnetic coupling principle of electromagnetic induction , high frequency power conversion technology , the use of modern control theory and methods to achieve the isolation of power transmission systems and electrical equipment , so that the two of no direct contact between electrical, satisfy the special needs of the application, to improve the security and reliability of power transmission. Therefore, the non -contact power supply technology is a safe, reliable and flexible access to new energy technologies .
Non-contact power supply system consists of two parts and power transmission unit receiving unit . A power transmitting unit mainly by
led street light Manufacturer power supply circuit , the power amplifier output circuit , drive circuit, an oscillation circuit , a reference voltage circuit , a control circuit and a transmitting coil protection L1 ( transformer primary ) component ; power receiving unit includes a receiving coil L2 ( secondary of the transformer ) , high-frequency rectifier filter circuit and load composition.

LED lighting to create a three-dimensional marketing: online and offline drive to promote mutual
More importantly, at this stage of ordinary consumers and other department stores or hardware stores over traditional channels is still difficult to buy high-quality LED lights. Currently more than 95% of traditional lighting sources did not use a large area of ​​sales of LED lighting products, only a small number of large supermarkets such as Wal-Mart, etc. There are several brands of small amounts of style LED bulbs on sale. Therefore, those who know something about LED lighting can turn ordinary consumers find products on the Internet, which also caused the current LED lights popular online sales market.
LED boutique mall operations director Wenbin pointed out that online shopping can reduce the purchase cost of goods to reach the end user, at least compared with the traditional channels can be reduced 15-30%. In addition to online sales channels while commodity sales channels, or a brand awareness and product promotion channels show a lot of companies are very happy to accept this sales model.
According to reporter investigation LED current LED lamps online sales price is generally higher than the line low, but companies need to deliver certain management and promotion expenses to a third party trading platform, so online trading profit and trading profit under the basic line of flat, or even lower. It is reported that profits LED lights currently online transactions remained at around 20%, as well as the subsequent decline in space.
"LED lighting prices much higher than the energy-saving lamps, consumer acceptance of a certain degree of difficulty, and therefore the amount of online transactions will not go too fast." Liu Tong noted that with the decline in prices, people 's acceptance of
led street light  Manufacturer will gradually increased, but the overall market this year, the situation is still not optimistic.
With the continued decline in the price of raw materials and lighting devices, LED lighting market prices this year will continue to decline. According to Shenzhen, a small LED lighting business Yangxing responsible person, from last December to February this year, the price cut has reached 20%.

More info you can visit: http://www.lead-lighting.com/products/sid107-1.htm 

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