Sunday, December 15, 2013

How should China’s LED lighting enterprises hold out the regional brands

In the led street light wholesale industry matures , more and more national brands began to regional expansion , making a large number of former days were pretty good regional brand suffered unprecedented pressure. The area has long been the advantage of these " strongmen" who relied Following are also "strong dragon" increasingly clear regional strategy before eclipsed.
In order to seize the regional market , " strong dragon " who regionalization strategy increasingly clear . They take full advantage of its brand and scale advantages , deep channels, the price war , and launched meet local consumer demand, making the regional advantages channels "strongmen " who for many years formed products fade overnight .
And the product line layout , financial strength and ability to expand the LED market , regional small brands will generally lag behind national brands . Regional brands need to solve the " limited capital , the quality of personnel to be improved, much-needed innovation management and sales model , high-end users develop brand awareness , enhance reputation " and other pressures. Therefore , in the event of "strong dragon" invasion, regional brands are usually passive react.
The face of high-profile coverage and strong, well-capitalized and has a strong market power aggression strong national brand , regional brand , how to survive it? Regional brands how the "strong dragon" into play to their strengths , protect and enhance the existing market position ? this is a serious and urgent problem facing many regional brands .
Dense channel network is the unique advantages of regional brand , but also created favorable conditions for entering the market a national brand . Because the channel network is non -exclusive, resource-based regional brand is a national brand available channels , and national brands can provide various types of terminals more lucrative policy support. In the face of funding operational, market operations are very strong national brands , regional brands last longer channel edge .
Regional brands to try to narrow the battlefield in order to win the local superior force , try to become a big fish in a small pond , looking for a small to large companies are reluctant to resources to enter, while  led street light wholesale has enough defensible market segments, in a breakthrough product , and always keep this advantage . Products to market segments as a starting point , thus becoming a leader in the segments , which will help companies in the industry to enhance the brand . Unique in specific areas , must be able to find their own living space.
After all , in addition to national brands flagship product , is unlikely to have too many differences to develop products for each market . Although the differences in each product market capacity is not big, but these tend to be relatively flat market competition .

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