Tuesday, December 24, 2013

The internal injury of LED lighting products: The Evolution of contradiction between price and contradiction

In the end how long LED life period at prices discounted , LED product lifetime discount Insiders are also bold , said: ? ? One person's life a lamp , but in this era of rapid consumption , we really need such longevity product Why ? LED in the open market in the process of emerging issues , is not that make us reconsider , led street light fixture Manufacturer positioning, a person's life a lamp is suitable for consumer products such as LED products ?
On the one hand , from the consumer is concerned, an assumption that can really light 100,000 hours of life , then you need to spend 10 years, and now the rising standards of living of consumers , so that they do not replace the lamp a few years , they do it? this almost incredible long life in the end is to meet the market needs? Yihuo this long-life consumer's life can become cumbersome, outdated and finally come to no change for a wasteful embarrassment ?
On the other hand from the manufacturer concerned, if there really such a long LED products , then the manufacturers how to survive ? Market is bigger, there are always marginal , to the civilian market from the government to the public market to market to overseas markets if the market cycle is too slow , the oversupply is just a matter of time , now the reason given industry reshuffle instability in the industry , and that industry is a stable situation, what ? If everything is set in an ideal state , long life, high performance , energy saving, environmental protection and so on , such as advertising in general good , and that the
led street light fixture Manufacturer market saturation , many manufacturers are eliminated exhausted just a matter of time , long-life goods under the cover of this slow circulation , whether it will be a major drag LED industry development ?
According contradictions existing between the
led street light fixture Manufacturer industry price and life , many industry insiders pointed out: life can launch different products in different regions according to the level of consumption , since lower costs, came in line with consumer psychology , making LED products can be in rural areas lower consumption levels in areas such as marketing, this high consumption of high prices, low consumption and low price approach seems to solve the problem is currently a major route . But the high level of consumption cities for LED products with high requirements, but easier grass is always greener , lighting products in many cases seems to have become a trend FMCG , high longevity seems very wasteful attitude in the market. And in order to quickly occupied the lower level of consumption in rural and other areas , low-cost offensive seems useful, but substitute goods in these places slower , if reduced due to low-priced LED product life , it is difficult to convince the public .

More info you can visit: http://www.lead-lighting.com/products/sid108-1.htm

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