Monday, May 19, 2014

Reading the Fine Print: Lighting Tips for Seniors

Starting at around age 40, most people notice they need more light in order to read the "fine print" -. Whether it's in a legal document or on a menu in a dimly lit restaurant As they continue to age, they may discover that good lighting becomes more important than ever.

Without good lighting, outdoor LED Street Light 200w will find it difficult to see, and limited vision may restrict their ability to remain independent.

So how can seniors adjust the lighting design in their homes to account for this increased need for good lighting? Here are a few tips to help.Place adjustable task lights, floor lamps or table lamps near favorite reading spots and work areas such as a living room easy chair or home-office desk.

To reduce shadows caused by your hand, place a floor lamp or table lamp slightly to the front and on the opposite side of the hand you write with. So, if you are right-handed, place the lamp to your left and slightly to your front. If you are left-handed, place the lamp to your right and slightly to your front.
Avoid painting walls a very dark color. Stick to lighter-colored hues.
Use LED light strips to provide lighting in places such as under cabinets and over countertops.
To make it easier to read in bed, mount a outdoor LED Street Light above your headboard but below eye level.
To avoid falls during nighttime visits to the bathroom, illuminate the path from the bedroom to the bathroom with motion-sensored night lights.
Install light switches with toggles that glow in the dark rather than "feeling the walls" for a light switch in the dark.
Use lighting controls such as dimmers and window shades to adjust the lighting to fit the occasion and time of day.
To reduce glare caused by direct sunlight, use blinds or curtains to shade your windows.
More info you can visit:

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